
更新时间:2023-06-23 01:37:45 阅读: 评论:0

afaik - as far as I know [儘我所知]
afb - away from brain - often occurs in my ca [這些事情常常發生在我的身上]
afk - away from keyboard; for when you need to get up from the computer for a minute [不在鍵盤旁邊,意指離開]
aka - Also known As [又叫做]
alvl - area lvl or affix lvl [要在哪個地方升級]
amp - a request for a necromancer to u the amplify damage cur [請死零放傷害加深]
Andy - Andariel (Act 1 boss) [安達利爾]
anni - Unique small charm <annihilus> [毀滅小幅]
AoE - area of effect [影響區域的大小]
AR - attack rating [攻擊準確率]
arrows (or bolts) - ud when player runs out of ammunition [買弓箭]
baba/barb - barbarian [野蠻人]
BH - Blesd Hammer (paladin skill) [祝福之槌]
BO = battle orders [使用戰鬥體制]
BoS - Burst of Speed (assassin skill) [刺客加速技能]
brb - be right back [我會再回來]
brg - bring [帶]
bump - ud to get msg\';s back to first page since most have option tting to "latest Reply"
CE = Corp Explosion - If monster CE and FE stay away from this if you are Hard Core [屍體爆炸的距離]
chan - channel [打洞]
c/i - connection interrupted [連接中斷]
clean - no sockets and not personalized [無洞而且不是個人專屬的裝備]
clean sockets - has empty sockets [有打洞的裝備裡面不要有鑲東西]
clvl = character level [角色升級]
c/o-current offer [接下來要做什麼]
cube - Horadric Cube [赫拉迪克方塊]
D - aka Big D - Diablo (Act 4 boss) [暗黑破壞神]
DC - Diablo Clone [地表暗黑]
dd = don\';t die [不要死掉]
D2 - Diablo II [暗黑破壞神2]
DV: Dim Vision cur [微暗靈視詛咒]
dirty - item sockets are ud(have something in them)1.10 recipe now to empty sockets.Also refering to "personalized" to some detracts from value. [如何把符文清空跟如何把裝備修復]
DISO: Desperately In Search Of [拼命的去找]
dmg - damage [傷害]
dual boots - boots with fastest run and fastest hit recovery [含有快跑跟快速再度攻擊的鞋子]
dual leech - item with both life and mana steal (rings only dropped pre-1.08) Now back in 1.10 [從1.08到1.10版有什麼戒子是具有雙吸的屬性]
EoE/Eye - Eye of Etlich (unique +1 skills amulet) [艾利屈之眼+1技能的項鍊]
eth - ethereal - <sometimes> rune Eth [無形]
fan - fanaticism (paladin skill) [聖騎狂熱技能]
fcr - faster cast rate [高施]
FE = Fire Enchanted - - If monster FE and CE stay away from this if you are Hard Core [法師隕石技能的攻擊範圍]
fhr - faster hit recovery [快速再度攻擊]
fists - Magefists (unique gauntlets) [金色輕型鐵手套-法師之拳]
FO - frozen orb (sorceress skill) [法師冰封球技能]
FoH - fist of heavens (paladin skill) [聖騎天堂之拳技能]
fps - frames per cond [每秒攻擊幾下]
frosts - Frostburn (unique gauntlets) [金色鐵手套-霜燃]
FT - for trade [進行交易]
FTJG - failed to join game [
GA - Guided Arrow [亞馬技能-導引箭]
gg - good game [好遊戲]
gj - gold jacker [撿錢的人]
gj- good job [好職業]
hc - hardcore (the real deal) [用交易視窗交易]
HCMTF - hit caus monster to flee [打擊導致敵人逃跑]
HR - High Rune ( Vex thru Zod ) [高符26到33號]
IAS - incread attack speed [攻擊速度]俗稱功\速
iaw - in another window [在別的視窗]
iir - if I recall [如果我回傳訊息]
ilvl = item level [物品等級]
IK - usualy in referance to Immortal King Set [不朽之王套裝簡稱]
IM: Iron Maiden cur [鋼鐵處女]中譯攻擊反噬
IMO - in my opinion [ 依我的看法]
immo - Immolation Arrow (amazon skill) [亞馬技能-犧牲之箭]
IP - alternate for PI (Immune to phyical) [物理免疫]俗稱實體攻擊無效
iqlvl (QL) - item quality level [使用物品的等級]
ISO - In Search Of ( looking for ) [尋找]
ITD - ignore target\';s defen [忽視目標防禦力]
Izzy - Izual (unique Act 4 monster) [伊卒爾]第四章的boss之一
JIC - D2 term Just In Ca - for you machinest peeps - Joint International Congress (lol) [注意你暗黑帳號的期限,在到期前上線看看你的人物]
j/k - just kidding! [只是開玩笑而已]
jooc: just out of curiosity [只是出於好奇心]
k - OK [好的]
keke - Asian laughing = hehe etc. [嘻嘻]
l8r - Later (goodbye) [再見]
LEB - lightning enhanced boss [電系免疫的王]
lit - Wirt\';s leg is in town on the floor somewhere [懷特的腳在城鎮的某處地上]
成都医学院是几本ll - life leech [吸取血量]
lld - lvl 30 and under dueler , depending on the class.
