5A,Multi-Chemistry Battery Charger IC With Photovoltaic Cell MPPT Function
General Descriptions:
The ZS6093(Note1)is a PWM switch-mode battery charger controller that can be powered by photovoltaic cell with maximum power point tracking function.The ZS6093is specially designed for charging1or multi-cell lithium ion batteries or LiFePO4batteries with constant current and constant voltage mode.In constant voltage mode,the regulation voltage is t by the external resistor divider.The constant charging current is programmable with a single current n resistor.
Deeply discharged batteries are automatically trickle charged at15%of the programmed constant charging current until the cell voltage exceeds66.7%of the regulation voltage.In constant voltage mode,the charging current decreas gradually,the charge cycle will be terminated when the charging current drops to 9.5%of the full-scale current,and a new charge cycle automatically restarts if the battery voltage falls below 95.8%of the regulation voltage in constant voltage mode.
ZS6093will automatically enter sleep mode when input voltage is lower than battery voltage.Other features include undervoltage lockout,battery temperature monitoring and status indication,etc.
ZS6093is available in a space-saving16-pin TSSOP package.
●The Charger Powered by Photovotaic cell
●Electric Tools
●Battery-Backup Systems
●Standalone Battery Chargers
Note1:Patent Pending Features:
●Photovoltaic Cell Maximum Power Point
●Wide Input Voltage:7.5V to28V
●Complete Charger Controller for1or
multi-cell Lithium-ion Battery or LiFePO4
●Charge Current Up to5A
●High PWM Switching Frequency:300KHz
●Constant Charging Voltage Set By the
External Resistor Divider
●Charging Current is programmed
with a n resistor
冬季诗句●Automatic Conditioning of Deeply
Discharged Batteries
●Battery Temperature Monitoring
●2Status Indications
●Soft Start
豌豆姑娘●Battery Overvoltage Protection
●Operating Ambient Temperature
●Available in16Pin TSSOP Package
●Pb-free,RoHS Compliant,
and Halogen Free
Typical Application Circuit:
Figure1Typical Application Circuit Ordering Information:
Part No.Operating Ambient Temperature Constant Charging Voltage ZS6093-40℃to+85℃Set By External Resistor Divider
Pin Description:
Pin No.Name Descriptions
1VG Internal Voltage Regulator.VG internally supplies power to gate driver,connect a 100nF capacitor between VG pin and VCC pin.
2PGND Power Ground. 3GND Analog Ground.
4CHRG Open-Drain Output.When the battery is being charged,this pin is pulled low by an internal switch.Otherwi this pin is in high impedance state.
DONE Open-Drain Output.When the charging is terminated,this pin is pulled low by an internal switc丽水美食
h.Otherwi this pin is in high impedance state.
6TEMP Battery Temperature Monitoring Input.Connect an NTC resistor from this pin to GND.
7MPPT Photovoltaic Cell Maximum Power Point Tracking Pin.Connect this pin to the external resistor divider for maximum power point tracking.In maximum power point tracking status,the MPPT pin’s voltage is regulated to1.04V(25℃)with a temperature coefficient of-0.4%/℃.
8COM1Loop Compensation Input1.Connect a470pF capacitor from this pin to GND.
9COM2Loop Compensation Input2.Connect a220nF capacitor in ries with an120Ωresistor from this pin to GND.
10FB Battery Voltage Feedback Input.Need to connect to the external resistor divider. 11COM3Loop Compensation Input3.Connect an100nF capacitor from this pin to GND. 12NC No Connection
13CSP Positive Input for Charging Current Sensing.CSP and BAT pin measure the voltage drop across the n resistor R CS to provide the current signals required.
14BAT Negative Input for Charging Current Sensing.BAT and CSP pin measure the voltage drop across the n resistor R CS to provide the current signals required.
15VCC External DC Power Supply Input.VCC is also the power supply for internal circuit.Bypass this pin with a capacitor.
16DRV Drive the gate of external P-channel MOSFET.
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Voltage from VCC,VG,DRV,CHRG,DONE to GND…….…-0.3V to30V
Voltage from CSP,BAT to GND………………………………-0.3V to28V
Voltage from COM3to GND………………………………….6.5V
Voltage from Other Pins to GND……………………………...-0.3V to V COM3+0.3V
Storage Temperature………………………………………...…-65℃---150℃
Operating Ambient Temperature………………………….……-40℃---85℃
Lead Temperature(Soldering,10conds)………………..……300℃
Stress beyond tho listed under‘Absolute Maximum Ratings’may cau permanent damage to the device.The are stress ratings only and functional operation of the device at the or any other conditions above tho indicated in the operational
ctions of
the specifications is not implied.Exposure to Absolute Maximum Rating Conditions for extended periods may affect
device reliability.
