American Economy
General Introduction
American economy is now the largest in the world. America posss toughly 25% of the world’s output, about 5% of the world’s population, and the great variety of climatic conditions, soil types, and minerals.
南昆山森林公园The American capitalistic economy has developed largely by a process of continual change. The dominating force has not been a central plan but individuals and associations of individuals trying to advance their own interests by producing, buying, and lling in predominantly free and competitive markets. In American economy, privately owned and operated business, including farms, produce about 85% of the total final output of goods and rvices. People in independent professional practice, such as doctors lawyers, and accountants, produce about 3% of the total. Government units, including school districts, turn out most of the rest of the country's products and rvices.Business employees, including the lf-employed, such as farmers, make up the largest proportion of the working
population, accounting for more than 75%. Government workers at national, state, and local levels come next, with approximately 21%. Employees of nonprofit organizations and domestic rvants account for most of the others. The United States operates with a competitive market economy. Wages, prices, the allocation of goods and rvices, and the employment of resources are generally regulated by the law of supply and demand. The market has the advantage that the process of decision-making is decentralized and responsive to the expresd wishes of consumers. A desire on the part of consumers for a given product will induce business firms to produce the product, so long as it can be done at a profit.
American Agriculture
孤独的滋味The United States is the world's leading exporter of agricultural products.
While agriculture has a comparatively small share of the national economy and employment, the industry nonetheless remains one of the country's most important. American Agriculture meets the nation's principal domestic requirement for food and natu
ral textile fibers, while supplying about 20% of the value of American exports.Cereal grains constitute the cond most important export, with vegetable oils and related products not far behind. The position of the United States in World agricultural trade is explained by the extraordinary productivity of U. S. farm labor. With perhaps half of 1% of the world agricultural labor force, the United States produces nearly 20% of the grains, including 50% of the corn, grown in the world. It ranks first, cond, or third in the production of corn, wheat, soybeans, oranges, meats, milk, apples, oats, cotton, tobacco, peanuts, and edible vegetable oils. Agricultural regionally. activities are widely distributed.
The leading producing areas for field crops are the plains states for wheat, the Midwest for corn and soybeans; the southern states for cotton, tobacco, and rice. The area of the pacific coast for fruits, vegetables and wheat. The leading sources of livestock and other products are the Midwest, Oklahoma, and Texas for cattle; Wisconsin, New York, Minnesota, and California for dairy products, and Arkansas, Georgia, Alabama, and North Carolina for poultry. Most farms are family owned, although large corporations have made inroads into the farming industry since World War I. The scale of operations has inc
read dramatically, and the volume and value of capital ud per farm have rin. While many small farms remain, production is now dominated in many subdivisions of the industry by large family-owned and corporate farms.
American economy development
In 1640s, American had slipped into the habit of shipping their goods to continental ports. After the restoration, English was in a position to enforce a strict commercial policy,beginning with the navigation Acts of 1660 and 1663. The Revolution war ended the dominance of England and made the colony independent, which contribute to the capitalism of America. Introduction of the factory system gathered many workers and American system of mass production originated in the firearms industry. And new technology was applied to industrial tasks. The new forms of business organization emerged, notably the bank and the corporation,which facilitated the growth of industry. The construction of railways beginning in the 1830s, marked the start of a new era for the United States. Cotton was much in demand after 1785as the British cotton textile industry
developed. So cotton plantations expanded in the South and Southwest of the US, especially after Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin in 1793.
威尔逊总统>删除空格The rapid economic development following the Civil war laid the groundwork for the modern U.S. industrial economy. An explosion of new discoveries and inventions took place, causing such profound changes that some termed the results a cond industrial revolution. Technological changes, new power sources, the development of the corporation bad on multiple ownership of stock, and other forces brought forth the modern big business firm.
The Crash of 1929 led the American economy into a long depression. And a person to come to their rescue was Franklin Delano Roovelt, who helped America out of the crisis and on the way to becoming an economically strong and prosperous society. Mobilizing production and wartime prosperity. World War had its most profound impact on American domestic life by at last ending the Great Depression. By the middle end of the 1941,the economic problems had virtually vanished. The first postwar president, Democr
更有趣的英文at Harry Truman favored a major expansion of the New Deal. Days after the Japane surrender, Truman submitted to Congress a twenty point domestic program outlining what he later termed the New Deal. Myth of the new economy. A recession marked the early years of Reagan presidency, but condition started to improve in 1983 and the US entered one of the longest period of sustained economic growth since World War.