The color word has rich connotations in the two languages, plays a very important role in the cultural psychology and ethnic customs. And from black, white Chine and English meaning can be en that the differences between Chine and Western culture. To understand and master the vocabulary of the color differences, to overcome the conflict between Chine and Western culture, have certain practical significance to promote cultural exchanges between China and the west.
Keywords: color words; translation; cultural difference;
Nature is be riotous with colour. Colours have special meaning in the eyes of the people, causing specific Lenovo, stimulate the special reaction, this is the color of the social connotation. Chine and English there are many color words reflect the different cultural mentality and emotions. Especially the Chine, since ancient times there is rich and colorful color words. Similarly, in English, there are many that reflects the western culture of color words. But becau of the difference between Chine and English, the natural environment, social system, cultural background, local customs and practices, the connotative meaning both have similarities, there are different points. Some comparison
and discussion of the following on the black and white in western culture in the symbolic meanings of color words, in order to bring some interest to English learners, learners of English to improve their enthusiasm for learning English, and deepen the Chine understanding of Western culture.
黑色(black)在英语和汉语两种语言文化中的联系意义大致相同。例如,黑色是悲哀的颜色,英美人在葬礼上穿黑色服装,中国人在葬礼上戴黑纱。英语中的Black Friday指耶稣在复活节前受难的星期五,是悲哀的日子。同时,黑色都代表黑暗、阴险、邪恶。比如汉语有黑社会、黑帮、黑幕,而英语中也有类似表达。如: black money(黑钱,指来源不正当而且没有向政府报税的钱); black market(黑市交易或黑市意为暗中进行政府禁止买卖的商品或外汇的交易,或指进行违法的投机市场); black market price(黑市价格); black day(凶日); black future(暗淡的前途海外e购综合论坛); blackmail(勒索); black list(黑名单)。
在英语中黑色也有其自己的文化内涵。众所周知,基督教文化对英美人影响深远。在《圣经》里,黑色象征魔鬼、邪恶、痛苦与不幸。所以,黑色(black)是西方文化的基本禁忌色,它象征死亡、凶兆和灾难,如black death黑死病, to wear black for her father为她父亲戴孝, black words不吉利的话, a black letter day凶日辣的英文; 它又象征邪恶和犯罪,如Black Man邪恶的恶魔, a black deed极其恶劣的行为, black guard恶棍、流氓, blackmail敲诈、勒索;它也象征耻辱和不光彩,如a black mark污点,black sheep败家子, a black eye丢脸、坏名声;它还象征沮丧和前途暗淡,如black dog沮丧,意气消沉,The future looks black前途暗淡。在英语中black还象征气愤和恼怒。如: black in the face(脸色铁青); to look black at someone(怒目而视);He gave me a black look.他怒气冲冲地看着我。在文学及表演艺术上,黑色代表虚伪(falhood),错误(error),因而,black humor(黑色幽默)指的就是一种荒诞、病态、过分夸张
有趣的是,商业英语的be in the black却有好的意思,表示“有盈余”, 再比如:black figure / in the black(盈利、赚钱、顺差); black figure nation(国际收支顺差国)。
由此可见,黑色的英汉文化内涵还是有不少差异的。正是由于这些文化差异,在翻译过程中,有时候英语的“black”和汉语的“黑”是 不能等同的,比如:black sheep“败类”;black eye“丢脸”;black tea“红茶”;black swan“稀有罕见的东西”;black leg“工贼”;in one’s black books“被某人嫌恶”;black coffee(不加牛奶的咖啡); 而汉语中一些有“黑”的词不也能用black表示,如:黑心evil mind ; 黑手evil back stage manipulator; 黑幕inside story; 黑线a sinister line ; 黑话 (argot)狂热的英文、黑暗 (dark),黑面包 (brown bread). 这些都是我们在英语学习过程中应该注意,以免陷入颜色误区。
, black (black)
黑色(black)在英语和汉语两种语言文化中的联系意义大致相同。例如,黑色是悲哀的颜色,英美人在葬礼上穿黑色服装我的家风作文,中国人在葬礼上戴黑纱。英语中的Black Friday指耶稣在复活节前受难的星期五,是悲哀的日子。同时,黑色都代表黑暗、阴险、邪恶。比如汉语有黑社会、黑帮、黑幕,而英语中也有类似表达。如: black money(黑钱,指来源不正当而且没有向政府报税的钱); black market(怎么种姜黑市交易或黑市意为暗中进行政府禁止买卖的商品或外汇的交易,或指进行违法的投机市场); black market price(黑市价格); black day(凶日); black future(暗淡的前途); blackmail(勒索); black list(黑名单)。
Black (black) in English and Chine two languages culture in the n of connection to roughly the same. For example, black is the colour of mourning, the British and Americans wear black clothes at the funeral, Chine wear black at the funeral. English B
lack Friday refers to Jesus in the Friday before Easter passion, is a sad day. At the same time, the black reprents the dark, evil, sinister. For example, Chine triad, gangster, shady, and also have a similar expression in english. Such as: black money (money, referred to as the source of unfair and not to the government tax money); black market (black market or black market for the government to ban the sale of goods or foreign exchange transactions, or the illegal market speculation); black market price (black market prices); black day (black day); black future (a bleak future); blackmail (extortion); black list (blacklist).
