英 学 必 —— (一)
在英 学 中有着 足 重的地位, 它 于 言 出特别是 面表达拥有重要的作
用。因 它是整体 入大 ,而后整体 出, 所以能够防止一些固定用法、 搭配和 构的
知和 出。 掌握的多少决定着 言 理的速度和英 表达的流畅程度。
多多地 累 。 克多英 小 特地依据新 程 准和考 定的
,帮大家尽可能多地 了 ,并配以例句加深理解和 。
1. abandon hope 情侣睡前小故事不抱希望
Rescuers had abandoned all hope of finding any more survivors.达翰尔
十二指肠出血2. abandon one ’s idea 取消念
Becau of the fog they abandoned their idea of driving.
3. ability to do sth 做某事的能力
The ability to smile is actually something we are born with.
4. musical ability 音 天
Almost everyone has some musical ability.
5. to the best of one ’s ability 尽最大努力
I try to do my job to the best of my ability.
6. (be) able to do sth 能做某事
Looking back, I feel I wouldn ’tbe able to ride a bike had I lost heart.
7. be about to do sth when ⋯ 正要做某事, ⋯⋯
I was about to turn off my computer when I received an email.
8. above all 最重要的是
I ’d like to buy a hou — modern, comfortable, and above all in a quiet neighborhood.
9. go abroad for further study梅花像什么 出国进修
He is considering going abroad for further study.
10. at home and abroad 在国内外
The books about Harry Potter are very popular now, both at home and abroad.
联合行文11. in / during sb ’s abnce 某人不在
The decision was made in / during my abnce.
12. in the abnce of 在缺少⋯⋯的状况下
The ca was dismisd