Merriam-Webster's Vocabulary Builder - Roots 韦小绿英文词根汇总

更新时间:2023-06-23 08:32:50 阅读: 评论:0

Merriam-Webster's Vocabulary Builder
UNIT 1BENE is from Latin for “well”.
AM comes from Latin amare,”to love”.
BELL comes from Latin word meaning “war”.
PAC is related to the Latin words for “agree” and “peace”.
CRIM comes from the Latin words for “fault or crime” or “accusation”.
PROB comes from the Latin words for “prove or proof” and “honesty or integrity”.
GRAV comes from the Latin word meaning “heavy , weight , rious”.
LEV comes from the Latin adjective meaning “light” ,and the verb meaning “to rai or
UNIT 2MANIA in Latin means “madness”.
PSYCH comes from the Greek word psych meaning “breath ,life ,soul”.
CEPT comes from the Latin verb meaning “take ,size ”.
FIN comes from the Latin word for “end” or “boundary”.
JECT comes from the Latin word meaning “throw” or “hurl”.
TRACT comes from the Latin verb meaning “drag or draw”.
DUC/DUCT comes from the Latin verb “to lead”.
SEQU comes from the Latin verb meaning “to follow”.
UNIT 3AMBI comes from the Latin meaning “on both sides” or “around”.
EPI comes from the Greek prefix meaning “on , over” or “attack on”.
HUP/HYPO is a Greek prefix meaning “below , under ”.
THERM/THERMO comes from the Greek meaning “warm”.
POLY comes from the Greek meaning “many”.
PRIM comes from the Latin meaning “first”.
HOM/HOMO comes from the Greek meaning “same” or “similar”.
DIS comes from the Latin meaning “apart”. In English ,its meaning have incread to
include “opposite” or “not” or “deprive of” or “exclude or expel from”.
UNIT 4VOR comes from Latin verb meaning “to eat”, and ending –ivorous shows up in words that
refer to eaters of certain kinds of food.
CARN comes from Latin word meaning “flesh” or “meat”.
CRED comes from Latin verb meaning“to believe” or “to entrust”.
FID comes from Latin word meaning “faith” or “trust”.
CURR/CRUS comes from Latin verb meaning “to run”.
PED comes from Latin word meaning “foot”.
FLECT/FLEX comes from Latin verb meaning “to bend”.
POST comes from Latin word meaning “after” or “behind”.
UNIT 5MAL comes from Latin word meaning “bad”.
CATA comes from Greek word meaning “down”.
PROOT/PROTO comes from Greek word meaning “first in time” or “first formed”.
ANTE comes from Latin word meaning “before” or “in front of”.
ORTHO comes from Greek word meaning “straight” or “right” or “true”.
如何修改密码RECT comes from Latin word meaning “straight” or “right”.
EU comes from Greek word meaning “well”; in English the words it also mean “good” or “
DYS comes from Greek word meaning “bad” or “difficult”.
生板栗怎么吃UNIT 6EUQ comes from Latin word meaning “equal”.
QUIS comes from Latin word meaning “to ek or obtain”.
PLE/PLEN comes from Latin word meaning “to fill”.
METR/METER comes from Greek by way of Latin meaning “measure”.
AUD comes from Latin word , is the root that has to do with hearing.
SON comes from Latin word meaning “sound”.
ERR comes from Latin verb meaning “to wander” or “to stray”.
CED comes from Latin verb meaning “to proceed” or “to yield”.
UNIT 7VIS comes from Latin verb meaning “e”.
SPECT comes from Latin verb meaning “to look at” .
VOC comes from Latin word meaning “voice” and “speak.”
PHON comes from Greek word meaning “sound”, ”voice”, or ”speech.”
CUR comes from Latin word meaning “care for”.
PERI comes from Latin word meaning “around”.
SENS comes from Latin word meaning “feeling” or “n”.
SOPH comes from Greek word meaning “wi” and “wisdom”.
UNIT 8PORT comes from Latin verb meaning “to carry.“
PEND comes from Latin verb meaning “to hang” or “to weight.”
PAN comes from Greek word meaning “all”, as an English prefix, it can also mean “
completely”, or “whole”, or “general.”
EXTRA comes from Latin word meaning “outside” or “beyond”.
PHOT comes from Greek word meaning “light”.
LUC comes from Latin word meaning “light”, and the verb meaning “to shine or glitter”.
MOR/MORT comes from Latin word meaning “to die” and “death”.
TROPH comes from Greek word meaning “nourishment”.
UNIT 9HER comes from Latin word meaning “to stick”.
FUG comes from Latin verb meaning “to flee or escape”.
COSM comes from Greek word meaning “order”. Words in this group usually relate to
SCI comes from Latin verb meaning “to know” or “to understand”.
JUNCT comes from Latin verb meaning “to join”.
