眼球Optic bulb;Eyeball 角膜 Cornea 虹膜Iris 睫状体Ciliary body 视网膜 Retina
脉胳膜Choroid 巩膜 Sclera 视神经 Optic nerve(ON) 眼动脉 Ophthalmic artery(OA)
唾液腺、涎腺 Salivary gland 甲状腺Thyrlid 颌下腺Submaxillay gland 舌下腺 Sublingual gland 乳腺 Breast 颈总动脉Common carotid Artery(CCA) 颈外动脉External carotid Artery(ECA)颈内动脉Internal carotid Artery(ICA)无名动脉 Innominate artery 椎动脉 Vertebral artery (VA)
腹主动脉 Abdominal aorta(AA) 肠系膜上动脉Superior menteric artery(SMA)
怎么和女朋友聊天肝动脉Hepatic artery (HA) 胃左动脉 Left gastric artery (LGA) 脾动脉 SpA 肾动脉 RA卵巢动脉 OA 髂内动脉 IIA 髂外动脉 EIA 大隐静脉 GSV 下腔静脉 ICA 门静脉PV肝静脉HV 肾静脉 RV 股动脉 FA 锁骨下动脉 Subclavian artry
肝左叶 Left liver lobe (LL) 肝右叶(RL)尾状叶CL 方叶QL胆囊 GB 胆囊管 CD
肝管HD 肝门 Porta hepatis 胆囊窝CBF 肝总管 CHD 胆总管CBD 胰腺 Pancreas (Pa) 胰头 Head 0f pancreas (PaH) 胰颈PaN 胰体PaB 胰尾 PaB 钩突 Uncinate process
脾Spleen(SP) 脾门SPH 集合系统CS 肾Kidney (K) 肾盂 RP 肾盏 RC 肾柱 RCo
肾上腺 Adrenal gland (AG) 输尿管 UR 膀胱 BL/UB 尿道 Urethra 睾丸Tesitis (TS)
副睾 Epididymis (Ep) 鞘膜 Tunica vagialis 精囊 SV 阴囊 Scrotum (SC)腹股沟Inguen
前列腺Prostate (PST)
子宫Uterus (U)t 输卵管 Uterine tube 卵巢Ov 子宫内膜 En 阴道 Vagina 胚胎 Embryo社区教育
卵黄囊 Yolk sac (YS) 羊膜A m 胎儿Fetus(F) 胎心F Ht 胎头FH 胎儿脊柱F Sp
胎儿胃泡 F STO 胎儿肾 FK 胎儿肢体 F Lb 卵泡 Follicle 附件 Adnexa 羊水 AF
宫内节育器 IUD 妊娠囊 GS 顶臀长度 CRL 双顶径 BPD 头围 HC胸围 Th C 腹围AC
股骨长度 FL脊柱 Spine(Sp) 胎盘PL 脐带Umbilical cord (UC)
(一) 仪器和原理方面
切面面积 Cross ctional Area (CSA) 扫描器、探头Scanner (SCNR)
凸形、凸阵Convex (CVX) 扇扫角度Sector Angle (Sec Ang)
辉度、亮度Brightness 冻结 Freeze (FRZ)
平均速度 Mean Velocity (Mean Vel) 增益 Gain
返流Reverd Flow (RF) 频谱Frequency Spectrum
彩色多普勒血流显像 Color Doppler Flow Imaging (CDFI)
经颅多普勒 Transcranial Doppler ( TCD)
腹部血流显示 Abdominal Flow Display (AFD)
阴道超声 Transvagin Scan (TVS)
胎盘 Placenta (PL) 胎心 Fetal Heart (F Ht)
胎头 Fetal Head (FH) 胎头指数 Cephalic Index
大脑镰 Falx Cerebri (FC;;;;FL) 丘脑、视丘 Thalmus (Th)
侧脑室Lateral Ventricle (LV) 第三脑室 Third Ventricle (V3)
透明隔Septum Pellucidum (SP) 透明隔腔 Septum Pellucidum (SP)
脐带 Umbilical Cord (UC) 绒毛 Villus
绒毛膜Chorion (C ) 蜕膜 Decidua
羊水Amniotic Fluid (AF) 羊水指数 Amniotic Fluid Index (AFI)
妊娠囊Gestational Sac (GS) 双顶径 Biparietal Diameter (BPD)
股骨径Femur Length (FL) 顶臀长度Crowm-Rump Length (CRL)
胸围 Thoracic Circumference (Th C) 腹围Abdominal Circumference (AC)
头围 Head circumference (HC) 枕额径Occipital Frontal Diameter (OFD)
子宫Uterus 输卵管Uterine Tube,Oviduct
降压药副作用卵巢Ovary, Ovaries (Ov) 子宫颈Cervix (C )
子宫腔Urterine Canal 子宫内膜Endometriosis (En)
阴道 Vagina 卵黄囊Yolk Sac (YS)
子宫内口Internal Ostium of the Uterius 子宫口Orifice of the Uterius
2) 眼、面颈、涎腺、乳腺、胸腔
眼球Optic Bulb;;;; Eyeball 角膜Cornea
前房Anterior Chamber(AC ) 虹膜Iris
睫状体Ciliary Body 视网膜Retina
脉络膜Choroid 巩膜Sclera
房水 Aqueous Humour 玻璃体 Vitreous
晶状体Lens 腮腺Parotid
颌下腺Submaxillay Gland 舌下腺Sublingual Gland
甲状腺Thyroid 甲状旁腺Parathroid
乳腺Breast 横膈Diaphragm (D)
胸腔Thoracic cavity
