概率(几率) probability
·方差 variance
·分散维修 decentralized maintenance
·动态试验 dynamic test
·动力设备设施管理 power facilities management 关于春节的故事
·除尘、防护设备管理 duct-proof and protective equipment managemen夫妻哪些事 t
·抽样调查 sampling investigation
夏塔古道·备件国产化管理 domestic production management of imported spare parts
·标准偏差 standard deviation
·安装预算 budget of installation
·包机制 machine contracting system
·班前检查与润滑制度 regulation of check and lubrication before on shift
·[设备]交接班制度 shift relief system
·《设备管理条例》(《条例》) 《Equipment Management Regulation》
·[设备]修理 repair
·[设备]维修 maintenance (and repair)
·重点调查 key-point investigation
·重点设备管理 management of key-point equipment
·重点设备 key-point equipment
·责任事故 liability accident
·指数分布 exponential distribution
·直方图 histogram
·预付与托收承付 prepayment and collection
·预防性试验 prophylactic test
·预防为主 prevention first
·正交设计法(正交试验法) orthogonal design
·正态分布 normal distribution
·运输车辆管理制度 transportation vehicle management system
·质量“三包” three guarantees of quality
·质量事故 accident due to quality
·压力容器管理制度 management regulation of pressure vesl
·无故障运行时间 mean time to failure
·威布尔分布 Weibull distribution
·闲置设备管理制度 idle equipment management
·闲置设备 idle plant
元旦节日记·统计分析 statistical analysis
·维修性 maintainability
想自由·维修信息管理 maintenance information management
·维护与计划检修相结合 combination of rvice and planned maintenance
·随机事件 random event
·数控设备管理 numerical control (NC) equipment management
·三级保养制 three-level rvice system
·数学期望 mathematical expectation
·数学模型 mathematical model
·数理统计 mathematical statistics
·生产技术装备 technical facilities in production 涵洞帽石
·生产设备 production equipment
·寿命周期费用 life cycle cost (LCC)
·润滑油库管理制度 mangement regulation of lubricant warehou
·商检(商品检验) commodity inspection
复方磺胺甲恶唑·设计、制造与使用相结合 combination of design, manufacturing and operation
·设备调研 investigation on plant
·设备的可靠性与可靠度 reliability reliability theory
·设备的节能性 energy saving property of plant
·设备的检查评比 facility inspection and apprai through comparison for plant
·设备点检制度 plant check system
·设备的成套性 complete t of plant
·设备的安全性 safety of plant
·设备的生产率 productivity of plant
设备的耐用性 durability of plant
·设备的灵活性 flexibility of plant
·设备状态监测与诊断技术管理 equipment condition monitoring and diagnostic technology manage
·设备状态管理制度 equipment condition management systen
·设备综合管理 total plant management
·设备资产动态管理制度 dynamic management system of plant asts
·设备租赁 plant leasing
·设备修前准备制度 preparation system before equipment repair
·设备修理工时定额 man-hours quota for equipment repair
·设备修理费用定额 expen quota for equipment repair
·设备修理材料定额 material quota for equipment repair
·设备修理质量验收制度 acceptance regulation of equipment repair quality
·设备型号 equipment model
·设备型式 type of equipment
·设备经济寿命 economical life of equipment
·设备经营管理制度 operation and business management system
·设备技术档案 technical document of plant
·设备技术状况 technical conditions of equipment
·设备技术状态管理 technical condition management of plant
·设备技术资料管理制度 management system for technical document and file of plant
·设备技术性能 technical properties of plant
·设备技术寿命 technical life of equipment
·设备检修专业化协作 specialized cooperation of plant maintenance
·设备检修计划管理制度 planning and management regulation of plant maintenance
·设备检修计划 plant maintenance plan
·设备检修规程 plant maintenance specification
·设备检修质量 plant maintenance quality
·设备基础设计与施工 design and construction of equipment foundation
·设备合同管理 management of equipment order contract
·设备规划可行性分析 feasibility studies of plant project
设备规划 investment plan of plant
·设备功能(效能) performance of plant
·设备工作能力 operational capability of plant
·设备管理考核制度 examination and check systems of plant management
·设备管理经济责任制度 economic responsibility regulation of plant management
·设备管理岗位标准 post standard of plant management
·设备管理制度 plant management systems
·设备管理停歇时间定额(停歇天数) downtime quota for equipment repair
·设备管理现代化 plant engineering modernization
·设备管理 plant management, plant enginerring
·设备固定资产管理制度 fixed plant asts management systems
·设备故障 equipment failure
·设备更新管理制度 plant renewal management
·设备更新 plant renewal
·设备更换 plant replacement
·设备岗位责任 post responsibility of plant management
·设备改造管理制度 equipment modification management system
·设备改造 plant reconstruction, plant modernization