Nevertheless, he opened the shop’s weathered door and went inside. Standing proud and straight in his flour-sack shirt and washed-out trours, he told the shopkeeper what he wanted, adding, “but I don’t have the money right now. Can you plea hold it for me for some time?” “I’ll try,” the shopkeeper smiled.
数的英文He stopped at a construction site. People built their own homes in Bay Roberts, using nails bought in hessian sacks from a local factory. Sometimes the sacks were discarded in the flurry of building, and Reuben knew he could ll discarded sacks back to the factory for five cents apiece.
That day he found two sacks, which he took to the wooden factory and sold to the man in charge of packing nails. The boy’s hand tightly clutched the five-cent pieces as he ran home.
Racing home, Reuben burst through the front door. “Here, Mum! Here!” Reuben exclaimed as he ran to her side. He placed a small box in her work-roughened hand.
吃糖会长痘吗Dora插座十大品牌排名 lifted the lid. In gold lettering on a small almond-shaped brooch was the word: Mother. It was Mother’s Day, 1946. Dora had never received such a gift; she had no finery except her wedding ring. Speechless, she smiled radiantly and gathered her son int
o her arms.
Last week I went to watch Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I1 with my friends, and as the movie ended, I felt a wave of sadness wash over me. As we walked out of the theater, dresd in various assortments of Harry Potter garb, I realized that the end of Harry Potter marked the end of my childhood. It was time to say goodbye to all things childish and time to step into adulthood.
Over the past ten years, I网速显示’ve grown up right alongside Harry. I’ve celebrated Harry’s birthday every July 31st and literally watched the transformations of the actors in the films. Fast-approaching my venteenth birthday, the movies are also appropriately coming to an end. Soon, there will be no more new Harry to look forward to — rereading the books and re-watching the movies will just be my last attempt to cling on to the remnants of my past that I refu to let go of.
The fact is, I am not alone. Harry Potter has unified猪肋排 a generation full of divergent tastes and personalities. It has given us a common interest and tied us together. Together, we’ve grown from excited ten-year-olds to mature生活诚品>李字行书 young adults, ready to embark on a new chapter of life.
As much as I know I’ll have to act like a real adult soon. I looked at the young children and felt happy that they were reading a book that identified so cloly with me. I still have one comforting thought left — Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II doesn’t come out until July. Until then, I’数据是信息的载体ll cling to my Gryffindor robe and stay part of Harry’s world for a little while longer.