Formal Tenancy Agreement
出租方姓名/名称:公正透明 (以下简称“甲方”)
Landlord: (hereinafter referred to as "Party A")
承租方姓名/名称: (以下简称“乙方”)
Tenant: (hereinafter referred to as "Party B")积累
This Agreement is made by and between Party A and Party B in connection with rental of property whereby this agreed as follows:
1.租赁物业名称及地址: (以下简称“该物业”)
1.Name & Address of Property to be Rented:
(hereinafter referred to as "the Property")
2.用途: 该物业只供 使用。
2. Usage: For u only.
3.面积: 该物业建筑面积为 副词是什么 平方米。
3. Area: building area of the Property is square meters.
4租赁期限:由 年 月 日起至 年 月 日止。其中从 年 月 日到 年 月 日为固定期,从 年 月 日到 年 月 日为非固定期
4. Term of Tenancy: from to inclusive. From is fixed term; from is flexible term.
5.租金:租赁期租金/每月金额: 。乙方在收到甲方提供的税务发票后10个工作日内全额支付本月租金。
5. Rent: /Month. Party B shall pay monthly rent within 10 working days after the Party B has received the current month Tax Invoice from Party A.
6. Method of Payment
6.1日期:乙方需于租赁期限内每月 日之前支付,以实际居住天数支付租金。
6.1 Date: Party B shall pay off the rent on or before the 1st day of each month. The rental is according to the date the Party B living.
6.2方式:乙方须以现金/划帐方式支付。每 月为一期支付一次。
6.2 Method: Party B shall pay off the rent by T/T or cash. month(s) as a term.
7.Management Fee: Shall be paid by Party A according to the amount and payment method stipulated by the related management office.
8. Public Utility Fee: Water, electricity, gas, telephone, ADSL.
8.1 Payment Method: Shall be paid by Party B according to the amount of relevant bills。
8.2 甲方需为乙方开通水、电、煤气、电话费、ADSL。
8.2 Party A shall help Party B to make the Water, electricity, gas, telephone, ADSL in normal condition.
9. Security Deposit:
9.1于本合约签订后交房同时,乙方须以现金方式支付甲方保证金,共计金额人民币 整,甲方另立收据为凭。
9.1After the signing of this Formal Tenancy Agreement and on the date of hand-over, Party B shall pay to Party A by cash curity deposit that is . A parate receipt shall be issued by Party A.
10. Rent In Advance:
10.1于 年 月 日之前,乙方须以现金/划帐方式支付甲方首期租金,即租赁期内 年 月 日至 年 月 日的租金,共计金额 人民币 元整,甲方另立发票为凭。
10.1 Before the date 喝绿茶的好处, Party B shall pay to Party A the rent in advance which covers Tenancy from 中度脱水 to that is老师诗句_ . A parate invoice shall be issued by Party A.
11.交房日期:于 年 月 日或之前。
11. Date of Hand-over: On or before
12. Party B’s obligations:
12.1 To pay all public utility fees such as water, electricity, gas, telephone, ADSL related to the Property exclusively during the Term of Tenancy.
12.2 To pay the aforesaid curity deposit to Party A.
12.3 To pay the said rent in of on time and in the aforesaid manner without any deduction
whatsoever. In ca payment delayed, Party B shall pay a fine to Party A for delaying payment which equals to 0.5 percent of monthly rental per day, and if such default has not been cured by Party B within 15 days of notice there of from Party A. Party B shall be regarded as terminating the Tenancy and Party A shall have the right to claim loss pursuant to Article 12.9 hereunder.
12.4 To u the Property as per usage stipulated herein only and not to u the Property for any illegal purpo.
12.5 Not to sublea or part with the posssion of the Property without written connt of Party A and such connt however but to be unreasonably withheld.
12.6 Not to store arms, ammunition or unlawful goods, gun-powder, saltpeter, kerone or any explosive or combustible substance of any damage of the said property, and to be answerable and responsible for any conquence of any violation of local regulations.