Electrical Characteristics:
(VCC=15V,T A =-40℃to 85℃,unless otherwi noted )
Parameters Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max Unit Input Voltage Range VCC 7.528
V Undervoltage lockout
Threshold UVLO 4.2
67.3V Operating Current I VCC No switching
1 1.55 2.1mA Feedback Voltage V FB FB pin,Constant voltage mode 2.39
2 2.416 2.44V FB Pin Bias Current I FB V FB =2.4V
50300nA Current Sen Voltage
(V CSP -V BA T )V CS V BA T >66.7%×V REG 190200210mV V BA T <66.7%×V REG 183042Current into BAT Pin I BA T V BA T =12V 5
uA Precharge Threshold V PRE V BAT rising 66.7%V REG
Recharge Threshold V RE V BAT falling 95.8%
Overvoltage Trip Level Vov V BA T rising 1.06 1.08 1.1Overvoltage Clear Level Vclr V BA T falling
0.981 1.02MPPT Pin
MPPT Regulation Voltage
V MPPT Maximum power point tracking 1.0 1.04 1.08V V MPPT TC
TC MPPT Maximum power point tracking
-0.4%/℃MPPT Pin Bias Current I MPPT -1000+100
nA TEMP Pin Pull up Current I up 41
5065uA High Threshold Vthh TEMP Voltage Rising 1.57 1.61 1.65V Low Threshold Vthl TEMP Voltage Falling 0.1450.1750.205V CHRG Pin
CHRG Pin Sink Current I CHRG V CHRG =1V,charge mode 7
18mA CHRG Leakage Current I LK1V CHRG =25V,termination mode 1
uA DONE Pin DONE Sink Current I DONE V DONE =1V,termination mode 71218mA DONE Leakage Current I LK2V DONE =25V,charge mode
uA Oscillator
Switching Frequency f osc 240300360
kHZ Maximum Duty Cycle Dmax
Sleep Mode
Sleep Mode Threshold (measure VCC -V BAT )V SLP V CC falling V BAT =8V
V BAT =12V BAT =18V
VCC rising,
Threshold (measure VCC-V BAT)V BAT=12V0.320.420.52 V BAT=18V0.380.470.58
Electrical Characteristics:(Continued from last page)
Parameters Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
Ri Time t r Cload=2nF,10%to90%304065ns
Fall Time t f Cload=2nF,90%to10%304065ns
Note2:V REG is the regulation voltage at BAT pin in constant voltage mode
Detailed Description:
The ZS6093is a constant current,constant voltage battery charger controller that can be powered by the photovoltaic cell with maximum power point tracking function,the device is specially designed for1or
multi-cell Li-Ion battery or LiFePO4batteries.The charge current is t by an external n resistor(R CS)across the CSP and BAT pins.The final battery regulation voltage V REG in constant voltage mode is t by the external resistor divider.
A charge cycle begins when the following3conditions are met:
(1)The voltage at VCC pin ris above the UVLO level
(2)The voltage at VCC pin is greater than the battery voltage by sleep mode relea threshold V SLPR
(3)The voltage at VCC pin is no less than the maximum power point voltage t by the external resistors At the beginning of the charge cycle,if the battery voltage is less than66.7%×V REG,the charger goes into trickle charge mode.The trickle charge current is internally t to15%(Typical)of the full-scale current.When the battery voltage exceeds66.7%×V REG,the charger goes into the full-scale constant current charge mode.In constant current mode,the charge current is t by the external n resistor R CS and an internal200mV reference,so the charge current equals to200mV/R CS.When the battery voltage approaches the regulation voltage,the charger goes into constant voltage mode,and the charge current will start to decrea.In constant voltage mode,the ch
arge cycle will be terminated once the charge current decreas to9.5%of the full-scale current.During the charge termination status,the DRV pin is pulled up to VCC,and an internal comparator turns
off the internal pull-down N-channel MOSFET at the pin,another internal pull-down N-channel
MOSFET at the pin is turned on to indicate the termination status.
To restart the charge cycle,just remove and reapply the input voltage.Also,a new charge cycle will automatically begin if the battery voltage drops below the recharge threshold voltage of95.8%×V REG.
When the input voltage is not prent,the charger goes into sleep mode.
A10kΩNTC(negative temperature coefficient)thermistor can be connected from the TEMP pin to ground for battery temperature qualification.The charge cycle is suspended if the battery’s temperature is outside of the acceptable range.
An overvoltage comparator guards against voltage transient overshoots(>8%of regulation voltage).In this ca, P-channel MOSFET are turned off until the overvoltage condition is cleared.This feature is uful for battery load dump or sudden removal of battery.
The charging profile is shown in Figure2.
Precharge Pha C onstant C urrent
C onstant V oltage
C harge C urrent B attery V oltage 66.7%*V R E G
C harge term ination
Figure2The Charging Profile
Application Information
Undervoltage Lockout(UVLO)
An undervoltage lockout circuit monitors the input voltage and keeps the charger off if VCC falls below
Set the Regulation Voltage in Constant Voltage Mode
As shown in Figure1,battery voltage is feedback to FB pin via the resistor divider compod of R6and R7.
ZS6093decided the charging status bad on FB’s voltage.When FB’s voltage approaches2.416V,the charger goes into constant voltage mode.In constant voltage mode,the charge current decrea gradually,and the battery voltage remains unchanged.
In light of FB pin’s bias current,the regulation voltage in constant voltage mode is determined by the following equation:
V BA T=2.416×(1+R7/R6)+I B×R7
Where,I B is FB pin’s bias current,which is50nA typical.
From the above equation,we can e that an error is introduced due to the existence of bias current I B,the error is I B×R7.If R7=500KΩ,then the error is about25mV.So the error should be taken into account while designing the resistor divider.
The regulation voltage range that can be t is from3V to25V.
The Maximum Power Point Tracking
ZS6093adopts the constant voltage method to track the photovoltaic cell’s maximum power point.From I-V curve of photovoltaic cell,under a given temperature,the photovoltaic cell’s voltages at the maximum power point are nearly constant regardless of the different irradiances.So the maximum power point can be tracked if the photovoltaic cell’s output voltage is regulated to a constant voltage.But the maximum power point voltage has a temperature coefficient of about-0.4
At25℃,ZS6093’s MPPT pin’s voltage is regulated to1.04V with a temperature coefficient of-0.4%/℃to