1.Good morning, ladies and gentlemean:
Today my speech topic is learning to get along with our parents.
The days most of us feel it hard to get along with our parents. Many of the teenagers often have a fight with their parents. They even don't talk with their their parents for veral days. Why? Becau our parents think the grades are so important that we must get good grades. But it’s hard for some students。 To solve the problems, we should have a good communication with our parents。 We can tell them that it is possible for us to get good grades quickly。 We need enough time。 And we must study hard, the harder we study, the happier our parents will be. Then we can get along with our parents.
2. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen:
Today my speech topic is learning to get along with our parents.
The days most of us feel it hard to get along with our parents。 我为祖国点赞Some students often
have a fight with their parents. They donhg8321r't talk with their parents for a few days. The main reason is that the parents want their children to get good grades and give them a lot of pressure。 I think we should understand them。 W雪莲e must remember they love us so much。 And we should communicate with them。 W如何用烤箱烤鸡翅e could tell them that we neet to relax ourlves。 Oh, we must stop arguing with them, becau arguing with them can't solve any problems。
3。Good morning, ladies and gentlemen:
Today my speech topic is learning to get along with our parents.
The days most of us feel it hard to get along with our parents. Teenagers the days often argue with their parents。 Why? Beacau parents give us a lot of pressure. They want us to get good grades and get into a good college。 We should understand them。 We should talk to parents and let them understand us。 All parents love their kids。 We could share houwork at home , our parents will be happy.
All parents love their kids,we should understand them。。
4. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen:
Today my speech topic is learning to get along with our parents.
The days most of us feel it hard to get along with our parents。 Some students often argue with their parents. 化石英语Then they don’春节春联t talk to their parents. Our parents care about our grades, so we are angry with them all the time. We should understand our parents. They love us so much. After we argue with them, we should communicate with our parents。 We could often talk with them. W三个小偷e’d beeter not fight with our parents。 We should get on well with our parents。