1 the a of, first, year, most, •world, over, •same, day, end, between, •United States, next, during• 22038615 | 0.98 2 be v misc there, if, many, •able, long, always, likely, since, never, sure, often, •available, •aware, afraid ● exist, live, have being || take place, happen, occur || be situated, be located, remain 12545825 | 0.97 | 6 in i which, year, new, way, place, •world, life, school, country, ca, •area, city, •United States, •fact ● around, inside, within || appearing in, taking part in, participating in, featuring in 6996437 | 0.98 7 to t in, want•, try•, back•, need•, able•, lead•, return•, allow•, enough•, continue, listen•, clo•, refer• 6332195 | 0.98 | ||
3 and c her, their, other, up, between•, •then, both, back, over, year, down, off, family, friend ● then, after that, afterward || plus, in addition to, as well as || furthermore, moreover, also 10741073 | 0.99 4 of i out•, becau•, front•, instead•, terms•, way, top•, ahead•, outside•, favor•, place, charge•, light, spite• 10343885 | 0.97 5 a a •lot, •few, while, month, •single, •minute, •chance, •bit, •ries, hour, •variety, •huge, •dozen, mile 10144200 | 0.98 | 8 have v noun •trouble, •knack, •qualm, •repercussion, •recour, •inkling, misgiving, •foresight misc already, •been, •done, •shown, •begun, •en, •gotten ● posss, own || must, need 日记大全150字|| make sure, make certain || receive, obtain || consume, take || think of, come up with || experience, undergo || be affected by, suffer from || organize, carry out || tolerate, put up with || produce, bear 4303955 | 0.97 9 to i in, want•, try•, back•, need•, able•, lead•, return•, allow•, enough•, continue, listen•, clo•, refer• 3856916 | 0.99 | ||
10 it p think•, so, becau, •em, even, hard, •easy, •clear, whether•, •difficult, •possible, sound, worth, •impossible ● the aforementioned, he, she, her || the situation, the problem, the issue, the subject 3872477 | 0.96 | 17 on i ba•, •side, focus•, •street, •floor, •ground, depend•, •basis, effect•, rely•, impact•, •list, attack•, •page ● sitting on, on top of, resting on, lying on || at, next to, by the side of, by 2485306 | 0.99 | |||
11 I p •think, know, like, •mean, •believe, love, guess, sure, mylf, •remember, sorry, •wonder, wish, afraid ● mylf, I mylf, I for one, I personally, yours truly, me 3978265 | 0.93 | 18 do v noun •homework, harm, me, •laundry, •talking, •disrvice, •bidding, •houwork, •push-up misc you, what, •not, •know, •think, want, why•, mean, •believe, •care, •mind ● perform, accomplish, act || e to, fix, prepare || solve, work out, resolve 2573587 | 0.95 | |||
12 that c fact•, believe•, suggest•, indicate•, argue•, realize•, note•, clear•, evidence•, ensure•, aware•, notion•, stuff, •correct 3430996 | 0.97 13 for i •year, reason, wait•, need•, while, support, •month, •minute, •hour, arch•, responsible•, account•, •cond, prepare• ● aimed at, intended for, designed for, meant for || in favor of, in support of, pro 3281454 | 0.98 14 you p know, if•, get, think, want, e, tell, me, thank•, ask, let, •need, mean, talk 3081151 | 0.92 S 15 he p say, when•, tell, like, ask, feel, before, himlf, believe, though•, •write, •add, speak, die 2909254 | 0.94 16 with i deal•, associate•, fill•, relationship•, compare•, contact•, charge•, interview•, consistent•, familiar•, conversation•, cope•, •exception, comfortable• ● by means of, by, through || together with, along with, in conjunction with || in addition to, plus, including 2683014 | 0.99 | 19 say v noun official•, expert•, spokesman, analyst, critic•, procutor, spokeswoman, diplomat misc •goodbye, •quietly, •softly, needless•, •aloud, •proudly, •flatly, suffice•, quoted ● speak, utter, articulate, declare || give away, express, disclo, display 1915138 | 0.95 20 this d •year, •country, •ca, •week, point, •morning, early•, •ason, month, •article, •stuff, •weekend, •summer, •particular 1885366 | 0.96 21 they p becau•, so, •want, like, before, believe, themlves, once, decide, realize, eat, insist, •perceive, •derve 1865580 | 0.96 22 at i look•, •time, •university, •point, •end, •home, •level, stare•, •center, •moment, •age, PM, •top, professor• ● on, next to, by the side of, by 1767638 | 0.98 23 but c •also, •for, •rather, nothing•, necessarily, •nonetheless, •now, •reason, everything•, truth, •moment, wear•, •sake, whole 1776767 | 0.97 | |||
25 his a hand, •own, •head,翠色欲流 •wife, •eye, father, face, arm, •mother, shake•, •son, •brother, •career, •shoulder 1801708 | 0.95 26 from i range•, different, remove•, prevent•, benefit•, suffer保养车都保养什么项目•, across, emerge•, parate•, derive•, mile•, •perspective, distance, •beginning ● as of, after, on or after, beginning, starting, commencing 1635914 | 0.99 | 33 as c well, such•, much•, long•, such•, far•, same•, •result, •part, •though, soon•, rve•, •possible, describe• ● while, when, during || becau, since, eing that || like, identical to, the same as || to such an extent, equally, to the same degree 1296879 | 0.98 34 what d do, know•, about, •happen, tell, like, •mean, •call, exactly•, matter, •wrong, wonder•, •hell, •suppod 1181023 | 0.94 | ||||
27 that d fact•, believe•, suggest•, indicate•, argue•, realize•, note•, clear•, evidence•, ensure•, aware•, notion•, stuff, •correct 1712406 | 0.94 S 28 not x •only, •enough, •yet, •sure, or•, whether•, simply, certainly•, •necessarily, •mention, •anymore, •proofread, •surprising, •merely 1638830 | 0.98 29 n''t x do•, can•, •know, •want, •any, why, •anything, really, •enough, •understand, •care, •anymore, •worry, •matter 1619007 | 0.94 30 by i own, cau•, surround•, back, influence•, affect•, •inch, accompany•, replace•, publish•, inspire•, mark, fund, dominate• ● through, via, in || with, next to, near || not later than, before, sooner than 1490548 | 0.96 31 she p her, say, like, herlf, before, realize, cry, marry, soon, whisper, pregnant, reply, asleep, softly ● this woman, that woman, the woman in question, this girl, that girl, the girl in question 1484869 | 0.91 F 32 or c either , whether , minute , hour, whatever, month, • • • • arch, modify , otherwi, sooner , mile, • • • • depending 1379320 | 0.97 | 35 go v noun •bed, •bathroom, •mile, •nut, •berrk, jail misc •through, let•, •home, •away, •happen, •ahead, •beyond, •sleep, •anywhere, •crazy on what•, •inside, list•, •forever, hell•, fighting•, •length, •usual, heck•, •indefinitely off bomb•, alarm•, siren•, beeper•, bulb•, pager•, •tangent, firework•, flashbulb•, firecracker• back let•, •home, •forth, •sleep, •inside, •upstairs, •downstairs, •jail up •flame, •smoke, curtain•, cheer•, eyebrow•, •dramatically, roar超声雾化器•, •chimney 颜色对对碰down sun•, •tube, swelling•, •breakfast, Titanic out •dinner, •public, party, breakfast ● leave, go away || travel, move || work, run || reach, extend || become, get || die, pass away 1151045 | 0.93 S 36 their a •own, child, •life, •home, parent, 新生儿不爱睡觉•ability, •daughter, •counterpart, •peer, •identity, •neighbor, •respective, relative, •participation 1083029 | 0.97 37 can v noun others, Mr, equation•, Dr, counlor•, mean, anytime, me, Mrs, certainty, calorie, criteria, •havoc, teacher-librarian• misc you, n't, e, how, so, help, believe, afford, anything, imagine, understand, easily, cau, anyone, handle ● dismiss, fire, sack, discharge, give notice, let go 1022775 | 0.98 38 who p people , tho , man , one , woman , live, • • • •出男 • • someone , person , guy , anyone , care, individual , • • • • • somebody , anybody • • 1018283 | 0.97 | ||||
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