Hazardous Materials Transportation Guides
The following definitions have been abstracted from the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Transportation, Parts 100-199.
Refer to the referenced ctions for complete details. Note: In column (1), 49 CFR 172.101, Hazardous Materials Table, the (+)
fixes the proper shipping name and hazard class. The name and
class do not change whether the material meets or does not meet the definition of that class. (49 CFR 172.101(b)(1))
HAZARDOUS MATERIAL - A substance or material, including a hazardous substance, which has been determined by the Secretary of
Transportation to be capable of posing an unreasonable risk to
health, safety, and property when transported in commerce, and
which has been so designated. (See 49 CFR 171.8)
MULTIPLE HAZARDS - A material meeting the definition of more than one hazard class and must be clasd according to its position on the
list in 49 CFR 173.2(a).
For example, a material that meets the definition of a flammable
liquid and an irritating material would be clasd as a flammable liquid.
EXPLOSIVES An Explosive is any chemical compound,
mixture, or device which is designed to
function by explosion, that is
substantially instantaneous with the
relea of gas and heat. Exception--such
compound, mixture, or device which is
otherwi specifically classified in Parts
171-180. (See 49 CFR 173.50)
CLASS A 1 Detonating. Maximum Hazard. The nine
types of Class A explosives are defined in
49 CFR 173.53.
CLASS B 1 Flammable Hazard. In general, functions by
rapid combustion rather than detonation.
Included are explosive devices such as
窗前special fireworks, flash powders, etc. (49
CFR 173.88)
CLASS C 1 Minimum hazard. Small arms ammunition,
certain types of fireworks and various
types of manufactured articles containing
restricted quantities of Class A and/or
Class 11 explosives as components.
Included are common fireworks and various
types of small arms ammunition
manufactured articles which contain
restricted quantities of Class A or Class
B explosives. (49 CFR 173.100)
BLASTING AGENT 1 Blasting Agent. A material designed for
blasting which has been tested in
accordance with 49 CFR 173.114(a)(b). It
must be so innsitive that there is very little probability of: (1) accidental
explosion or (2) going from burning to
detonation. (49 CFR 173.114a(a))
GASES 2 Compresd Gas. Any material or mixture
having in-the-container an absolute
pressure exceeding NON-FLAMMABLE GAS 40
psi at 70' F, OR a pressure exceeding 104 psi at 130'F; or any liquid flammable
material having a vapor pressure exceeding 40 psi at 100'F. (49 CFR 173.300(a))
2 Non-liquified Compresd Gas - A gas
(other than gas in solution) which, under the charged pressure, is entirely gaous at a temperature of 70'F. (49 CFR
2 Liquefied Compresd Gas - A gas which,
under the charged pressure, is partially
liquid at a temperature of 70-F. (49 CFR
2 Compresd Gas in solution - A non-
liquified compresd gas which is
dissolved in a solvent. (49 CFR
2 Flammable Compresd Gas - Any compresd gas meeting criteria as specified in 49
CFR 173.300(a) and (1)). This includes:
lower flammability limit, flammability
limit range, flame projection, or flame
2 Nonflammable Gas - Any compresd gas
other than a flammable compresd gas. FLAMMABLE LIQUID 3 Flammable liquid - Any liquid having a
flash point below 100'F. Authorized
methods to determine flashpoints are
listed in 49 CFR 173.115(d). For
exceptions, e 49 CFR 173.115(a).
FLAMMABLE LIQUID 3 Pyrophoric Liquid - Any liquid that
ignites spontaneously in dry or moist air
at or below 130'F. (49 CFR 173.115(c)) COMBUSTIBLE LIQUID 3 Combustible liquid - Any liquid that does
not meet any other hazard class, other
than ORM-E, having a flash point at or
above 100'F. and below 200'F. For
exceptions, e 49 CFR 173.115(b).
Authorized methods to determine
flashpoints are listed in 49 CFR
173.115(d). Exceptions are found in 49 CFR 173.118(a).
