Unit 7
Ⅳ. Class Prentation
Listening & Speaking
Listening Practice
The Language for Fulfilling Obligations
1.Directions: You are going to listen to an instructor explaining the language necessary for fulfilling obligations. Listen carefully and fill in the
blanks with the missing words.
Director: To express an obligation is to make one feel it necessary to do something. A promi is to be abided by (遵守) when it is made; a rule,
obrved when established; a contract (合同), fulfilled when signed.
In a civilized (文明的) society, obligations are regularly met by all,
and nobody is expected to be free of them. Life is full of
Pick up the following ntences to fulfill obligations:
— Should I put it back?
— Am I suppod to do it your way?
— Do I have to wait in line?
— I ought to keep quiet in the bus, oughtn’t I?
新婚致辞— I feel obliged not to delay the plan.
— Must I read the document?
— Is it necessary for me to pay income taxes?
— Are we required to take this cour?
Are we under any obligation to obrve the rules?
— Are we obliged to sign the contract?
— Is it our duty to protect the environment?
—I’m afraid you ought to do it right now.
—I’m afraid you’re not suppod to sit in my class.
—I’m afr aid you must keep your promi.
— I think you have to meet the obligation.
—I think you’re expected to pay it back.
—Y ou’re not suppod to make any noi here.
2. Directions: Now describe to the class both what your obligations as a student are,
as well as what tho of your classmates are. Try to u the language
picked up in Exerci 1.
Fulfilling Obligations
1) Directions: Before you listen to the first conversation, read the following words
and expressions which may be new to you.
Everything’s going my way. 一切都称心如意。
movable 活动的
station 停放
to be frank 坦率地说
roll up one’s sleeves 卷起袖子
Listen to the conversation twice and fill in the blanks with the missing Words.
W ang Ying:Hi, Li Ming, what’s up?
Li Ming:Not much. How’s everything with you?
W ang Ying:Oh, everything’s going my way. By the way, what’s your blood type?
Li Ming:Type B. Why?
W ang Ying:Didn’t you e the movable blood bank on campus?
Li Ming:Y es, it’s stationed by the library. Are you suggesting we have an obligation to donate blood to the blood bank?
W ang Ying:Y eah. To be frank, I feel obliged to do it. Think of the thousands of patients who are badly in need of blood. Our blood can save
their lives, right?
Li Ming:Come to think of it, I’ve the same feeling. It’s our duty to do something for our fellow countrymen and women.
W ang Ying:I think we’re suppod to do it now. Let’s go roll up our sleeves. Li Ming:I’m with you!
W ang Ying:Take care of yourlf after this though. Y ou’re suppod to have a lot of nourishment(滋养品).
Li Ming:Oh, OK. Y ou too.
Now listen to the conversation again and answer the following questions.
1. What is Li Ming’s blood type?
It’s type B.
2. What is over there by the library?
There’s a movable blood bank.
3. What does Wang Ying feel obliged to do?
She feel obliged to donate blood.
4. What is the significance of blood donation according to Wang Ying?
It can save patient s’ lives.
5. What does Li Ming say about it?
He says that has the same feeling and would like to do something for his fellow countrymen and women.
2) Before you listen to the cond conversation, read the following words and
expressions which may be new to you.
motorist 驾车者
cool one’s heels 等着
in a good mood 心情好
fellow 家伙
Don’t count on it. 别指望它了。
Directions: Listen to the conversation twice, and then complete the passage according to the conversation you have just heard.
A motorist was stopped while speeding down Main Street in a small town. He tried to explain, but the police officer asked him to shut up and made him cool his heels in jail until the chief came back. The motorist urged the officer to listen to him, but was required to stay in jail all the same. A few hours later, the officer looked in on his prisoner and said that he was lucky becau the chief, who was at his daughter’s wedding, would be in a good mood when he got back. The fellow in the cell replied that unfortunately he was the groom.
Directions: Listen to the conversation again, and complete the form as the speaker recounts it. After that, act it out in class.
