The most important English Proverbs
This is a list of some of the most important and well-known English proverbs. Below each one, there's a simple explanation. The meanings of some of the phras have shifted over the years, so a proverb might have originally had a different meaning than the one I explain.
1.Two wrongs don't make a right
When someone has done something bad to you, trying to get revenge will only make things wor. 做人应以德报怨,不应牙还牙
2.The pen is mightier than the sword
Trying to convince people with ideas and words is more effective than trying to force people to do what you want. 好的沟通和想法相比强迫别人更能让人主动接受。
3.When in Rome, do as the Romans
Act the way that the people around you are acting. This phra might come in handy when you're traveling abroad notice that people do things differently than you're ud to. 入乡随俗
4.The squeaky(吱吱响)wheel gets the grea(油脂、贿赂)
You can get better rvice if you complain about something. If you wait patiently, no
one's going to help you. 会哭的娃有奶吃/会叫的鸟儿有虫吃
5.When the going gets tough, the tough get going
Strong people don't give up when they come across challenges. They just work harder. 人要遇强则强
6.No man is an island
You can't live completely independently. Everyone needs help from other people. 没人可以孤立存在
7.Fortune favors the bold(大胆的,英勇的)
People who bravely go after what they want are more successful than people who try to live safely. 成功垂青勇敢的人
8.People who live in glass hous should not throw stones.
Don't criticize other people if you're not perfect yourlf. 不要批评他人,因为你也不够好 9.Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst
Bad things might happen, so be prepared. 未雨绸缪
10.Better late than never
It's best to do something on time. But if you can't do it on time, do it late. 迟到的好总比没有好 11.Birds of a feather flock together
People like to spend time with others who are similar to them. 物以类聚,人以群分
12.Keep your friends clo and your enemies clor
If you have an enemy, pretend to be friends with them instead of openly fighting with them. That way you can watch them carefully and figure out what they're planning. 比亲近你的朋友更亲近你的敌人
13.A picture is worth a thousand words
Pictures convey emotions and messages better than written or spoken explanations. That's why PhraMix has illustrations 一张图片胜过千言万语
14.There's no such thing as a free lunch
Things that are offered for free always have a hidden cost. 天下没有免费的午餐。
15.There's no place like home
Your own home is the most comfortable place to be. 金窝银窝不如自己的狗窝
16.Discretion(审慎) is the greater part of valor(英勇)
看透你的心Sometimes it's important to know when to give up and run away, instead of always
acting brave and maybe getting hurt. 避其锋芒,保存实力,才是真正勇者。
17.The early bird catches the worm(虫)
You should wake up and start work early if you want to succeed. 早起的鸟儿有虫吃。
18.Never look a gift hor in the mouth
If someone offers you a gift, don't question it. 不计较别人的馈赠。
19.You can't make an omelet(蛋卷) without breaking a few eggs
When you try to do something great, you'll probably make a few people annoyed or
angry. Don't worry about tho people; just focus on the good results. 凡事不可避免,不如做的更好
20.God helps tho who help themlves 斑潜蝇
Don't just wait for good things to happen to you. Work hard to achieve your goals. 天助者
自助。 珍惜我们的爱>水宜生水杯21.You can't always get what you want
Don't whine(抱怨、牢骚) and complain if you don't get what you wanted. 生活不会给你想要的一切,所以调整心态
22.Cleanliness is next to godliness
Be clean. God likes that. 保持干净,让自己更虔诚
23.A watched pot never boils(very important)
If something takes time to finish, don't watch it too cloly becau it will em like it's taking forever. 心急吃不了热豆腐
24.Beggars can't be choors
If you're asking for a favor from someone el, you have to take whatever they give you. 人在屋檐下,哪有不低头
25.Actions speak louder than words
Just saying that you'll do something doesn't mean much. Actually doing it is harder and more meaningful. 行胜于言
26.If it ain't broke, don't fix it
Don't try to improve something that already works fairly well. You'll probably end up causing new problems. If something is working adequately well, leave it alone.东西没有坏就不要修它,不然只会搞砸
27.Practice makes perfect
You have to practice a skill a lot to become good at it. 孰能生巧