Chapter 3
1)艾滋病是怎么得的Grammetrics: Grammetrics is the ways in which grammatical units are fitted into metrical units such as lines and stanzas.
2) Marked theme: The literary writer can go beyond this and may place any of the rest of clau elements in the thematic position in order to achieve certain literary effect. The theme thus produced is unusual and is therefore called a ‘marked’ theme.
3) Apocope: The omission of a final part of a wood.
关于春晚4) Affixation: Affixation is the addition of a prefix or suffix to an item which already exists in the language.
5) Compounding: Compounding is the combination of two or more items to make a single compound one.
6) Conversion: Conversion, which is often described as ‘zero affixation’, is the adaptation of an item to a new grammatical function without changing its form.
7) Graphology: Graphology is the encoding of meaning in visual symbols.
Chapter 4 Surface-structure Deviation
1) Oxymoron: is “the yoking together of two expressions which are in compatible, so that in combination they have no conceivable literal reference to reality”.
2) Paradox: is a statement which is absurd becau it is lf-evidently fal.
3) Synecdoche: is a type of transference of meaning which involves the substitution of a part for the whole.
4) Metonymy: is another type of transference which involves substitution, it is a figure of speech ud in rhetoric in which a thing or concept is not called by its own name, but by the name of something intimately associated with that thing or concept.
5) Metaphor: is a figure of speech that says that one thing is another different thing. The u of a word or phra to refer to something that it isn’t, invoking a direct similarity betw
een the word or phra ud and the thing described, but in the ca of English without the words like or as, which would imply a simile.
游泳方法6) Overstatement: is termed hyperbole in traditional rhetoric. It distorts the truth by great exaggeration.
7) Homophony: is a texture in which two or more parts move together inharmony, the relationship between them creating chords.
8) Polymy: is the capacity for a sign or signs to have multiple related meanings . A polyme is a word or phra with different, but related ns.
9) Understatement核桃种子: is the opposite of overstatement in that is misreprents the truth by deliberately understanding is as oppod to exaggerating it.
Chapter 5 Phonological Overregularity
1. Define the following terms.
Alliteration is the repetition of the initial consonant cluster in stresd syllables.
Consonance is the repetition of the final consonant cluster in stresd syllables.
Identity of sounds between words or ver lines extending back from the end to the last fully accented vowel and not further.
The u of words formed in imitation of the natural sounds associated with the object or action involved; or the recurrence of phonemes in a text unit that suggests certain natural sounds which reinforce the meaning conveyed in the text unit.
Assonance is the repetition of identical vowel or diphthong in stresd syllables.
Iamb or iambic foot has a pattern alternating stresd and unstresd syllables beginning with an unstresd syllable.
Anapaest or the Anapaestic foot is a pattern in which one stresd syllable alternates with two unstresd syllables, but beginning with the two unstresd syllables.
Pentameter is ud to describe a poem with five feet.
Dactyl or dactylic foot may be described as alternating one stresd and two unstresd syllables, beginning with the stresd syllable.
Dimeter is ud to describe a poem with two feet.
Tetrameter is ud to describe a poem with four feet.
Trochee or trochaic foot may be described as alternating stresd and unstresd syllables, beginning with a stresd syllable.
Chapter 6 Syntactic Overregularity
1. Discuss the following questions.
1) What is mean by repetition?
The term repetition, therefore, is restricted to mean the ca of exact copying of a certain
previous unit in a text, such as a word, phra or even a ntence (Leech, 1969).
2) How do you distinguish immediate repetition from intermittent repetition?
Immediate repetition:紧接反复,即相同的单词、短语或句子紧接着出现,中间不被其他的词语或句子隔开。
Intermittent repetition: 间隔反复,即相同的单词,短语或句子反复出现,但在中间插入了其他短语或句子。相同的语句反复照应,再三阐述,使文章内容步步深入,给人的感染逐步加深。这种反复常常出现于Parallelism句式之中,形成辞格重叠,但是它仍被视为Repetition.