then there\';s lvl 18 dueling. [等級30以下的決鬥者,通常是lv18的在打]
l o l - laughing out loud [笑的很大聲]
lr: Lower Resist cur [降抗詛咒]
ls - life steal [偷取生命]
ltb-looking to buy [找尋賣方]
ltt-looking to trade [找尋交易者]
lvl - level [等級]
mb = my bad(my fault) Also Meph Bot [我的錯]
meph - Mephisto act 3 boss [莫非斯托]第三章的王
merc - mercenary [傭兵]
mf - magic find (percentage) [尋寶率]
mfsc - magic find small charm ( 7s or = 7% magic find small charm) [7%增加打寶率的小護符]俗稱7%
ml - mana leech [吸取魔力]
我心飞扬mlvl = monster level [怪物等級]
mp = my pleasure [我很滿意]
ms - mana steal [偷取魔力]
msle - multi shot lightning enchanted (some monsters spawn with this)
mods - item modifiers - Trusted forum moderators for 3rd party trading [把物品交給第3位較有公信力的人來代為交易]
MVP - Most valuable Poster , you will e with some ur icons [勝利最多的人]
necro - necromancer [死靈法師]
ng = new game or next game [下一場遊戲]
nk - naked kill / Don\';t kill the cow king in party plea [不要守屍體或不要打死母牛關的母牛王]
NNTR - no need to reply [不需要重複]
np - no problem [沒問題]
npc - non playing character 好難翻...當作[路人]好了
NR = NT - no respon = no
thanks [不,謝了]
nrg - energy [精力]
nt - Naughty Teletubbies , no thanks , no trade , no text [不要的意思]
nvm - never mind [不要在意]
nvn - necro vs necro pvp type build necro [練一隻專門為了PK死零的死零]
OK - Oblivion Knight [遺忘騎士]
o/s - open sockets [打洞]
OT- off topic [沒討論到主題]
pally - paladin [聖騎士]
pdsc = poison damage small charm [增加毒傷的小護符]俗稱毒符
Peeps - people [人們]
PI - physically immune monster [實體攻擊無效的怪物]
PK - player killer [專門殺玩家的玩家]
PKK - player killer killer [指PK常勝利的人]
PKW - player killer wannabee [熱衷PK的人]
pp - Party plea [請讓我入隊]
PvM - player vs monster [玩家跟怪物打]
PvP - player vs player [玩家跟玩家打]
q and a - e QA [去看問題與解答]
QA - referring to Blizz Team Quality Assurance / Also depending on context Questions and Answers [問與答或品質保證]
qlvl - quality lvl [最高等級]
QT - Means Quick Trades [快速交易]
Basicly "Underlling" or "Overpaying" due to Traders needs not asking or paying standard prices [東西的基本價格]
RAWR -Loud Roar , aka RAWWWWRRRRR!!!!!! [打怪前吼血]
r/d - Realm Down [伺服器關機]俗稱被國停了
RD (DR)- Reduced damage (Physical) [傷害減少]
re - Re-invite plea [請重新邀請]
RL - Real Life [真實的血量]
r/w or fr/w - run and walk / faster run and walk [走路與跑步]
r? - ready? (ud for als and evil urns) [準備好了嗎?]
rdy - ready? (ud for als and evil urns) [準備好了嗎?]
ranger - a bow-wielding Paladin [一個使用弓箭的聖騎]
repairs - when a player has to run back to town to repair his equipment [修裝備]
r/l - real life [真實血量]
rofl - rolling on the floor laughing [捧腹大笑]
s/a - e above [看前文]
sae - save and exit [存檔並且離開]
资治通鉴作者sc - softcore (normal, as oppod to hardcore)
slvl - skill level [技能等級]
sm - slow missiles (amazon skill) [亞馬技能-慢速箭]
Smoke - resists armor crafted with Nef Lum [煙霧符文組]
SoE, String - String of Ears (unique sash) [長串之耳]
SoJ, Stone - Stone of Jordan (unique ring) [喬丹之石]
sorc - sorceress [法師]
ss - StormShield unique [金統盾]
以色列伊朗ss chrm = Shapeshift charm [小護符]
static - static field (sorceress skill) [靜態力場]
stix - javelins of any kind [任一種標槍]
sup - sup "Item" = Superior "Item" , Also Sup? = Whats Up? [怎麼升級裝備]
tarn - Tarnhelm (unique +1 skills helm) [金色頭盔-塔因頭盔]
TC = treasure class [有許\多好裝備的那群人]
thx - thanks [謝謝]
t/o - trade/offer or top/offer <auctions> [交易時提出條件]
tp - town portal [開城鎮傳點]
TS - thunder storm (sorceress skill) [雷雲風暴]
T.T - Crying eyes [哭的表情]
twinking - passing down good items (usually uniques) to lower level chars [人家留下來低階的好東西]
ty - thank you [謝謝]
- thank you very much [非常謝謝]
uber D - Diablo Clone [地表暗黑]
valk - Valkyrie (amazon skill, her playing partner) [女武神]
vlld - Very low level dueler = lvl 9 [等級9的決鬥者]
wb - welcome back [歡迎回來]
white - plain (non-magical) item (suitable for imbuing) [白色鑲材]
WIP -work in progress [繼續前進]
wp - waypoint [任務傳送點]
w/e - what ever [不管如何]
ww - Whirlwind (barbarian skill) [旋風]
x/p or xp or x-pack = Diablo II Expansion Pack [暗黑破壞神II資料片]
yw - you\';re welcome [你太客氣了]
zon - amazon [亞馬遜]

本文发布于:2023-06-23 01:37:45,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:攻擊   技能   交易   俗稱
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