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Outcome Covered 1
Asssment task instructions
九下物理知识点Candidates will be given one clod-book exerci consisting of ten restricted respon questions for the asssment of Outcome 1. This exerci should take candidates approximately 30-45 minutes to complete.
1 List the main sources of modern Scots Law.
Statute law, common law and European Union law
2(a) What is meant by the doctrine of judicial precedent?
2(b) Give an example of a judicial precedent.
2(b )给出了一个司法先例的例子。)给出了一个司法先例的例子。
3(a) Which is the superior legislative body: the Westminster Parliament or the Scottish Parliament?
3(b) Explain your choice of answer in part (a) above.
3(b )解释第(一)项的选择你的答案。)解释第(一)项的选择你的答案。  4 What is a statute?
5 Name five Acts of Parliament.
6 What are the main differences between civil and criminal law in Scotland? 6什么是民法和刑法之间在苏格兰的主要区别?什么是民法和刑法之间在苏格兰的主要区别?
7 What is a crime? (You should list four examples of criminal behaviour)
李雪宁7什么是犯罪?什么是犯罪?  (你应该列出四种犯罪行为的例子)(你应该列出四种犯罪行为的例子)
8 Provide three examples of a civil dispute.
9(a) In a conflict between Scots and European Union Law, which one of the two legal systems are the Scottish Courts bound to follow?9在苏格兰和欧盟之间的法律,这两种法律制度的冲突引起的(a )是必然要遵循的苏格兰法庭)是必然要遵循的苏格兰法庭
9(b) Explain your answer.
9(b )解释你的答案。)解释你的答案。
10(a) What are the four most important institutions of the European Union?
10(b) Which of the European Union institutions has law-making powers?
covered 1
Suggested solutions and making an asssment decision
Question 1
The answer should state that the main sources of modern Scots Law are statute law, European Union law and common law.
Question 2
(a) The answer should state that the doctrine of judicial precedent or stare decisis involves a process whereby a judge or judges can develop a rule of law by making a decision in a test ca. A test ca is one in which clarification of an important point of law is sought and judges, after listening to opposi
ng legal arguments, will have to make the decision as to which view of the law is correct. Once this decision has been made, future judges and courts will be expected to follow the reasoning laid down in the test ca if they are dealing with a ca which rais similar legal issues. It should be stresd that not every judge can make a new, binding legal rule. The authority of the judge or the court will have to be considered here. If the judge is relatively a Sheriff or a Justice of the Peace, it is very unlikely that s/he will be able to create a new rule of law. If, on the other hand, the ruling came from superior courts, for example, the High Court of Justiciary or the Hou of Lords, this decision would have to be followed by the lower or inferior courts. Therefore, the position of the court matters greatly. Judicial precedent or ca law is part of the unwritten law of Scotland.
(b) The well known ca of Donoghue v Stevenson [1932] could be ud as one such example of the doctrine of judicial precedent.
推理下,如果他们与案件的处理提出了类似的法律问题。应该强调的是,不是每个法官可以作出新的,具有约束力的法律规则。有约束力的法律规则。该法官或法院的权力将不得不考虑在这里。如果法官是比较初级该法官或法院的权力将不得不考虑在这里。如果法官是比较初级例如警长或和平一个正义,这是非常不可能的他/她将能够创建一个新的法律规则。如果,另一方面,由上级法院来裁决,例如,对Justiciary 或上议院高等法院,这个决定必须由下级或下级法院遵循。因此,法院的地位问题很大。司法先例或判例法是不成文的苏格兰法律的一部分。苏格兰法律的一部分。
(二)多诺霍v 史蒂文森著名案例[1932]可作为一个司法先例原则这样的例子。可作为一个司法先例原则这样的例子。  Question 3
(a) The superior legislative body is the Westminster (or United Kingdom) Parliament. 优越的立法机构是威斯敏斯特(或英国)议会。优越的立法机构是威斯敏斯特(或英国)议会。
(b) Unlike the previous Scottish Parliament which was abolished by the Act of Union in 1707, the new Scottish Parliament is not a completely independent body. The Scottish Parliament is quite clearly an inferior body in comparison to the Westminster Parliament. It is the Westminster Parliament from which the Scottish Parliament derives its authority to pass laws for Scotland. Any legislation of the Scottish Parliament is considered to be condary legislation not primary legislation.
