When Chico Max decided to mount an exhibition of photographs of recent immigrants to Brazil, he had a harder time finding subjects than he expected. That is___1_____just 600,000 of the 204 m people living in the country are foreign-born. The small pool of potential sitters surprid Mr. Max. ____2____everyone in Brazil is descended from immigrants or African slaves; only the United States has a bigger non-indigenous population. The country’s president is the daughter of a Bulgarian; the vice-president has a road ___3_____ him in Lebanon. All of Mr. Max’s grandparents came from Portugal between the two world wars. As the title of his show this month in Sao Paulo proclaimed,“We are all____4____”.
Yet Brazil’s foreign-born population ____5____ at 73% of the total at the start of the 20th ce
ntury and has been dwindling ever since. It is now a fifth of Latin America’s low average and a fraction of that in melting pots like the United States. That is a ____6____. Brazil needs millions of well-qualified workers____7____ its mediocre schools are not providing them. ____8____ more immigration, analysts warn,求不得人生八苦 Brazil faces a “skills blackout”.
Some of the reasons for which migrants shun Brazil are obvious. It is not a rich country. Its language, Portugue, is not widely spoken elwhere. Yet Argentina, with a fifth of Brazil’s population and an equally troubled____9____, attracts more than double the number of newcomers — about 280,000 people a year, mostly poor laborers from other Spanish-speaking countries. They could easily master enough____10___to work in Brazil, although they would not solve the skills shortage.
They do not come becau Brazil needlessly ____11____ additional roadblocks. Its legislation on immigration is “anachronistic (不合时代的)”,admits BetoVasconcelos, who handles the issues at the justice ministry in Brasilia. The main law dealing with immigration, enacted by 声音的特征generals who ruled from 1964 to 1985, _____12___ foreigners a
s a menace to national curity五年级下 and to Brazilian workers. It ____13____ non-Brazilians from taking part in political rallies, owning stakes in newspapers or participating actively in trade unions.怎样训练口才
It also impos cumbersome (麻烦的)conditions on foreign workers. Securing a work permit can ___14_____ months and cost thousands of dollars in legal and administrative fees. Most work visas are tied to an employer, so changing a job requires starting the ____15____process from scratch. Brazil’s enlightened refugee law, by contrast, grants asylum-ekers a work permit within a week of arrival, free of charge.青春amigo
1. A. why B. becau C what D. since
2. A. Nearly B. Hardly C. Rarely D. Scarcely
3. A. instead of B. named after C. regardless of D. celebrated with
4. A. human beings B. immigrants C slaves D. citizens
5. A. lowered B. peaked C. tightened D. strengthened
6. A. problem B. puzzle C. surpri D. headache
7. A. therefore B. otherwi C. but D. although
8. A. With B. Besides C. Except D. Without
中医执业医师报考条件9. A. economy B. reason C. language D. name
10. A. English B. Spanish C. Portugue D. French
11. A. put out B. put up C. put down D. put forward
12. A. rves B. thinks C. treats D. welcomes
13. A. supports B. bars C. establishes D. warns
14. A. take B. demand C. spend D. require
15. A. application B. legal C. working D. immigration
Only a naive sports fan would be shocked by a new round of doping allegations. In cycling’s
Tour de France from 1998 - 2013, 38% of the top-ten finishers were____1____ for using performance-enhancing drugs, and a ____2____ of track-and-field athletes’ blood test results earlier this year showed that around one-venth were “highly suggestive of doping” . Yet the report on Russian athletes published on November 9th by the World Anti-Doping Agency still reprents a new kind of ___3_____— or, more precily, a very old one. __4______merely citing individual athletes, WADA claims that Russia has maintained an organized ___5____ doping programme of the sort that was thought to have ended with the cold war.
Russia first found itlf in WADA’s cross-hairs last December, when a German TV station aired _____6___ of rampant PED u. In June the agency noted that Russia led the world in PED violations in 2013, with 11.5% of the global total. But once its investigators started ____7____, what they found was “wor than we thought”, said Dick Pound, the r
eport’s co-author and a former WADA president. “It may be a residue(残余)of the ___8_____ Soviet Union system. ’’
The report’s main smoking gun (确凿证据) ___9_____Sergey Portugalov, the chief medical
officer of the All-Russian Athletics Federation. In an e-mail, he ____10____ Yuliya Stepanova, a runner, to increa her u of ____11____ testosterone ( 睾丸素). Ms Stepanova later cretly recorded her coach, Vladimir Mokhnev, while he allegedly gave her PEDs. The report also ____12____ Dr. Portugalov of directly delivering injections of banned substances to athletes, though it does not provide specifics. Dr. Porugalov could not be reached for comment.