
更新时间:2023-06-23 01:43:20 阅读: 评论:0

AA asmbly area
AAA air avenues of approach
AACG arrival airfield control group
AALPS automated air loading planning system
AATCC Army air traffic control center
AB air ba
ABCCC airborne battlefield command and control center
abn airborne
ACC air control center
ACL allowable cargo load
ACP asmbly control post
ADA air defen artillery
ADACG arrival/departure airfield control group
ADP automatic data processing
ADSO assistant division signal officer
AECC aeromedical evacuation control center
AF Air Force
AFB Air Force ba
AFM Air Force manual
AFR Air Force regulation
AFSOB Air Force special operations ba
AFSOP Air Force standing operating procedure
AG Adjutant General
AGL above ground level
AH attack helicopter
AI air interdiction
A/L air land
ALACC aircraft landing area control center
ALCC airlift control center
ALCE airlift control element
ALO air liaison officer
ALPS automated load planning system
AM amplitude modulation
AMB air mission brief
AMC air mission commander
ammo ammunition
AMO air movement officer
ANGLICO air and naval gunfire liaison company
AO area of operations
APO Army Post Office
AR Army regulation
ARFOR Army forces
ARNG Army National Guard
ASAP as soon as possible
asbly asmbly
ASCC Army Standardization Coordinating Committee ASL authorized stockage list
ASOC air support operations center
ASP ammunition supply point
AT antitank
ATC air traffic control
atch attachment
ATO aircraft transfer order
ATT air transportability training
A2C2 Army airspace command and control
avg average
AWACS airborne warning and control system AWADS adver weather aerial delivery system
BAI battlefield air interdiction
BCC battlefield coordination center
bn battalion
BOS battlefield operating systems
BSA brigade support area
C2 command and control
C3 command, control, and communications camo camouflage
CARP computed air relea point
CAS clo air support
cbt combat青春之旅结局
CCT combat control team
cdr commander
CDS container delivery system
CESO communications-electronics staff officer cfm cubic feet per minute
chemlite chemical light
chemo chemical officer
CI counterintelligence
CIF Central Issue Facility
CINC Commander in Chief
CLACC central loading area control center clas classified
cmd command
CO commanding officer
COMALF Commander of Airlift Forces COMDTINST commandant's instruction
comf comfort
commex communications exerci
commo communications
COMSEC communications curity CONPLAN contingency plan
西黄CONUS continental United States
coord coordinate; coordination
COSCOM Corps Support Command
CP command post
CPX command post exerci
CRC command and reporting center
CRP control and reporting post教师党员转正申请书
CS combat support
华罗庚简介50字CSF casualty staging facility
CSS combat rvice support
CTA common table of allowances
CUCV commercial utility cargo vehicles
CWIE container, weapon, and individual equipment DA Department of the Army
DACG departure airfield control group
DACO departure airfield control officer
DCA Defen Communications Agency
DCC DISCOM control center
DCS Defen Communications System
DF direction finding
DISCOM Division Support Command
div division
DLIC detachment left in contact
DMCC division movement control center
DMDG digital message device group
DMJP Dragon missile jump pack
DMMC division materiel management center
DOD Department of Defen
DRB division ready brigade
DRF division ready force
DSA division support area
DSC division support communications
DST decision support templating
DTO division transportation officer
DZ drop zone
DZST drop zone support team
DZSTL drop zone support team leader
EAC echelon above corps
E&E escape and evasion
ech echelon
ECM electronic countermeasures
EDRE emergency deployment readiness exerci EEFI esntial elements of friendly for example
怎样煎鱼不粘锅不掉皮elev elevation
enl enlisted
EOC Emergency Operations Center
EPW enemy prisoner of war
equip equipment
ESIP equipment supply issue point
ESM electronic warfare support measures
etc. et cetera
EW electronic warfare
EZ extraction zones
F Fahrenheit
FA field artillery
FAAR forward area alerting radar
FAC forward air controller
FACE forward aviation combat engineering FACP forward air control post

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