PART comes from Latin word meaning “part”.
MIS comes from Latin verb meaning “to nd”.
PEL comes from Latin verb meaning “to move or drive”.
UNIT 10PUT comes from Latin verb meaning “to think , consider, or believe”.
LOG comes from Greek word meaning “word” “speech” “reason” ,is found particularly in
English words that end in –logy and -logue. The ending –logy often means “the study
TERR comes from Latin word meaning “earth”.
MAR comes from Latin word meaning “a”.
PATH comes from Greek word meaning “feeling” or “suffering”.
PEN/PUN comes from Latin word meaning “penalty” and “to punish”.
MATR/MATER comes from Greek and Latin word meaning “mother”.
AQU comes from Latin word meaning “water”.
UNIT 11CANT comes from Latin verb meaning “sing”.
LINGU comes from Latin word meaning both “tongue” and “language”.
SPIR comes from Latin word meaning “breath” and “breathe”.
VER comes from Latin word meaning “truth”.
TURB comes from Latin verb meaning “to throw into confusion or upt”.
VOLU/VOLV comes from Latin verb meaning “to roll , wind , turn around ,or twist around”.
FAC comes from Latin verb meaning “to make or do”.
LUM comes from Latin word meaning “light”.
UNIT 12UNBR comes from Latin word meaning “shadow”.
VEST comes from Latin verb meaning “to cloth,” or “to dress”.
THE/THEO comes from Greek word meaning “god”.
ICON comes from Greek word by Latin meaning “image”.
URB comes from Latin word meaning “city”.
CULT comes from Latin word meaning “care”.
DEM/DEMO comes from Greek word meaning “people”.
POPUL comes from Latin word meaning “people”.
UNIT 13CORD comes from Latin word meaning “heart”.
CULP comes from Latin word meaning “guilt”.
DICT comes from Latin word meaning “to speak”.
GNI/GNO comes from Greek verb meaning “to know”.角的度量ppt
GRAPH comes from Greek verb meaning “to write”.
ART comes from Latin word meaning “skill”.
FORT comes from Latin word meaning “strong”.
CIS comes from Latin verb meaning “to cut, cut down, or slay”.
UNIT 14CRYPT comes from Greek word meaning “hidden”.
AB/ABS comes from Latin word meaning “from”, “away”, or “off”.
PED comes from Greek word meaning “child”.
TROP comes from Greek word meaning “turn”, or “change”.
NEO comes from Greek word meaning “new”.
NOV comes from Latin word meaning “new”.
POS comes from Latin verb meaning “to put”, or “to place”.
TEN comes from Latin verb meaning “hold” ,or “hold on to”.
MONO comes from Greek word meaning “along”, or “single”.
UNI comes from Latin word meaning “one” .
UNIT 15TERM/TERMIN comes from Latin verb meaning “to limit, bound, or t limits to”, and noun “limit or
GEO comes from Greek word meaning “earth”.
SPHER comes from Greek word meaning “ball”.
VERT comes from Latin verb meaning “to turn”, or “to turn around”.
MORPH comes from Greek word meaning “shape”.
FORM comes from Latin word meaning “shape”.
DOC/DOCT comes from Latin word meaning “to teach”.
TUT/TUI comes from Latin verb meaning “to look after”.
DI/DUP comes from Latin and Greek word meaning “two”, with dup- sometimes shortened to
BI/BIN comes from Latin word meaning “two,” or “double”.
UNIT 16TOP comes from Greek word meaning “place”.
CENTR/CENTER comes from Latin and Greek word meaning “sharp point” or “center point of a circle”.
DOM comes from Latin word meaning “hou”, and “master”.
OMNI comes from Latin word meaning “all” .In English words, omni- can mean “in all way ”
or “in all place”.
HOL/HOLO comes from Greek word meaning “whole”.
RETRO comes from Latin word meaning “back” or “backward” or “behind”.
茑萝花TEPOR comes from Latin word meaning “time”.
CHRON comes from Greek word meaning “time”.
TRI comes from Latin and Greek word meaning “three”.
UNIT 17ANIM comes from Latin word meaning “breath” or “soul”.
孟尝君FIG comes from Latin verb meaning “to shape or mold” and a noun meaning ”a from or
ANN/ENN comes from Latin word meaning “year”.
EV comes from Latin word meaning “age” or “lifetime”.
CORP comes from Latin word meaning “body”.
TANG/TACT comes from Latin word meaning “to touch,” and “n of touch”.
COD/CODE comes from Latin word meaning “trunk of a tree” or “document written on wooden
SIGN comes from Latin word meaning “make or sign”.
QUADR/QUART comes from Latin word meaning “four”, or “forth”.
TETR comes from Greek word meaning “four”.
UNIT 18CAPIT comes from Latin word meaning “head”.