However, black has different meanings in English and chine. Black in ancient China, indicative of high resolute, solemn, be just and stern, honest and straightforward, mysterious commendatory. In the theatrical, often with black mask symbol characters upright, pitiless or upright character. In addition, it is becau of its own dark without light, give a person with insidious, sinister and horrible feeling. It is the symbol of evil and the reaction, such as a sinister man "black heart", is not to be divulged ugly story is "dark", th
e members of the group is "the gang", "black", the rulers as political percution of dissidents out of the list is called "blacklist", it said crime, illegal acts, dry bandits called "go there", said the kill and rob, do illegal business inn called "black", the contraband goods called "smuggled goods", prohibited goods trading places called "black market", the u of illegal means to get the money is the "black money", the organized crime and the the implementation of some crimes for the purpo and the formation of the gang, gang, group or organization known as the "black society".
在英语中黑色也有其自己的文化内涵。众所周知,基督教文化对英美人影响深远。在《圣经》里,黑色象征魔鬼、邪恶、痛苦与不幸。所以,黑色(black)是西方文化的基本禁忌色,它象征死亡、凶兆和灾难,如black death黑死病, to wear black for her father为她父亲戴孝, black words不吉利的话, a black letter day凶日; 它又象征邪恶和犯罪,如Black Man邪恶的恶魔, a black deed奢侈品排行极其恶劣的行为, black guard恶棍、流氓, blackmail敲诈、勒索;它也象征耻辱和不光彩,如a black mark污点,black sheep败家子, a black eye丢脸、坏名声;它还象征沮丧和前途暗淡,如black dog沮丧,意气消沉,The future looks black前途暗淡。在英语中black还象征气愤和恼怒。如: black in the face(脸色铁青); to look black at someone(怒目而视);He gave me a black look.他怒气冲冲地看着我。在文学及表演艺术上,黑色代表虚伪(falhood),错误(error),因而,black humor(黑色幽默)指的就是一种荒诞、病态、过分夸张的幽默。
In English the black also has its own cultural connotation. As everyone knows, the Christian culture has profound influence on American and british. In the "Bible", the black symbol of the devil, evil, pain and miry. So, black (black) is the basic taboo color in the western culture, it is a symbol of death, the omen and disasters, such as the black death to wear black for, her father wear black for her father, black words ominous words, a black letter day black day; it is the symbol of evil and crime, such as the Black Man evil the devil, a black deed is extremely bad, black guard villain, rogue, blackmail blackmail, e
xtortion; it is also a symbol of shame and disgrace, such as a black mark stain, black sheep a black eye black sheep, humiliated, bad reputation; it is also a symbol of frustration and bleak future, such as black dog depresd, depression, The future looks black a bleak future. In English, black is also a symbol of anger and irritation. Such as: black in the face (face); to look black at someone (look at with angry eyes); He gave me a black look. he be ablaze with anger at me. In the literature and the performing arts, the black reprents fal (falhood), error (error), therefore, black humor (black humor) refers to an absurd, morbid, exaggerated humor.