半条命2秘籍和命令(Half life 2 crets and commands)
In this paper, we are prented with the cret of half life.
I hope you can read it carefully, and it will help you to master the cret of half-life, so that you can experience more exciting game life in the game.
Sv_cheats 1 enabled cheating (no record of achievements)
God mode (invincible)
Noclip through wall mode (host/rver valid)
Mat_depthbias_normal 1 perspective mode
Impul 101 all weapons
Impul 82 got a jeep
Impul moisturir 83 launch
Notarget will not find you
Map [map name] loads the specified map
Give [item name] to create an item
Buddha's living Buddha model (which can be accomplished)
Hurtme # hurting blood (#)
Maps map list
Cl_ragdoll_collide 1. This parameter makes the various modules of the body clo to each other so as to avoid each other's embedding so that the physical contact in the game looks much better
Developer [0-2] developer mode; 2 is a detailed
Picker kicks in person mode
Cl_drawhud [0 or 1] shows HUD
Cl_enablehud [0 or 1] shows HUD
Cl_showfps [0 or 1] frames
+ mlook to enable mou appearance
Hud_quickhelp/text? 1 display approval star
Viewmodel_fov # t the size of the weapon; The default 54
Exec [filename] executes script files
Npc_create [name] calls to the NPC
Npc_create_challenge calls an NPC
Setpos coordinate transfer
Sv_gravity # ts the gravity value
Sv_stopspeed # ts the minimum stop speed
校招自我介绍The sv_friction # ts the friction
Sv_bounce # simulate object collision?
Sv_maxvelocity # ts the maximum speed for moving objects
Sv_waterdist #?
Sv_infinite_aux_power 1 unlimited power
Sv_show_crosshair_target 1 shows that NPCS are enemies and friends
Cl_phys_timescale [0.00-1.00] t time; The default is 1
Air_density # changes air density
Dsp_explosion_effect_duration # ts the length of the explosion chaos
家庭影院音响Prop_debug enters the test mode
Mat_numtextureunits # limit unit texture
Mat_wireframe1 network model
Physical effects of vcollide_wireframe 1 wireframe object
Mat_fastnobump [0 or 1] bump mapping
Impul 200 has no weapons model on the screen Impul 203 removes the object or person NoClip flies and wears a wall
Showtriggers_toggle shows the game trigger
Mat_normalmaps 1 shows an ordinary map
Mat_normals 1 shows the surface material
Mat_yuv 1 black and white screen
Npc_create npc_alyx alix (ceiling turret)
Npc_create npc_antlion ant lion
Npc_create npc_antlionguard ant lion guard Npc_create npc_barnacle barnacles
Npc_create npc_barney barney
邀请招标文件模板Npc_create npc_breen brin
Npc_create npc_citizen and civilians化归思想
Npc_create npc_combine_s union army
Npc_create npc_combinedropship transport
Npc_create npc_combinegunship attack helicopter Npc_create npc_crow crow
Npc_create npc_cscanner detection machine
Npc_create npc_dog dog
Npc_create npc_eli alex's dad (eli)
Npc_create npc_fastzombie fast zombie
Npc_create npc_gman mystery man
Npc_create npc_headcrab
Npc_create npc_headcrab_black black crab
Npc_create npc_headcrab_fast crab
Npc_create npc_headcrab_poison black crab
Npc_create npc_helicopter
Npc_create npc_ichthyosaur dragon fish
Npc_create npc_kleiner karena