Series | Introduced | Recurring cast | Year |
1 | Thomas the Tank Engine ("Thomas & Gordon") Edward the Blue Engine ("Edward & Gordon") Henry the Green Engine ("The Sad Story of Henry") Gordon the Big Engine ("Thomas & Gordon") James the Red Engine ("Thomas & the Breakdown Train") Percy the Small Engine ("Trouble in the Shed") Toby the Tram Engine ("Toby & the Stout Gentleman") Annie and Clarabel ("Thomas & the Breakdown Train") Henrietta ("Toby & the Stout Gentleman") Troublesome Trucks ("Edward & Gordon") Terence the Tractor ("Thomas, Terence & the Snow") Bertie the Bus ("Thomas, Terence & the Snow" (not named) / "Thomas & Bertie") Sir Topham Hatt/The Fat Controller ("The Sad Story of Henry") Lady Hatt ("Toby & the Stout Gentleman") Stephen Hatt ("Toby & the Stout Gentleman") Bridget Hatt ("Toby & the Stout Gentleman") Mrs. Kyndley ("Thomas' Christmas Party") | - | 1884 |
2 | Bluebell the Cow ("Cows") Trevor the Traction Engine ("Saved from Scrap") The Vicar of Wellsworth ("Saved from Scrap") Jem Cole ("Saved from Scrap") Duck the Great Western Engine ("Duck Takes Charge") Harold the Helicopter ("Percy & Harold") Devious Diel ("Pop Goes the Diel") Donald and Douglas the Scottish Twins ("Break Van") The Spiteful Brakevan ("Break Van") Daisy the Diel Railcar ("Daisy") Bill and Ben the Tank Engine Twins ("Percy Takes the Plunge" (not named yet) / "The Dial") BoCo the Diel Engine ("The Dial") | Thomas Edward Henry Gordon James Percy Toby Bertie Terence Henrietta Annie and Clarabel Troublesome Trucks | 1986 |
3 | City of Truro ("Gordon & the Famous Visitor" (faceless; not named)) Dilly the Duck ("Donald's Duck") The Chine Dragon ("Thomas, Percy & the Dragon") Mavis the Quarry Diel ("Mavis") The Flying Scotsman (Gordon's brother) ("Tender Engines" (tenders only; not named)) Oliver and Toad ("Escape!") Bulgy the Double-Decker Bus ("Bulgy") | Thomas Edward Henry Gordon James 非洲最大的国家Percy Toby Duck Donald and Douglas Bill and Ben Diel BoCo Annie and Clarabel Troublesome Trucks Terence Bertie Trevor Harold Sir Topham Hatt The Vicar Jem Cole Henrietta Lady Hatt | 1992 |
4 | Stepney the Bluebell Engine ("Rusty to the Rescue") The Diel ("Bowled Out") Duke ("Granpuff") Smudger ("Granpuff") Skarloey ("Granpuff" (cameo) / "Four Little Engines") Rheneas ("Granpuff" (cameo) / "Four Little Engines") Falcon / Sir Handel ("Granpuff" / "A Bad Day for Sir Handel") Stuart / Peter Sam ("Granpuff" / "A Bad Day for Sir Handel") Rusty ("Trucks") Duncan ("Home at Last") S. C. Ruffey ("Toad Stands By") George ("Steam Roller") Caroline ("Train Stops Play") Bulstrode the Barge ("Special Attraction") The Refreshment Lady ("Peter Sam and the Refreshment Lady") Nancy ("Pasngers and Polish") Champion the Bull ("Bulls Eyes") | Thomas Edward Henry Gordon James Percy Toby Duck Donald and Douglas Oliver the Great Western Engine Daisy Bill and Ben BoCo Mavis The Fat Controller Annie and Clarabel Henrietta Toad the Brake Van Troublesome Trucks Bertie Terence Trevor Harold Bulgy | 1994-1995 |