ANTHROP comes from Greek word meaning “human being”.
KINE comes from Greek word meaning “movement”.
DYNAM comes from Greek word meaning “power”.
GRAD comes from Latin word meaning “step” or “degree”, and the verb meaning “to step or
REG comes from Latin word meaning “rule”.
CRIT comes from Greek verb meaning “to judge” or “to decide”.
JUR comes from Latin verb meaning “to swear, take an oath”. And noun meaning “right or
PENT comes from Greek word meaning “five”.
QUINT comes from Latin word meaning “five”.
UNIT 19BIO comes from Greek word meaning “life”.
GEN comes from Greek word meaning “birth”.
FUNCT comes from Latin word meaning “to perform , carry out”.
MUT comes from Latin verb meaning “to change”.
FRACT comes from Latin verb meaning “to breath or shatter”.
月波楼TELE has its basic meanings “distant” or “at a distance”.
PHIL comes from Greek word meaning “love”.
NEG(nec/ne)comes from Latin word meaning “to say no”.
DEC comes from Latin and Greek word meaning “ten”.
CENT comes from Latin word meaning “one hundred”.
UNIT 20NOM comes from Latin word meaning “name”.
PATER/PATR comes from Latin and Greek word meaning “father”.
LEGA comes from Latin verb meaning “to appoint” or  “to nd as a deputy”.
GREG comes from Latin word meaning “herd”, or “flock”.
FLU comes from Latin verb meaning “to flow”.
PREHEND/PREHENS comes from Latin verb meaning “to size”.
TEMPER comes from Latin verb meaning “to moderate or keep within limits” or “to mix”.
PURG comes from Latin word meaning “to clean or clean”.
MILL means either “a thousand” or “a thousandth”.
HEMI/SEMI comes from Greek word meaning “half”.
UNIT 21SUB means “under”.
HYPER    a Greek prefix means “above or beyond”, so hyper- often means the same things as
PRE comes from Latin word meaning “before” or “in front of”.
PARA comes from Greek prefix meaning “beside” or “cloly related to”.
META is a prefix in English that general means “behind” or “beyond”.
PER comes from Latin word meaning “through”, or “throughout”, or “thoroughly”.
ANT/ANTI is a Latin prefix meaning “against”.
CONTRA is the Latin equivalent of anti-, and it too means “against”, or “contrary to”.
UNIT 22ACER/ACR comes from Latin word meaning “sharp” or “sour”.
STRICT comes from Latin verb meaning “to draw tight, bind or tie”.
STRU/STRUCT comes from Latin verb meaning “to put together, build, arrange”.
PROP/PROPRI comes from Latin word meaning “own”.
TORT comes from Latin verb meaning “to twist, wind or wrench”.
VIV comes from Latin verb meaning “to live or alive”.
波波头发型SERV means “to be subject to”.
CLUS(clud)comes from Latin verb meaning “to clo”.
UNIT 23TEXT comes from Latin verb meaning “to weave”.
PLAC comes from Latin meaning “to plea, or to be agreeable to ”, or “to smooth or clam”.
AUT/AUTO comes from Greek word meaning “same” or “lf”.
GRAT comes from Latin word meaning “pleasing, welcome or agreeable”.
创业需要多少资金CLAM/CLAIM comes from Latin verb meaning “to shout or cry out”.
CRAC/CRAT comes from Greek word meaning “power”.
PUNC comes from Latin word meaning “point”.
POT comes from Latin word meaning “able”.
UNIT 24MAND comes from Latin word meaning “entrust” or “order”.
UND comes from Latin word meaning “wave”, and “to ri in waves”, “to surge or flood”.
SANCT comes from Latin word meaning “holy”.
LOQU comes from Latin verb meaning “to talk”.
VIR comes from Latin word meaning “man”.
VAL comes from Latin word meaning “strength”, and “to be worthy, healthy or strong”.
CRE/CRET comes from Latin verb meaning “to come into being” or “to grow”.
FUS comes from Latin word meaning “to pour out” or“ to melt”.
UNIT 25VERB comes from Latin word meaning “word”.
SIMIL/SIMUL comes from Latin word meaning “like, rembling, similar”.
SCEND comes from Latin verb meaning “to climb”.
ONYM comes from Greek word meaning “name, word”.
SCRIB/SCRIP comes from Latin verb meaning “to write”.
FALL comes from Latin verb meaning “to deceive”.
SOLU(solv)comes from Latin verb meaning “to loon, free, relea”.
HYDR comes from Greek word meaning “water”.
UNIT 26MUR comes from Latin word meaning “wall”.
POLIS/POLIT comes from Greek word meaning “city”.
NUMER comes from Latin word meaning “number”, and “to count”.

本文发布于:2023-06-23 08:32:50,感谢您对本站的认可!



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