1 The transistor is what started the evolution of the modern computer industry in motion.
2 The storage cell only requires one capacitor and one transistor, whereas a flip-flop connected in an array requires 6 transistors.
3 There ha been a never ending ries of new op amps relead each year since then, and their performance and reliability has improved to the point where prent day op amps can be ud for analog applications by anybody.
4 This is capable of very high speed conversion and thus can accommodate high sampling rates, but in its basic form is very power hungry.
5 During the 女性小腹痛“oncpu怎么装” period , energy is being stored within the core material of the inductor in the form of flux.
6 The design goal of frequency synthesizers is to replace multiple oscillators in a system, and hence reduce board space and cost.
7 The faster clock rates and ri times increa both capacitive and inductive coupling effects, which makes crosstalk problems greater.
8 What allowed the creation of modern processors was the invention of the integrated circuit, which is a group of transistors manufactured from a single piece of material and c
onnected together internally , without extra wiring.
9 It can function as a line driver , comparator ,amplifier, level shifter, oscillator, filter, signal conditioner, actuator driver, current source, voltage source, and etc.
10 If we were to now digitally filter this sampled signal, we could remove approximately 3/4 of the noi, increasing the signal to noi ratio by a factor of 4 or 6dB.
1、Many of the products and rvices in modern society are bad upon the work of elec
trical engineers and computer scientists. The tremendous reduction over the last decade in the cost of digital electronic devices has led to an explosive growth in the u of computers and computation. At the same time, out incread understanding of computer science has made possible the development of new software systems of incread power, sophistication, and flexibility.
现在社会的许多产品和服务都是建立在电器工程师和计算机科学家的工作基础之。 在过去几十年中,数字电子器件成本的大幅下降已经带来了计算机应用迅猛的增长。 与此同时, 春酒琦君人们对计算机科学认识的提高是的开发新的更强大,更复杂,更灵活的软件成为可能。
2、It is extremely hard to define dynamic range (DR) for an op amp, so let's start with a digital-to-analog converter (DAC)where DR is an defined as the ratio of the maximum output voltage to the smallest output voltage the DAC can produce.
由于很难定义运算放大器的“动态范围”(DR), 因此先给“数模转换器”(DAC)的动态范围下定义。 DAC的动态范围就是起最大输出电压和最小输出电压之比。
3、The available spectrum bandwidth is shared in number of ways by various wireless radio links. The way in which this is done is referred to as a multiple access scheme.there are basically four principle schemes. The are frequency division multiple access(FDMA), time division multiple access(TDMA), code division multiple access(CDMA), and space division multiple access(SDMA)
不同的无限射频链路以不同的方式公用频谱带宽。 这些共用方式称为“多址模式”“频分多址”(FDMA)、“时分多址”(小学作文大全300字TDMA)、“码分多址”(古诗为焦仲卿妻作CDMA)和“空分多址”(SDMA)是四种主要的多址模式。
4、U of custom gate array logic, application specific integrated circuits(ASICs),ball grid arrays (BGAs), multichip modules(MCMs) and digital devices operating in the subnanocond range prent new and challenging opportunities for EMC engineers.
5、Some digital logic IC and their and their analog counterplots(analog/digital converters,for example) are standard parts, or standard IC. You can lect standard IC from catalogs and data books and buy them from distributors. Systems manufacturers and designers can u the same standard part in a variety of different microelectrionic systems( systems that u microelectronic or IC)有些数字逻辑集成电路和模拟电路(如模数转换器)是标准器件或者标准集成点路。 可以从产品目录和数据手册当中选择标准集成电路,从经销商处购买。系统制造商和设计人员可以在各种不同的微电子系统(“微电子系统”是指应用微电子技术和集成电路的系统)中使用相同的标准器件。
1、理想型In November 1971, Intel introduced the world's first commercial microprocessor, the 4004, invented by three Intel engineers. Primitive by today's standards, it contained a mere 2300 transistors and performed about 6000calculations in a cond. Today, the microprocessor is the most complex mass-produced product ever, with millions of transistors performing hundreds of millions of calculations each cond.