Investigation of asphalt aging behaviour due to oxidation using molecular dynamics simulation.我的前半生豆瓣
期刊名称: Molecular Simulation.
作者: Pan,Jielin,Tarefder,Rafiqul,A.
年份: 2016年
大雨的声音期号: 第8期
关键词: Asphalt oxidation;MD simulation;intermolecular energy;bulk
modulus;rheology;physical and mechanical property
经济管理类>怎样做奶茶支气管炎症状摘要:An attempt is made to connect the link between internal chemical and molecular mechanical property change and external physical, rheological and mechanical property change for asphalt before and after oxidative aging using molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. Intermolecular interactions, density, bulk modulus and zero shear viscosity changes of model asphalt systems before and after oxi
dative aging and mechanical property changes of the asphalt systems under different compressive and tensile stress rates are investigated at room temperature (298K). Simulation results demonstrate that oxidid functional groups in asphalt molecules increa the strength of intermolecular bonds and the bulk modulus of asphalt, which further contribute to the hardening of the oxidid asphalt. The internal property change is consistent with