1. Introduction----------------------------------------------------------------------------------2-3
2. Centralized vs Decentralized--------------------------------------------------------------3-6
3. Single vs Multi-sourcing-------------------------------------------------------------------6-8
4. Purchasing System------------------------------------------------------------------------8-10
5. Performance Measurement of Purchasing and benchmarking---------------------10-12
5.1 Price / Cost ---------------------------------------------------------------------------10
5.2 Timeliness / Delivery----------------------------------------------------------------11
5.3 Quality / Product --------------------------------------------------------------------11
6. Vendor Evaluation-----------------------------------------------------------------------12-14
7. Contribution of Purchasing-------------------------------------------------------------15-16
8. IT and purchasing -----------------------------------------------------------------------16-18
9. Outsourcing Decision (make or buy decision)---------------------------------------18-19
10. Capital Equipment Purcha----------------------------------------------------------19-20
11. Conclusion----------------------------------------------------------------------------------20
1. Introduction
There is one simple question needed to be addresd: why do we need purchasing? From historical point of view, a continual development of specialization, industrialization, and international division of labor enhances interdependence among many companies. Since certain companies will be good at making or providing certain things/rvices, and most companies will not make everything by themlves, then there is a need to source certain commodities or rvices from each other. This gives a necessity to purcha tho goods or rvices from each other.
订单跟踪管理Purchasing refers to a business or organization attempting to acquire goods or rvices to accomplish the goals of the enterpri. The purchasing department is responsible for obtaining by purcha, lea or other legal means, the equipment, materials supplies and rvices required for u in production. Though there are veral organizations that attempt to t standards in the purchasing process, process can vary greatly between organizations. According to Lysons and Gillingham (2003)1, purchasing is to obtain materials of the right quality in the right quantity from the right source, delivered to the right place at the right price.
The term ‘right’ is situational: each organization will define ‘right’ differently. The specified ‘rights’ must be consistent with corporate goals and objectives from which functional goals and objectives are derived. For example, IKEA has emphasized a lot on sustainable development and corporate governance, therefore it has sourced its raw materials such as timbers from some suppliers who would promi to replant back the tree saplings.
In this assignment, regarding the objectives of the purchasing function, appropriate structures to manage the purchasing function in Dong Yuan will be discusd. Purchasing system and related performance measurement and benchmarking systems will be recommended as well. At the same time, the objectives of Dong Yuan’s purchasing system and its contribution to the organization will be critically evaluated. Various ways in which IT can be utilized to enhance the efficiency of supply chain management will be analyzed.
Regarding how to evaluate and lect suppliers for Dong Yuan, strategies ud by Dong Yuan to develop and maintain effective supplier relationships will be examined. After the examination, suitable strategies with regard to relationships with suppliers will be propod. At the same time, effective systems for vendor appraisal will be devid. Regarding Dong Yuan’s decision of whether maintaining Oracle system in-hou or out source, appropriate recommendations will be given. Last but not least, techniques for the purcha of capital goods will be identified and assd.
2. Centralized vs Decentralized
2.1 Centralized vs Decentralized
There are two types of purchasing structure for majority of companies. One is centralized purchasing, the other one is decentralized purchasing.
Centralized purchasing takes place at one department such as purchasing department. For example, if there is a homogeneous item required at every plant, it would be better to centralize the purchasing. The advantage could be: 以手掩面
(a) 淡淡的花香economic of scale since there could be ordering in bulk and to get a discount for it. (b) avoidance of price anomalies since there could be a long term contract to fix the price in certain range.
世界上最好的酒店(c) better stock management since there is one centralized purchasing department to be responsible.
(d) better standards, procedures and specifications since the purchasing department would come out with one unified standard operation procedures for all the divisions.