∙Caring: desire to help people 有同情心的
∙Charming: pleasant, delightful 富有魅力的;讨人喜爱的
∙Considerate: thinking of others 体贴周到的
∙Enthusiastic [in?θju:zi??stik]: has strong feelings; ardent 狂热的
∙Excitable: gets excited easily 容易激动的
∙Faithful: being loyal 虔诚的
∙Funny: causing people to laugh
∙非常老师Kind: thoughtful, caring 好心的
∙Pleasant: polite 令人愉快的;
∙Polite: exhibiting good manners 有礼貌,有教养的
∙Sincere [sin?si?]: being totally honest 真诚的
∙Thoughtful: thinking things over 体贴入微的
∙Other words: adaptable(有适应能力的), brave, confident(自信), cooperative(合作的), courageous(踏踏实实做事勇敢), debonair((通常指男人)愉快而自信的), decisive(果断的), determined(夫妻之爱坚定的), generous(慷慨的), hilarious(引人捧腹大笑的), honorable(可敬的), lively(活泼的), pleasant(令人愉快的), productive(多产的), protective(呵护的), receptive(善于接受的), reflective(深思的), responsible(尽责的), romantic(浪漫的), lf-assured(自信的), nsitive(敏感的), shrewd(左传全文及译文精明的), unusual(与众不同的), witty(诙谐机智的), wonderful, zany(滑稽的), and zealous(激情四射的).
∙Aggressive: verbally or physically threatening 好斗的
∙Argumentative: often arguing with people 好辩的
∙Bossy: always telling people what to do 爱发号施令的
∙Deceitful: doing or saying anything to get people to do what you want or to get what you want 不诚实的
∙Domineering [?d?m??n??r??]: constantly trying to control others刚愎自用、喜欢支配别人的;专横跋扈
∙Inconsiderate: not caring about others or their feelings不体谅别人的
∙Irritating [??r??te?t??]: bothering people 气人的,使人不愉快的
∙Manic: acting just a little crazy 狂躁的
∙Manipulative [m??n?pj?l?t?v]: always trying to influences other people工于心计的
∙Moody: being unpredictable; changing moods often 情绪化的
∙Rude: treating people badly; breaking social rules 粗鲁的
∙Spiteful: eking revenge; hurting others becau you didn’t get what you want 怀有恶意的决眦
∙Thoughtless: not thinking about the effects of your actions or words不顾及他人的;欠考虑的
∙Other words: abrasive(生硬粗暴), abusive(残酷暴虐), angry, anxious, belligerent(好斗的), boorish(积分第一中值定理无教养的), cowardly(怯懦的), crazy, creepy(鬼鬼祟祟), cruel(残忍的), dangerous, defiant(桀骜不驯), erratic(反复无常), finicky(吹毛求疵), flashy(花里胡哨的), flippant(轻浮的), foolish, furtive(贼头鼠脑), guarded(充满戒备), jittery(惶恐不安), malicious(恶意的), mysterious(故弄玄虚的), obnoxious(可憎的), outrageous(无法容忍的), panicky(恐慌的), cretive(遮遮掩掩), strange(怪异), threatening(恐吓的), unsuitable(不相称的), vengeful(报复心重), and wary(谨小慎微的).
∙Active: always busy with something积极的
∙Ambitious: strongly wants to succeed 雄心勃勃的
∙Asrtive [??s?:t?v]: being outgoing and confident武断的,坚毅的
∙Careless: not being careful; rushing into things粗心大意的
∙Cautious [?k?:??s]: being very careful 小心谨慎的
∙Conceited [k?n?si:t?d]: thinks he is better than others; arrogant 执着的意思骄傲自大的
∙Conscientious: taking time to do things right 深思熟虑的
∙Creative: someone who can make up things easily or think of new things 有创造性的
∙Curious: always wanting to know things好奇的
∙Docile [?d?s?l]: submissive, does what he is told温顺的
∙Extroverted [?ekstr?v?:tid]: very outgoing; confident外向性的,喜社交的
∙Impulsive: saying or doing things without thinking first 好冲动的稳重的反义词
∙Introverted [?intr?v?:tid]: keeps to himlf, doesn’t share thoughts and feelings 内向的
∙Inventive: thinks of new ideas 富有创造性的
∙nervous: very uncomfortable 神经质的
∙Passive: does not argue; does as he is told被动的;消极的
∙Perfectionist [p??fek??n?st]: wants everything to be done right and perfectly完美主义者; 吹毛求疵者
∙Pragmatic [pr?g?m?t?k] always es the practical side of things实用主义的; 好管闲事的
∙Rerved: keeps thoughts and feelings to himlf 矜持的
∙Serious: no-nonn kind of behavior 严肃的
∙Shy: quite and rerved; lacking in confidence 害羞的
∙Trustworthy: simply worthy of someone’s trust 值得信赖的
∙Volatile [?v?l?tail]: changing moods very quickly反复无常的
Author: Christy Rakoczy