A police officer in a small town stops a motorist who is speeding down Main Street.
Motorist: But officer. I can explain.
Officer:Just be quiet. I’m going to let you cool your heels in jail until the chief gets back.
Motorist: But officer, I just wanted to say…
Officer:And I said to keep quiet! You’re going to jail!
A few hours later the officer looks in on his prisoner.
Officer: Lucky for you that the chief is at his daughter’s wedding. He’ll be in a good mood when he gets back.
Motorist: Don’t count on it. I’m the groom.
4 Directions: What do you think one is obliged to do as a student, a teacher, a
doctor, a lawyer, a mayor or a president? Try to u the language
you have just picked up.
Listening Practice
5. Directions: Listen to the following people talking and figure out the best
respon to each conversation’s implication.
1. M: Hi. What’s up?
W: Well, it’s about lunch. I’m afraid I’m running late.
Q: What is the woman implying?
A) She’s not feeling well. B) She’s running late for the meeting.
C) She’s afraid of being late for lunch.
D) She’s going to postpone her lunch.
2. M: I’ sorry I can’ get to the airport to e you off.
W: Don’ worry. I’m not much good at saying goodbyes.
Q: What is the woman implying?
A) She has plenty of time. B) She knows where the airport is.
C) The man doesn’t have to e her off.
D) The man is better at saying goodbyes.
一空3. W: Did you have any trouble getting here?
M: The directions in your letter were great.
Q: What is the man implying?
A) He came on time. B) He made it finally.
C) He’s been here twice. D) He had no trouble getting here.
4. M: What am I suppod to wear for the party?
W: It’s a fairly casual party. We’ll be in the yard.
Q: What is the woman implying?
A) She likes to wear casual (休闲) clothes.
B) He can bring anything to the party.
C) She is a partygoer (社交聚会常客).
D) He can wear almost anything.
5. W: Do you ever try to learn English by watching TV?
M: They talk so fast that I can’t make out the words.
Q: What is the man implying?
A) The best way to learn English is to watch TV.
B) He never watches anything in English on TV.
C) It is hard to learn English by watching TV.
D) He doesn’t watch much TV.
6. Directions: Listen to the following five short dialogues and choo the
appropriate answers.煎鸡蛋饼
1. M: Can I eat this fruit as it is?
W: No, you have to peel it first.
Q: What does the woman mean?
A) The fruit has not been washed yet. B) The eds are not good to eat.
C) You should not eat the skin.D) It is not good to eat it raw.
2. W: How are the pictures you took in New Y ork? I can’t wait to e them.
M: They’re not ready yet.
Q: What does the man mean?
A) He wants the woman to take a picture of him.
B) He isn’t ready to show his pictures yet.
C) The pictures are still being procesd.
D) He isn’t ready to take pictures yet.
3. W: Watching the news on TV is a good way to learn English.君子兰怎么养才能开花
M: It’s especially helpful when you check the same information in the newspaper.
Q: What does the man mean?
A) Reading is more uful than watching TV.
B) Watching TV is better than reading a newspaper.
C) The newspaper is a good source for learning English.
D) A combination of reading and listening is most effective.
4. W: Nobody expected that he would be able to come to the party.
M: But he did.
Q: What can we learn from this conversation?
A) Everybody was surprid by his attendance at the party.
B) He had expected to come to the party for a long time.
C) It was impossible for him to come to the party.
D) He stayed home to study for his exam.
5. M: I don’t know what to do.
W: Y ou have to make your own decision, and there’s not much time left.
Q: What is the woman implying?
A) She will not make the decision for him.
B) He doesn’t have to make the decision right now.
C) He should talk with the woman about the decision.
D) She’ll help to make the decision only if he asks for it.
7. Directions: Listen to the following short story twice. Listen carefully and decide
whether the statements are true (T) or fal (F) according to the
story you have just heard.
luxury 豪华
behind the wheel 驾驶
emergency 紧急情况
heart attack 心脏病突发
shore 岸
t the table摆好餐桌