Date: 29 FEBRUARY 2004Time: 9. to 11.Total Marks: 1001
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Q.1Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct answer from the words
given in the brackets.[10]
1.Mulji talked about becoming a sadhu at the age of .................years.
(3, 4, 5)
皮渣怎么做好吃2.Shriji Maharaj was overjoyed to e Gunatitanand Swami and hugged
him .............................. times.(19, 22, 25)
3. A ............................................... needs satsang the most.
(shepherd, sinner, mesnger of Yama Raja)
4.Shriji Maharaj initated the nineteenth man and named him
.............................. Swami.(Advaitanand, Adbhutanand, Akhandanand)
5.When Dugar Bhakta was ................. years old, there was a wedding in
the family.(5, 7, 9)
6.Shantilal was born on ...................................................V.S. 1978.
(Vasant Panchmi, Magshar sud 8, Rama Navmi)
7.Shastriji Maharaj lected ..................... year old Shastri
Narayanswarupdas to be the president of the Sanstha.(17, 23, 28)
8.In .................................. two boys, Vijay and Devesh, ud to come
regularly for Swamishri's darshan.(Durban, Dubai, Daman)
9.In the ......................................... Shriji Maharaj has instructed all to
apply the tilak and chandlo.
(Vachanamrut, Shikshapatri, Swamini Vato)
10.The arrows of King ................................... hit Shravan.
(Dashrath, Ram, Bharat)
Q.2Answer the following in one ntence.[10]
1.Where did Maharaj initiate Mulji? What name did He give Mulji?
2.What blessings did Gunatitanand Swami give to the spiteful chief of
the village?
3.How good was Gunatitanand Swami's eyesight even at the age of 82?
4.What are the qualities of a rvant?
2Marks Obtained: Q. 1
5.To end the yagna, what did Jagjivan offer in the sacred fire?
6.Why was Uka Khachar late in arriving to the asmbly?
7.What should the members of the hou do every evening?
8.Where was Bhagatji Maharaj born? What was his profession by birth?
9.Why should we bow at the feet of sadhus?
10.Who wrote the rules of Sanskrit grammer?
..................................................................................................................Q.3For any FIVE of the following, state who is speaking to whom.
1.“You're only a foot high and you dare to advi me?”
Who is speaking .............................. To whom ...........................
2.“He has been a satsangi since even before his birth.”
Who is speaking .............................. To whom ...........................
3.“Maharaj has commanded that even if a person harms us, we
欲望姐妹们should do good for him.”
Who is speaking .............................. To whom ...........................
4.“How do you explain when humans eat and drink things not
meant for them?”
Who is speaking .............................. To whom ...........................
5.“It would be nice if you also give something of yours as a token.”
Who is speaking .............................. To whom ...........................
6.“I am waiting for your command.”
Who is speaking .............................. To whom ...........................
7.“I am the greatest, there is none greater than mylf.”
如何陪伴孩子Who is speaking .............................. To whom ...........................
3Marks Obtained: Q.2
Q. 3
Q.4Answer any FIVE of the following, using only three lines for each.[10]
1.What did Mulji say to his father after returning from the village?
2.During Shriji Maharaj's final illness, what did He say to Gunatitanand
Swami after hugging him?
3.How did the shepherds benefit by Munjo Suru becoming a satsangi?
4.How did Bhagubhai suffer becau of his disobedience of
Gunatitanand Swami's commands?
5.How did Jinabhai rve Kamalshi Vanja?
6.What are the benefits of fasting on Ekadashi?
7.Describe the humility of Pramukh Swami Maharaj?
.................................................................................................................. Q.5In the ntences below, tick ( ) tho which are true and cross ( ) tho which are fal.[10]
1.Gunatitanand Swami walked over 80 miles a day to
2.The Nawab of Khambat had nt his golden palanquin
for Gunatitanand Swami'
3.Swami left his mortal body at exactly 12.
4.Maharaj built a mandir of Gopinathji on Dada Khachar's
5.Maharaj ordered Sunderji to go to Mathura .
6.Two little eyes – to e movies at
7.Yogiji Maharaj ud to fast every
8.The sadhus wear clothes which
9.After being initiated into the saffron order, Shanti
Bhagat was renamed
10.Shriji Maharaj proclaimed Gunatitanand Swami as His
< Q.6Write short notes on any ONE of the following. (In 10 lines.)[10]
1. Standing in the rain.
2. A woman is blesd.
3. Dungar Bhakta.