5 | Cranky the Crane ("Cranky Bugs") Horrid Lorries ("Horrid Lorry") Butch the Breakdown Vehicle ("Cranky Bugs" (cameo) / "Horrid Lorry" (faceless; does not speak)) Old Bailey ("Haunted Henry") Derek ("Double Teething Troubles" (not named)) 'Arry and Bert ("Stepney Gets Lost" ('Arry not named; Bert does not speak)) Bertram the Old Warrior ("Toby's Discovery" (does not speak)) Old Slow Coach ("Thomas, Percy and Old Slow Coach") Tiger Moth ("Sir Topham Hatt's Holiday") Thumper ("Rusty and the Boulder" (does not speak)) Dowager Hatt ("Gordon and the Gremlin" (not named)) | Thomas Edward Henry Gordon James Percy Toby Duck Bill and Ben Donald BoCo Mavis Oliver Stepney Skarloey Rheneas Peter Sam Rusty Duncan Annie and Clarabel Henrietta Toad Bertie Terence Harold George the Steam Roller Caroline The Fat Controller Lady Hatt Stephen Hatt Bridget Hatt Mrs. Kyndley Jem Cole | 1998 |
6 | Salty the Dockyard Diel ("Salty's Secret") Harvey the Crane Engine ("Harvey to the Rescue") Elizabeth ("Elizabeth the Vintage Lorry") Cyril ("The Fogman") Ms. Jenny Packard ("Jack Jumps In") Jack ("Jack Jumps In") Oliver the Excavator ("Jack Jumps In") Byron ("Jack Jumps In") Isobella ("Jack Jumps In") Kelly ("Jack Jumps In") Alfie ("Jack Jumps In") Max ("Jack Jumps In") Ned ("Jack Jumps In" (cameo) / "A Friend in Need") Farmer McColl ("Toby Had a Little Lamb") Alicia Botti ("Thomas, Percy and the Squeak") | Thomas Edward前行作文 Henry Gordon 朱德之死James Percy Toby Duck Donald and Douglas Bill and Ben Diel Mavis Oliver the Western Engine Stepney 'Arry and Bert Skarloey Rheneas Peter Sam Rusty Duncan Duke (music video cameo) Annie and Clarabel Henrietta Troublesome Trucks Bertie Terence Trevor Harold George (cameo) Cranky The Fat Controller Jem Cole | 2002 |
7 | Emily ("Emily's New Coaches") Fergus ("Bill, Ben and Fergus") Arthur ("The Spotless Record") Murdoch ("Peace and Quiet") Spencer the Grand ("Gordon and Spencer") Lord Callan ("A Bad Day at Castle Loch") Sodor Brass Band ("Edward's Brass Band") The Miller ("Toby's Windmill") The Duke and Duchess of Boxford ("Gordon and Spencer") Pegasus the Cart Hor ("Harold and the Flying Hor") Sir Topham Hatt's Cat ("Snow Engine") | Thomas Edward Henry Gordon James Percy Toby Duck Donald and Douglas Oliver Bertie Terence 南华真经Bill and Ben Diel Harold Trevor Mavis Bulgy Duke (stock footage cameo) Skarloey Duncan Rusty Rheneas Stepney Peter Sam George (cameo) Cranky S.C. Ruffey (music video cameo) Bulstrode (music video cameo) Daisy (music video cameo) Butch (cameo) 'Arry and Bert Tiger Moth (cameo) Harvey Salty Elizabeth Annie and Clarabel Henrietta Troublesome Trucks Toad The Fat Controller | 2003 |
8 | - | Thomas the Tank Engine Edward the Blue Engine Henry the Green Engine Gordon the Big Engine James the Red Engine Percy the Small Engine Toby the Tram Engine Emily Spencer the Grand Arthur Harvey the Crane Engine Devious Diel Mavis the Quarry Diel 'Arry and Bert Salty the Dockyard Diel Annie and Clarabel Bertie the Bus Elizabeth the Vintage Lorry Harold the Helicopter Cranky the Crane Sir Topham Hatt / The Fat Controller Farmer McColl Murdoch Trevor | 2004 |
9 | Molly ("Molly's Special Special") Neville ("Thomas and the New Engine") Dennis the Lazy Diel ("Thomas' Day Off") Mighty Mac and Mr. Percival ("Mighty Mac") The Famous Artist ("Percy and the Oil Painting") | Thomas Edward Henry Gordon James Percy Toby Emily Harvey Bill and Ben Diel Mavis 'Arry and Bert Salty Skarloey Rheneas Peter Sam Rusty Duncan Annie and Clarabel Bertie Trevor Harold Cranky | 2005 |
