1.-Yes it is. Would you like to have a look at it?
糖尿病人能吃什么水果As Is it still available?
巳、Is it occupied?健康饮食演讲稿
C、Is there anyone in?
Ds Is there a possibility?
2.-How is your backache? Is it still bothering you?
- ? Now I can’t move.
As That's fine.
Bs All right.
学期陈述报告>司法学Cx I am afraid so.
Ds I am sorry to hear that.
标准答案:C 考
3、一Would you mind going to the bank with me?
As Thank you.
巳、Good idea.
C、Not at all.禹州钧瓷
Ds That's true. C
Why don’t we go to the
Do you mind my
减肥标语Can I help you?
What kind of
I’m not satisfied with your
Are you married
Hurry up
Excu me
13. -I haven't en Belly for 10 years.
A、Either have I.
Bs Neither have I.
CN Haven't I.
D、So have I.
14、一Which language do you speak at home?
A、I speak English very well.
巳、I can speak English and French.
C、English is my mother tongue.
D、English, most of the time.
开斋节是哪个民族15.-Must I do the washing-up tonight?