USB HID usage table
This usage table lets usbhidctl decode the HID data correctly for the APC RS/XS1000's.
This work was obtained from riccardo@torrini.
Sample output is available both with and without the table.
Note that the default /usr/share/misc/usb_hid_usages already contains entries for the a Power Device (132 or 0x84) and a Battery System (133 or 0x85). It is interesting that usbhidctl shows the APC as using 0xff84 and 0xff84 for their values. The HID Power Devices specification indicates 0x84 and 0x85. There is at least one macro in /usr/include/dev/usb/usbhid.h which removes the high order bits. Perhaps we need to do that when using the values. Perhaps this macro:
#define HID_USAGE2(p,u) (((p) << 16) | u)
The file is available without HTML formatting here. 隋唐时期思维导图
# $NetBSD: usb_hid_usages,v 1.3 1999/07/02 15:46:53 simonb Exp $
# $FreeBSD: src/share/misc/usb_hid_usages,v 2000/07/02 13:13:55 n_hibma Exp $
# USB HID usage table
# Syntax:
# - lines that do not start with a white space give the number and name of
# a usage page.
# - lines that start with a white space give the number and name of
# a usage with the last given page.
# If the number is * then the line matches all usages and the name
# is a printf formatting string that will be given the usage number.
1 Generic Desktop
0x00 Undefined
0x01 Pointer
0x02 Mou
0x03 Rerved
0x04 Joystick
0x05 Game Pad
0x06 Keyboard
0x07 Keypad
0x08 Multi-axis Controller
0x30 X
0x31 Y
0x32 Z
0x33 Rx
0x34 Ry
0x35 Rz
0x36 Slider
0x37 Dial
0x38 Wheel
0x39 Hat Switch
0x3A Counted Buffer
0x3B Byte Count
0x3C Motion Wakeup
0x40 Vx
0x41 Vy
0x42 Vz
0x43 Vbrx
0x44 Vbry
0x45 Vbrx
0x46 Vno
0x80 System Control
0x81 System Power Down
0x82 System Sleep
0x83 System Wake Up
0x84 System Context Menu
0x85 System Main Menu
0x86 System App Menu
0x87 System Menu Help
0x88 System Menu Exit
0x89 System Menu Select紫草茸
0x8A System Menu Right
0x8B System Menu Left
0x8C System Menu Up
0x8D System Menu Down
0x90 D-pad Up
0x91 D-pad Down
0x92 D-pad Right
0x93 D-pad Left
2 Simulation Controls
0x00 Undefined
0x01 Flight Simulation Device
0x02 Automobile Simulation Device
0x03 Tank Simulation Device
0x04 Spaceship Simulation Device
0x05 Submarine Simulation Device
0x06 Sailing Simulation Device
0x07 Motorcycle Simulation Device
0x08 Sports Simulation Device
0x09 Airplane Simulation Device秋季钓鱼
0x0A Helicopter Simulation Device
0x0B Magic Carpet Simulation Device
0x0C Bicycle
0x20 Flight Control Stick
0x21 Flight Stick
0x22 Cyclic Control
0x23 Cyclic Trim
0x24 Flight Yoke
0x25 Track Control
0x26 Driving Control
0xB0 Aileron
0xB1 Aileron Trim
0xB2 Anti-Torque Control
0xB3 Auto-pilot Enable
0xB4 Chaff Relea
0xB5 Collective Control
0xB6 Dive Brake
0xB7 Electronic Counter Measures
0xB8 Elevator
0xB9 Elevator Trim
0xBA Rudder
0xBB Throttle
0xBC Flight Communication
0xBD Flare Relea
0xBE Landing Gear
0xBF Toe Brake
0xC0 Trigger
0xC1 Weapons Arm
0xC2 Weapons Select
0xC3 Wing Flaps
0xC4 Accelerator
0xC5 Brake
0xC6 Clutch
0xC7 Shifter
0xC8 Steering
0xC9 Turret Direction
0xCA Barrel Elevation
0xCB Dive Plane
0xCC Ballast
0xCD Bicycle Crank
0xCE Handle Bars
0xCF Front Brake
0xD0 Rear Brake
3 VR Controls
0x00 Unidentified
0x01 Belt
0x02 Body Suit
0x03 Flexor
0x04 Glove
0x05 Head Tracker
0x06 Head Mounted Display
0x07 Hand Tracker
0x08 Oculometer
0x09 Vest
0x0A Animatronic Device
0x20 Stereo Enable
0x21 Display Enable
4 Sports Controls
0x00 Unidentified
东阿王 0x01 Baball Bat
0x02 Golf Club
0x03 Rowing Machine
0x04 Treadmill
0x30 Oar
0x31 Slope