give sth for sb 例句
Give sth for sb 是一种英文表达方式,常用于表示将物品或服务送给别人。该表达方式常见于商业、旅游和礼物等领域,被广泛运用。下面,我们将逐一介绍这种表达方式,并提供一些相关的例句。
一、Give sth for sb的基本意思
在英语中,give sth for sb常常与give sb sth意思相同,表示将某物送给某人。然而,give sth for sb还有另外一层意思,即表示为某人提供一种服务或贡献某种资源,而不是仅仅提供一个物品。例如:
1. Yesterday, I gave my car for my brother to u for a week.(昨天,我把我的汽车借给我弟弟用了一个星期。)
2. Our company will give you all the necessary materials for the project.(我们公司会为你们提供完成这个项目所需的所有材料。)衬衫用英语怎么说>家庭牛排腌制
3. The hotel gives breakfast for all guests.(这家酒店会为所有客人提供早餐。)
1. The boss gave his assistant a new laptop for work.
2. The travel agency gave us a guided tour of the city.
3. The local government is giving subsidies for small business affected by the pandemic.
4. The charity organization gave away food and clothes to the homeless.
学校文化墙 5. The teacher gave the students a quiz for their weekly asssment.
6. The restaurant gave us complimentary desrt after a satisfying meal.
7. The online retailer is giving a 10% discount for new customers.
8. The hospital gave the patient a full physical examination.
9. The airline company gave us extra leg room for our long-haul flight.
10. The university gave the scholarship recipients a certificate of achievement.白玉鸟叫声
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Give sth for sb是一种简单而灵活的英语表达方式,可以表达物质赠送,服务提供,还可以表达资源贡献等意思。笔者在此提供了一些相关的例句,希望对读者理解这个表达方式有所帮助。同时,大家在实践中也可以创造自己的例句,不断提高自己的英语表达能力。