领导座位 It should also be recalled that a simple Act of the Westminster Westminster Parliament is all that it would take to abolish Scotland’s Parliament. Westminster Parliament is all that it would take to abolish Scotland’s Parliament. Westminster has already abolished a local asmbly or parliament ie the Stormont Parliament or Asmbly
which made laws for Northern Ireland until its abolition in the 1970s. (二)不同于以往的苏格兰议会是由联盟法废除了1707年,新的苏格兰议会并不是一个完全独立的机构。苏格兰议会是很清楚,在相对于威斯敏斯特议会下身体。这是威斯敏斯特议会从中获得其权威苏格兰议会通过对苏格兰的法律。苏格兰议会的任何法律被认为是次要的立法不是主要的立法。还应该指出,一个简单的威斯敏斯特议会法案是所有则需取消苏格兰议会。威斯敏斯特已经取消了地方议会或国会即斯托蒙特议会或集会,直至取消其在20世纪70年代北爱尔兰的法律。年代北爱尔兰的法律。
Question 4
Acts of Parliament are often referred to as legislation or statute law. Until the creation of the Scottish Parliament, the Westminster Parliament (the national Parliament of the United Kingdom) alone made laws for Scotland. However, Westminster has given the Scottish Parliament authority in many different areas of policy to make statute law. 议会的行为是通常被称为法律或成文法。直到苏格兰议
Question 5
Any five Acts of either the Westminster or Scottish Parliaments could be the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, Sale of Goods Act 1979, Employment Rights Act 1996, Abolition of Feudal Tenure (Scotland) Act 2000 and Protection of Children (Scotland) Act 2003.
Question 6
The main differences between civil and criminal law in Scotland are:民事和刑事法律在苏格兰的主要区别是:兰的主要区别是:
♦ Criminal law is primarily ud by the State as a means of maintaining law and order by punishing certain individuals who indulge in behaviour which is regarded as criminal and anti-social. The State us the criminal law, therefore, to punish criminals on behalf of the community or society.
♦ The civil justice system, in contrast with criminal law, aims to resolve legal disputes between private individuals in areas as wide-ranging as family law, company law, partnership law, banking and finance law, sale of goods and rvices, consumer law, personal injury claims, trusts, defamation actions, succession issues and divorce.
♦ Different courts, standards of proof and procedures exist depending on whether we are talking about a criminal action or a civil dispute.
不同法院,证明标准和程序存在取决于我们讨论的是犯罪行为或民事纠纷说话。不同法院,证明标准和程序存在取决于我们讨论的是犯罪行为或民事纠纷说话。  Question 7
A crime is behaviour which is regarded as so reprehensible and which, conquently, threatens or undermines the curity of society. Criminal behaviour ought to be punished by the State by the imposition of a prison ntence and/or fine or other sanction on the person who is convicted of a crime. Examples of criminal conduct include murder, rape, assault, fire-raising, theft and fraud.
Question 8
Examples of a civil dispute might include any of the following actions:
1 Employment law unfair or wrongful dismissal claims, unlawful discrimination and cas involving unauthorid deductions from wages. 例如就业法律纠纷不公平或不当解雇,例如就业法律纠纷不公平或不当解雇,非法歧视和未经授权的情况下,非法歧视和未经授权的情况下,非法歧视和未经授权的情况下,涉及从工资中扣涉及从工资中扣除。除。
2 Family law disputes (custody or adoption of children).
3 Divorce or paration actions.冉有的性格特点
4 Debt recovery actions.
5 Defamation of character.
6 Tenor or authenticity of a lost document. 票据期限或真实性遗失的文件。票据期限或真实性遗失的文件。
7 Land trespass, nuisance, non-natural u of water, liability for animals, occupier’s liability and spiteful u of property rights.
财产权利。  8 Winding up of a corporate body (companies, limited liability partnerships or limited partnerships) in an insolvency or bankruptcy situation.
清盘的法人团体在破产或破产的局面(公司,有限责任合伙或有限合伙)。  9 Succession disputes (wills).
10 Trusts.
11 Personal injury claims.
12 Contractual disputes whether consumer or commercial in nature.
无论消费者和商业合同争议的性质。无论消费者和商业合同争议的性质。  Question 9
(a) In a conflict between Scots and European Union Law, the Scottish Courts would be duty bound to
obey the European Union’s legal system.在苏格兰之间的冲突和欧盟法律,苏格兰法院将义务去遵守欧盟法律体系。法院将义务去遵守欧盟法律体系。
(b) The European Union is an organisation or a club of twenty-five member states. Like most
organisations or clubs, the members have to obey the rules or laws in order to enjoy the benefits of membership. Britain has been a member of the European Union since 1st January 1973 as a result of the passing of the European Communities Act 1972 by the Westminster Parliament. It is this legislation which recognis the supremacy of European law over domestic law. By the time Britain became a member of the European Union in 1973, many of the key laws were already in place and Britain had to accept the as the price of membership of the European Communities (now the Union). If, however, Britain decided to withdraw from membership of the European Union it would be an obvious truism to say that national law would once again reign supreme.
Question 10
(a) The four primary institutions of the European Union are as follows:
1 The Council of Ministers.
2 The European Parliament.
3 The European Court of Justice.
4 The European Commission.
(b) The Council of Ministers and the European Parliament have the power to make laws for the people of Europe. The European Court of Justice enforces European Union Law. The European European Commission is effectively the Union’s civil rvice in the ns Commission is effectively the Union’s civil rvice in the ns e that it can propo laws (but it cannot, contrary to popular belief, actually legislate) and it can also bring breaches of the various European Union Treaties to the attention of the European Court of Justice. In this latter role, the Commission is often regarded as the Guardian of the various European Union Treaties.

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