FLAMMABLE SOLID 4 Flammable Solid - Any solid material
(other than an explosive) which under
normal transportation conditions is liable to cau fires through friction or
retained heat from manufacturing or
processing. It can, be ignited readily and burns so vigorously and persistently, as
to create a rious transportation hazard. Included in this class are spontaneously
combustible and water reactive material.
(49 CFR 173.150)
4 Spontaneously Combustible Material (solid) - A solid substance (including sludges and pastes) which may undergo spontaneous
Treating or lf-ignition under normal
transportation conditions. The
materials may increa in temperature and
购汇和购钞的区别ignite when expod to air. (49 CFR 171.8) 4 Water Reactive Material (solid) - Any
solid substance (including sludges and
pastes) which react with water by igniting or giving off dangerous quantities of
flammable or toxic gas. (49 CFR 171.8) ORGANIC PEROXIDE 5 Organic Peroxide - Any organic compound
containing the bivalent -0-0- structure.
It may be considered a derivative of
hydrogen peroxide where one or more of the hydrogen atoms have been replaced by
organic radicals. It must be clasd as
an organic peroxide unless it meets
certain criteria listed in 49 CFR
OXIDIZER 5 An Oxidizer - A substance such as
chlorate, permanganate, inorganic
peroxide, or a nitrate, that yields oxygen readily to stimulate the combustion of
organic matter. (49 CFR 173.151)
POISON A 2 Extremely Dangerous Poisons - Poisonous
gas or liquids--a very small amount of
the gas, or vapor of the liquid, mixed
with air is dangerous to life. (49 CFR
POISON B 6 Less Dangerous Poisons - Substances,
liquid or solid (including pastes and
mi-solids), other than Class A Poisons
or Irritating Materials--so toxic (or
presumed to be toxic) to man that they are
a hazard to health during transportation.
(49 CFR 173.343(a))
IRRITATING MATERIAL 6 An Irritating Material - A liquid or solid substance which, upon contact with fire or air, gives off dangerous or intenly
irritating fumes. It does not include any poisonous material, Class A.(49 CFR
ETIOLOGIC AGENT 6 An Etiologic agent - A living micro-
organism (or its toxin) which caus (or
may cau) human dia, and includes
tho agents listed in 49 CFR 72.3.(49 CFR 173.386)
RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL 7 Radioactive Material - Any material, or
combination of materials, that
spontaneously gives off ionizing
radiation. It has a specific activity
greater than 0.002 microcuries per gram.
(49 CFR 173.403)(See 49 CFR 173.403(a)
through (z) for details.)
CORROSIVE, MATERIAL 8 Corrosive Material - A liquid or solid
that caus visible destruction or
irreversible damage to human skin tissue
on contact. Also, it may be a liquid that has a vere corrosion rate on steel. (See 49 CFR 173.240 (a) and (b) for details.)
9 (1) Any material that may po an
unreasonable risk to health, safety, and
property when transported in commerce; and (2) does not meet any of the definitions
of the other hazard class specified in
this subchapter, or (3) has been
reclasd an ORM (specifically or
permissively) according to this
subchapter. (49 CFR 173.500(a))
ORM-A 9 An ORM-A is material which has an
anesthetic, irritating, noxious, toxic, or other similar property. If the material
leaks during transportation, pasngers
and crew would experience extreme
annoyance and discomfort. (49 CFR
ORM-B 9 An ORM-B is material, (including a solid
when wet with water), the leakage of which could cau significant damage to the
vehicle transporting it. Materials meeting one or both of the following criteria are ORM-it materials: (1) specifically
designated by name in 49 CFR 172.101
and/or (2) a liquid substance that has a
corrosion rate exceeding 0.250 inch per
year(IPY) on non-clad aluminum. An
acceptable test is described in NACE
Standard TM-01-69.(49 CFR 173.500(b)(2)) ORM-C 9 An ORM-C is material which has other
inherent characteristics not described as an ORM-A or ORM-B, but which make it
unsuitable for shipment, unless properly
identified and prepared for
transportation. Each ORM-C material is
specifically named in 49 CFR 172.101. (49 CFR 173.500(b)(3))