Acute necrotizing fasciitis developed due to Staphylococcal infection during neonatal varicella 期刊名称: J Pediatr Infect Dis长白山西坡
作者: Tiny Hoekstra,Johanna M. Geleijn,Evert G. Schouten,Cornelis Kluft
年份: 2006年
眉毛运势期号: 第04期生根不落地
关键词: Neonatal varicella;acute necrotizing fasciitis
摘要:Although varicella acquired during childhood normally has a benign cour, complications may occur during the cour of the dia. Cellulitis sometimes occurs as a result of bacterial superinfection. When caud by A-group Streptococci cellulitis may evolve into necrotizing fasciitis leading to necrosis of deep tissues. We have found treatment using parenteral antibiotics, intensive supplementary therapy and surgical debridement of necrotic tissues to be effective. A ca of Staphylococcal necrotizing fasciitis in a neonate is reported.