调色原理 第一节 辅音分类
清辅音(voiceless consonants):只有气流由肺部经气管由口腔或鼻腔而出,声带不振动。
浊辅音(voiced consonants):在送气的同时声带振动。
爆破音(The Plosive Consonants): /p,b,t,d,k,g/
摩擦音(The Fricative Consonants) :/ f,v s,z ʃӠ ѲǑ h , r /
破擦音(The Affricate Consonants): / ʧ,ʤ / (ʦ,军队的英语ʥ小狗学叫 tr, dr)
鼻音(The Nasal Consonants): / m,n, ŋ /
舌侧音(The Lateral Consonants) :/ l ∤ /
半元音(The Semi-Vowels) : / w j / (英音) ; /hw w j / (美音)
1)双唇音(Bilabial):发音时受双唇全部或部分阻碍 / p b m hw w /
2)唇齿音(Labiodental):发音时上齿轻轻接触下唇 / f v /
3)齿音(Dental): 发音时舌端轻轻接触上齿背/ ѲǑ/
4)齿龈音(Alveolar):发音时受舌端和上齿龈的阻碍 / t d s z n l /
/ t d n l / 发音时舌端抵上齿龈;/ s z /发音时舌端接近上齿龈,但不抵住上齿龈。
5)齿龈硬颚音(Alveolo-palatal):发音时受齿龈和硬颚的部分阻碍 / ʃ Ӡ ʧ,ʤ /advertising
6)舌前硬颚音(Lingua-palatal):发音时舌前向硬颚抬起,受部分阻碍 /j /
7)软颚音(Velar):发音时舌后部抬高抵住软颚 /k g ŋ /
8)声门音(Glottal):发音时声门大开,气流流过声门时发生摩擦 /h /
9)舌前齿龈音(英音)(Lingua- alveolar):发音时舌端向齿龈后部抬起 /r /
卷舌齿龈音(美音)(Retroflex-alveolar):发音时舌端向齿龈后部抬起并卷滑/r /
第二节 爆破音(The Plosive Consonants): /pb, t d, k g/
1./pb/ :为一对双唇音,发音部位完全相同。发音时双唇紧闭,然后突然放开,气流
注意:1) /p/ 在重读元音前吐气最强,如pen,penny, post, pound, pretty,;在非重读音节前吐气较弱,如keeper, deepen, sharpen, hopeless, hopeful;在词尾通常吐气最弱,如hope ,deep, cup, keep, nap, lap, wrap, shop
2)/b/在词首重读元音前,爆破较强,如big, bit, boy;;在词末爆破力极弱,通常必须清音化(Devoiced)如 rub, rob Bob tube rib nib
3)/pb/和其它辅音相邻,必须清音化,即不完全爆破,如 rob the bank; jump the rope; friendship first; step forward; ripe fruit
4)/pb/和另一个爆破音相邻,只是发音部位到位,即完全失去爆破,如hope to stop; step by step; club bag;(手提旅行包) club car (火车休息车厢)September; stop talking; keep quiet
5)/p/在/ s/音后面吐气很弱,部分浊化,如speak, sport, spot spy, spit, spark, spade, spinster
字的“扑pu”和“不bu”, 如: rob, tube,rib; stop, hope, deep 等。
2. /t,d/ :是一对齿龈音,发音方式和发音部位相同。发音时,舌端抵上齿龈,气流冲破舌端和上齿龈的阻碍,由口腔爆破而出。/t/为清辅音,发音时声带不振动,吐气极强;/d/为浊辅音,发音时声带振动,但吐气比/t/弱。
1)/t/音在重读元音前爆破最强,如:tap top ten tin time tame till tall ton tongue
在词末爆破最弱,如:it ate right rate might mate cat caught least last
在词中时,英音吐气较强,美音吐气较弱,有部分浊化,如:city party eighty ninety lofty mighty
2)/d/音在重读元音前爆破最强,如:do does did dig door down deep duty deed death daddy
在词末爆破最弱,如:bad mad pad bed red bid mid load road lord tide
在词中时爆破较弱, 如:elder older idea defender ready lady
/t /+摩擦音:a bright futrue; sweet flowers; a complete failure; first visit; constant vigilance; a complete victory; just think; get through; bright thought; the right thing; abstract theory; get there; just then; bright sky; first step; short stories; a great success; first shift; a smart shirt;
/d/+摩擦音:friendship; old friends; red flgs; advance; advice a kind voice; a one-sided view; cond volume; a thousand thanks; red stars; a good ason a good zipper a good shot;
/t /+破擦音:white chalk; great changes; the first chapter; a bit dry; excellent jugement; a fast train; a sweet dream
d/+破擦音:a good try; a good child; loud cheers; a cond choice; a good job; a hard journey; a cold drink
/t /+鼻音:not mine; a different meaning; an important matter; at noon; not now; don’t know; quite near; urgent needs
/d/+鼻音:good morning; attend meetings; a good memory; midnight; odd numbers; good mews; a loud noi
/t /+舌侧音:little; battle; bottle; cattle; gentle; kettle; ttle; title; at least; at last; at leisure; at lunch; at liberty; an outline;
/d/+舌侧音:bundle; candle; handle; idle; middle; paddle; needle; boldly; friendly; hardly; loudly; proudly; rapidly; a red lantern; the third lesson; a good leader; the cond longest
post-card; put down; wet ground; next door; not bad; great concern; quite different; waste time; a great deal
hard times; madcap(鲁莽的); a good pen; a bad person; the cond page; a good girl; a bad boy; third pencil; a hard cake;