腹主动脉Abdominal Aorta (AA) 腹腔动脉Celiac Artery (Ce A;;;;CA)
肠系膜上动脉Superior Menteric Artery (SMA) 胃左动脉Left Gastric Artery
脾动脉Splenic Artery (Sp A) 肾动脉Renal Artery (RA)
门静脉Portal Vein (PV) 肝静脉Hepatic Vein (HV)
肝中静脉Medial Hepatic Vein (MHV) 肝左静脉Left Hepatic Vein(LHV)
肝右静脉Right Hepatic Vein (RHV) 下腔静脉Inferior Vena Cava (IVC)
肠系膜上静脉Superior Menteric Vein (SMV) 肾静脉Renal Vein (RV)
背上有痣好吗腋静脉Axillary Vein 锁骨下静脉Subclavian Vein (SCV)
颈外静脉External Jugular Vein 颈内静脉Internal Jugular Vein
福字窗花怎么剪颈总动脉Common Jugular Artery 髂内动脉Internal Iliac Artery
髂外动脉External Iliac Artery 髂总动脉Common Iliac Artery
大隐静脉Great Saphenous Vein 小隐静脉 Short Saphenous Vein
股动脉Femoral Artery 股静脉 Femoral Vein
腘动脉Popliteal Artery 腘静脉Popliteal Vein
足背动脉 Dorsal Pedal Artery
4) 肝、胆、胰、脾、泌尿生殖
肝左叶Left Liver Lobe (LL) 肝右叶 Right Liver Lobe (RL)
尾状叶Caudate Lobe (CL) 方叶 Quadrate Lobe (QL)
胆囊 Gallbladder (G 胆囊管Cystic Duct (CD)
肝管 Hepatic Duct (HD) 胆总管Common Bile Duct (CBD)
肝门 Porta Hepatis 肝总管Common Hepatic Duct (CHD)
肝管 Hepatic Duct (HD) 胰腺 Pancreas (P;;;;Pa)
胰管 Pancreatic Duct (PD;;;;PaD) 副胰管Santorini Duct (SD)
胰头Head of Pancreas (PaH) 胰颈 Neck of Pancreas (PaN)
胰体Body Of Pancreas (Pa 胰尾Tail of Pancreas (PaT)
钩突Uncinate Process 脾 Spleen (Sp)
肾Kidney (K) 肾盂Renal Pelvis (RP)
肾盏Renal Calyces (RC) 锥体Pyramids (Py)
肾柱Renal Colums (Rco) 肾上腺Adrenal Gland (AG)
输尿管Ureters (Ur) 膀胱Urinary Bladder (U,Bladder (BL)
前列腺Prostate (Pro) 尿道Urethra
睾丸Testis (Ts) 副睾Epididymis (Ep)
鞘膜Tunica Vagialis, Vagina Tunic 精囊Vesiculae Seminals;;;; Seminal Vesicle (SV) 阴囊Scrotum (Sc),Scrotal Sac (SS) 精索Spermatic Cord
腹股沟 Inguen
5)胃 肠
胃Stomach (STO) 贲门Cardia (C ),(Ca)
胃底Fundus of Stomach (SF) 胃体Body of Stomach (S
幽门Pylorus (Py) 十二指肠Duodenum (Du)
小肠Small Intestine 空肠 Jejunum
回肠Ileum 盲肠Cecum
阑尾Appendix (Ap) 大肠Large Intestine
结肠Colon (Co) 结肠肝曲Hepatic Flexure of Colon
结肠脾曲Splenic Flexure of Colon 升结肠Ascending Colon (As C)
横结肠Transver Colon (Tr C) 降结肠Descending Colon (De C )
乙状结肠Sigmoid Colon 直肠Rectum
肠系膜 Mentery
6) 肌肉、骨关节
肌肉Muscle, Musculus (M) 肌腱Tendon Tendon
腓骨Fib 腰大肌M.Psoas Major
尺骨Ulna 脊柱Verebral Colum, Spine
椎骨Vertebra (V 肱骨Humerus
脊柱裂Spina Bifida (S 桡骨Raduis
股骨Fumur 胫骨Tibiaula
颅骨Skull ,Cranial Bones 髂骨Ilium曲江对酒
髋骨Hip 髂嵴Iliac Creast
7) 其它
脓肿Abscess (ABS) 钙化Calcification (CAL)
肌瘤Myoma (MYO) 结核Tuberculosis (TB
淋巴结Lymph node (LN) 肿瘤Tumor (T)
包块Mass( M) 结节Node (N)
骑电瓶车壁Wall (W) 积液Effusion (Eff)
腹水Ascites (ASC) 坏死Necrosis (Nec)
结石Stone (St) 靶团 Target (TAR)
血肿Hematoma (HMA) 血栓Thrombus (Th)
纤维化Fibrosis (Fib) 疤痕Scar (Sc)
囊肿Cyst (Cy) 脂肪瘤 Lipoma
淋巴瘤Lymphoma 错构瘤 Hamartoma
异物Foreign Boby (F 栓塞 Embolism
粪石Fecalith (Fe) 半月板 Meniscus
转移灶Metastasis (Met) 沉积物Sediment (Sed
针尖Needle Tip (NT)班级管理案例
血管瘤 Angioma (ANG)
宫内节育器 Intrauterine Devices (IUD)
蛔虫Ascariasis (As)
胆道蛔虫Bile Dull Ascariasis (BDAS)