n 1: Recruitment System
1.1 General ns
In order to standardize。regulate。and nalize the recruitment management of the company's employees。ensure a reasonable talent structure and talent rerve。and achieve the n of XXX。this system is formulated.
1.1.1 Scope of n
This system applies to the recruitment management of the company'XXX.
1.1.2 Recruitment Principles
The company's recruitment is bad on the principles of openness。fairness。and impartia
lity。adhering to XXX the best person for the job and recruiting the best talents。and insisting on the form of internal recruitment first and then external recruitment to ensure the high-quality human resources needs of the company.
1.1.3 Contents
The contents of this system include XXX。recruitment plan。recruitment form。n。and employment.
1.2 XXX
1.2.1 The Labor and Capital Department is the XXX.
标准差英语1.2.2 XXX led by the general manager (other persons XXX circumstances)。and the Labor and Capital Department is XXX assistance.
1.2.3 XXX.
1.3 Recruitment Plan
1.3.1 Each department propos employment needs。fills out the "Employee Recruitment Plan n Form," and reports it to the general manager for approval.
1) Supplementing vacancies: It is XXX。job transfers。retirements。ns。etc。according to ns.
2) Urgent XXX needs: XXX。XXX.
3) n of staffing: Due to the development needs of us departments。XXX.
4) XXX: In order to promote the achievement of the company's goals。XXX.
1.3.2 XXX formulates a recruitment plan bad on the general manager's XXX standards。the current development status of the enterpri。and the staffing XXX formulating a recruitment plan。if it is a newly established recruitment n。each department should also submit XXX.
1.3.3 The recruitment plan should be submitted to the company's general manager for ap
proval。After approval。the Labor and Capital Department can organize and implement the recruitment.
新年英语1.4 Recruitment Form
仙萌1.4.1 XXX Recruitment Form
Recruitment forms XXX.
1) Internal recruitment
For company vacancies。XXX。requesting the company to consider whether they can work in a certain n。The Labor and Capital Department refers to the ns of the applicant's current supervisor and the vacancy n's supervisor。XXX bad on the job n。For tho who pass the preliminary screening。XXX results take effect after being approved by the manager's office meeting or the general manager.
2) External recruitment
In the ca where internal recruitment cannot meet the company's human resources needs。external recruitment XXX.双子座狮子座
1) XXX.
1.4.2 人事主管可以根据总经理或公司办公室审批的《招聘简章》(见附件二),选择不同的渠道发布招聘信息,以满足需求。
1.5 员工筛选
天蝎男性格1.5.1 招聘信息反馈后,劳资部门负责初步筛选应聘者,获取候选人名单。
1.5.2 初步筛选后,劳资部门要求候选人员填写《员工应聘登记表》(见附件三),并收取相关证件的复印件,如身份证、学历、其他证书等。
1.5.3 面试
物料员的工作职责1.6 录用
1.6.1 对复审通过的应聘人员,劳资部门要下发《录用报到通知书》,并通知其到公司报到。
1.6.2 被录用者应在通知规定期限内到公司履行报到手续,否则视为自动放弃。特殊情况经批准后可延期报到。
1.6.3 在报到时,新聘人员应认真填写《员工登记表》。人事主管要向每位新员工发放《员工手册》,并介绍公司概况、成长史及发展目标、经营理念、企业文化和企业精神等,并组织参观厂区和工作现场。
1.6.4 公司安全部门要对新员工进行安全培训教育,并填写“三级”安全教育卡片。
1.6.5 后勤部门负责为新员工发放工作服、工作牌,并为需要住宿的人员安排宿舍。
1.7 新员工的试用和正式录用
1.7.1 新员工培训后进行试用,试用期为3个月。用人部门可以根据试用期间个人考核情况酌情缩短试用期。在试用期间,新员工只能获得试用期工资。只有在转为正式职员后,才能按公司薪资标准支付工资。
1.7.2 对于公司引进的特殊人才或中层以上干部,经总经理特别批示,可以不按试用期限和试用工资办理,具体按总经理的指令执行。
1.7.3 新员工试用期的工作考核管理由所在岗位部门主管负责。在试用期间,对于表现突出、特别优秀的人员,员工可以申请提前转正。经总经理批准后,可以执行,但试用期最短不得少于1个月。