10 | Rosie ("Thomas and the Birthday Mail") Freddie the Fearless Engine ("Fearless Freddie") Rocky the Crane ("Edward Strikes Out") Jeremy the Plane ("Thomas and the Jet Plane") Dave the Dusty Miller ("Follow That Flour") The Admiral ("Thomas and the Treasure") Mrs. Percival ("A Smooth Ride" (does not speak)) Alice ("Thomas and the Birthday Mail" (does not speak)) | Thomas 一群小鸟Edward Henry Gordon James Percy Toby Emily Spencer Harvey Diel Mavis Salty Skarloey Rheneas Sir Handel Peter Sam Rusty Duncan Mighty Mac Troublesome Trucks Bertie Cranky Harold The Fat Controller Lady Hatt Stephen Hatt Bridget Hatt The Thin Controller Annie and Clarabel Henrietta The Duke and Duchess of Boxford Bill and Ben (cameo) 淡水鲨鱼怎么养Trevor (cameo) Molly (cameo) The Refreshment Lady (cameo) Cyril the Fogman (cameo) The Chine Dragon | 2006 |
11 | Billy ("Don't be Silly, Billy") Whiff the Rubbish Engine ("Emily's Rubbish") Hector ("Hector the Horrid!") Madge the Snub-Nod Lorry ("Cool Truckings") The Brown-haired Engineer and the Carpenter ("Gordon and the Engineer") The Magician ("Smoke and Mirrors") | Thomas Edward Henry Gordon James Percy Toby Donald and Douglas Emily Spencer Arthur Bill and Ben Molly Rosie Diel Mavis 'Arry and Bert Salty Skarloey Duncan Rusty Rheneas Peter Sam Sir Handel Mighty Mac Fearless Freddie Annie and Clarabel Rocky Troublesome Trucks Bertie Elizabeth Cranky The Fat Controller Dowager Hatt Farmer McColl Alicia Botti Mr. Percival Harvey Henrietta Jeremy The Duke and Duchess of Boxford Murdoch Neville Butch Lady Hatt Lord Callan The Chine Dragon | 2007 |
12 | Hank the American Engine ("Heave Ho Thomas!") Flora ("Tram Trouble") Colin the Green Crane ("The Party Surpri") The Balloon Repairman ("Duncan and the Hot Air Balloon") The Bargeman ("The Party Surpri") Ms. Marvel ("Mountain Marvel" (does not speak)) Mr. Giggles ("Thomas and the Billboard" (does not speak)) The Percival Children ("The Party Surpri" (cameo)) | Thomas Edward Henry Gordon James Percy Toby Duck Donald and Douglas Oliver Emily Murdoch Neville Ben Rosie Whiff Stanley Diel Mavis Salty Skarloey Rheneas Sir Handel Peter Sam Rusty Duncan Fearless Freddie Mighty Mac (Mac; does not speak) Toad Hector Troublesome Trucks Bertie Jack Harold Sir Topham Hatt Lady Hatt Dowager Hatt Stepney (does not speak in the UK) Harvey Arthur 'Arry and Bert Annie and Clarabel Henrietta Rocky Trevor Alfie Farmer McColl Bulgy (cameo) Jeremy Cranky | 2008 |
13 | Charlie ("Play Time") Sir Lowham Hatt ("Double Trouble") Mr. Bubbles ("Slippy Sodor") 玻璃叶饼Bridget Hatt's Friends ("Tickled Pink") The Bakers ("Splish Splash Splosh") The Dock Manager ("The Early Bird") | Thomas Edward Henry Gordon James Percy Toby Emily Spencer Rosie Hiro Diel Mavis Victor Rocky Kevin Cranky Sir Topham Hatt Lady Hatt Dowager Hatt Stephen Hatt Bridget Hatt Farmer Trotter Farmer McColl Allicia Botti The Mayor of Sodor The Teacher The Schoolchildren The Bird Watcher The Maithwaite Stationmaster The Knapford Stationmaster Annie and Clarabel Henrietta Bertie The Duke and Duchess of Boxford The Dairy Manager The Ginger-haired Boy Anopha Quarry Manager Big Mickey Troublesome Trucks The Tree Specialists The Welsh Bird Watcher The Lady with the Big Hat Barrow Football Fan The Female Puppet Show Entertainer | 2009 |
14 | - | - | 2010 |
15 | Belle Flynn Butch Den Dart Paxton Norman Sidney | - | 2011 |
16 | Stafford The Great Compor | - | 2012 |
17 | Luke Millie Stephen Sir Robert Norramby / The Earl of Sodor Porter | 2013-2014 | |
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