2、进⼊预约,即点开“ 预约来签证中⼼递交申请”下⽅的橘红⾊的“点击这⾥”
曾经爱过的那个人Terms and Conditions 条款
View Terms and Conditions查看条款 View Privacy statement查看隐私声明
I have read and agree to the terms and conditions: 本⼈已阅读并同意该条款:
Application context 申请⽂本
Current location ⽬前所在地
Is the applicant currently outside Australia? 申请⼈⽬前是否在澳⼤利亚境外?
Give the current location of the applicant and their legal status at this location.
Current location:当前所在地
Legal status: 法律地位(指是否是该国公民等)
Purpo of stay 申请签证的⽬的
Select the stream the applicant is applying for:选择申请的⽬的(译者注:有多项选择,如果要申请10年签证,忽略其他选项)
Frequent Traveller (tourism or business purpos)
note:This stream has a higher application fee and is only available to applicants with a passport from an eligible country.
注: 此选项签证费⽐较⾼,且只适⽤于申请⼈有指定国家的护照。(译者注:中国执照可办)
Select the applicant's initial purpo of stay:
Visa lodgement number (VLN):VLN码(译者注:就是前⾯提到的⽣物采集后给的⼀个编号)
List all reasons for visiting Australia:
Give details of any significant dates on which the applicant needs to be in Australia:
详细说明申请⼈需要在澳⼤利亚的⽇期: (译者注:可以列出第⼀次前往澳⼤利亚的时间计划)
Group processing 团体签
Is this application being lodged as part of a group of applications? 该申请是否是团体签的⼀部分
Applicant 申请⼈
Information: Entering names incorrectly may result in denial of permission to board an aircraft to Aust ralia, or result in delays in border processing on arrival to Australia, even if the applicant has been granted a visa.
Passport details 护照内容
Enter the following details as they appear in the applicant's personal passport. 输⼊申请⼈护照上⾯的如下内容
Family name: 姓
Given names: 名
Sex: 性别
Date of birth: 出⽣⽇期
Passport number: 护照号码
Country of passport: 护照签发国家
Nationality of passport holder: 护照持有⼈国藉
Date of issue: 护照签发⽇期
Date of expiry: 护照过期⽇期
Place of issue - China: 护照签发地(译者注:选择签发的省份)
It is strongly recommended that the passport be valid for at least six months. 强烈建议护照有效期⾄少6个⽉。National identity card 公民⾝份证
Does this applicant have a national identity card? 申请⼈是否拥有公民⾝份证
National identity card 公民⾝份证信息
Enter details exactly as shown on the national identity card. 输⼊⾝份证上的如下信息
Family name: 姓
Given names: 名
关于黄山的诗句Identification number: ⾝份证号码
Country of issue: 签发国
Date of issue: 签发⽇期
Date of expiry: 过期⽇期
Place of birth 出⽣地
Town / City: 镇/市
State / Province: 州/省
Country of birth: 国家
Relationship status 婚姻状况
Relationship status: 婚姻状况
Other names / spellings 其他名字/拼写
Is this applicant currently, or have they ever been known by any other names? 申请⼈是否在⽤或者曾⽤过其他名字
Citizenship 公民
Is this applicant a citizen of the country of passport? 申请⼈是否是护照签发国的公民?
Is this applicant a citizen of any other country? 申请⼈是否是其他国家的公民?
Other passports 其他护照
Does this applicant have other current passports?申请⼈当前是否还有其他护照?
Other identity documents 其他⾝份证明⽂件
Does this applicant have other identity documents? 申请⼈是否还有其他⾝份证明⽂件?
Chine commercial code 中国商业编码
Enter name in Chine Commercial Code number (if ud) 输⼊中国商业编码名字(如果有的话)
Health examination 体检
Has this applicant undertaken a health examination for an Australian visa in the last 12 months? 申请⼈是否为申请澳⼤利亚签证在过去的12个⽉内进⾏过体检?
Critical data confirmation 关键信息确认
All information provided is important to the processing of this application.所有的信息对该签证的申请过程都极为重要
If the information included on this page is incorrect, it may lead to denial of permission to board an aircraft to Australia, even if a visa has been granted. 如果这页的信息有误,即使取得签证,也可能导致被拒绝登机前往澳⼤利亚
Confirm that the following information is correct and that it is in the correct fields. 确认以下的信息⽆误并填写在正确的地⽅。
Family name: 姓
Given names: 名
Sex: 性别
Date of birth: 出⽣⽇期
Country of birth: 国家
Passport number: 护照号码
Country of passport: 护照签发国
Is the above information correct?
Additional identity questions 附加⾝份问题
Provide further details below, where available. 提供以下更详细的内容
Previous travel to Australia 曾经到过澳⼤利亚
Has this applicant previously travelled to Australia or previously applied for a visa? 申请前以前是否去过澳⼤利亚或者曾申请过澳⼤利
Travelling companions 随⾏⼈员
Are there any other persons travelling with the applicant to Australia? 是否有其他⼈与申请⼈⼀起前往澳⼤利亚?
Contact details 联系信息
Country of residence 居住国
Usual country of residence: 平常居住国
Department office 签证处
The applicant may be required to attend an Australian Government Office for an interview. Which is the clost office to the applicant’s current location? 申请有可能会被要求⾯谈,哪⼀个签证处距离申请⼈所在地⽐较近?
Office: 签证中⼼(译者注:有北京、上海、⼴州、成都四个签证处供选择)
Residential address 居住地址
note that a street address is required. A post office address cannot be accepted as a residential address. 需要详细地址,不能只提供邮箱地址
Country: 国家
bios怎么读Address: 详细地址
北京故宫英语Suburb / Town: 区/镇
State or Province: 省份
Postal code: 邮政编码
Contact telephone numbers 联系电话
Home phone: 家庭电话
Business phone:业务电话
Mobile / Cell phone:⼿机号码
Postal address 邮寄地址
Is the postal address the same as the residential address? 是否邮寄地址与居住地址⼀致?
Email address 电⼦邮箱
Email address: 电⼦邮箱
note:Provide the applicant's email address. This address will be ud for all correspondence after visa decision notification. The applicant must notify the Department if this email address changes. If the applicant does not connt to the Department communicating with them electronically, the applicant can advi the Department at any time by completing Form 1193. 注: 提供申请⼈的电⼦邮箱地址,签证是否签发都通过这个邮箱通知申请⼈,如果邮箱地址更改,申请⼈必须通知签证部门。如果申请⼈不同意以电⼦⽅式联络,申请⼈可随时以1193表格的形式通知本签证部门。
Authorid recipient 授权收件