(一)asleep是表语形容词,在句中放在verb“tobe”之后;它不能放在名词之前,例如我们不可以说:Look at the asleep baby,应把asleep改为sleeping。例:
She was fast asleep;I couldn't wake her up.她睡得很熟,我喊不醒她。
The old man has fallen asleep.那个老人睡着了。
请注意,be asleep是指“睡着”的状态,如果表示“入睡”的意味,就要用fall asleep。上面两个例句反映了这个区别。
(二)sleeping 是定语形容词,它放在它所修饰的名词之前,如the sleeping baby。如果放在verb“to be”之后(He is sleeping),sleeping不是形容词,而是动词,is sleeping 是现在进行时。例:
Who is that sleeping man?那个在睡觉的人是谁?
Keep an eye on the sleeping baby.照看好那个在睡觉的婴孩。
Let sleeping dogs lie.莫惹事生非。
The children fell sleepy;put them to bed.孩子们困了,把他们放到床上睡吧。
John is a sleepyhead.约翰是个贪睡的人。
Here are the outskirts/suburbs of Kowloon.Do you like this sleepy valley?
at ea,with ea
这两个介词短语的词义范围和使用场合并不相同。at ea的意思是“安逸地”、“安心地”、“自在地”(feeling confident or relaxed),其反义短语为ill at ea;with ea的意思是“轻松地”、“容易地”(easily or without difficulty)。
就使用场合而言,at ea即可作表语,亦可作状语;with ea 只能用作状语。例:
The old couple are now quite at ea as their son is out of danger.
With good social curity,the aged can live at ea.有好的社会保障,老年人都过得很安逸。
Her promi of support t my mind at ea.她答应支持我,就使我放心了。
I don't know why he is ill at ea.我不知道为什么他心神不宁。
They fulfilled the task with ea.他们轻松地完成了任务。
Our football team gained the day with ea.我们的足球队很轻松地就赢了这场球。
Every day we marched twenty miles with ea.每天我们毫不费力地行进二十英里。
注:stand at ea是军事术语,义“稍息”;take on
e's ea是“休息”或“无拘无束”。例:
The soldiers are standing at ea now.士兵们现在在立正稍息。
We are now taking our ea.我们现在是优哉游哉。
Plea sit and take your ea while enjoying a cup of coffee.请坐下来舒舒服服地喝杯咖啡。
at heart,by heart
At heart 的意思是“在心里”、“心底里”或“本质上”(from the heart,from the bottom of one's heart or esntially)。by heart 的意思是“背诵”、“熟记”(by rote;to learn so well that one can remember it perfectly)。请看下面例句:
That socialite is a rascal at heart.那个知名人士实质上是个坏蛋。
A councillor should have the collective interest of society at heart.议员应当关心大众的利益。
At heart,Mr.Lin does not approve your proposal.林先生的心里并不赞同你的建议。
Mr.Wang looks stem,but he is kind at heart.王先生看来严肃,但买质上他很仁慈。
I know this poem by heart.我熟读/我能背诵这首诗。
I don't e the point of learning by heart all the dates in the history book!
请注意下列短语的意思:(跟前例have something at heart相近)
in one's heart of hearts 在内心深处
take something to heart 认真考虑/关注某事
t one's heart on something 决心做/得到某事/物
cut(or touch)sb to the heart 触及某人痛处
one's heart is in something 把整个心放在某事上
at last,at length
At length 这个词组共有三个意义:(1)长时间地。例如:He spoke at(great)length.(2)详细地。例如:They treated the subject at length.(3)终于;最后。例:After flying for ten hours,they got to San Francisco at length.
作第三种意义使用时,at length与at last同义,但它们的内涵却有所不同。当人们做某事时,遇到了困难,经过奋斗,最后得以完成,在这种场合,我们用at last。如果在做的过程中,经历了很长的时间才得以完成,这时候,不论困难大小,都可用at length表示。为此,我们说,at last强调的是“经过努力奋斗”;at length 强调的是“经历很长的时间”。通过下列例句的对比,不难看出它们之间的区别:
Before they climbed down the side of the cliff,they met with many obstacles,but they surmounted them at last.从悬崖的侧面爬下来之前,他们遇到了许多障碍,但终于把它们克服了。
In spite of every obstacle,they have at last arrived at the destination.
After a voyage of five months,they at length arrived safe and sound.经过五个月的航行,他们终于安全抵达。
Hong Kong Exhibition Centre measures 200metres in length.香港展览中心长达二百公尺。
They discusd this problem at great length.他们非常详细地讨论了这个问题。
Yesterday I had my picture taken at the studio at full length.昨天我在照相馆拍了一张全身照。
They travelled through the length and breadth of the country.他们走遍全国。
at(the)least,not(in)the least
At least的意思是“至少”(指数量或程度上)也可解作“反正就是…”。它与at the least,at the very least同义,可互换使用,但后两者有强调意味,远不及前者用得普遍。
The total enrolment of the university in the academic year 1991-1992was at least 10,000,including undergraduate and postgraduate students.
Even if you cannot help him,you can give him encouragement at least.就算你未能帮助他,至少你可以鼓励他。
Whether you like it or not,at the very least,this is reality.不管你是否喜欢,反正这是个现实。腌酸菜的做法
Not the least 的意思是“毫不”、“一点也不”(by no means),也可写作not in the least。但后者一般不用作定语。现今,后者更常见。
Are you cold?—Not(in)the least.你冷吗?—一点也不冷。
Spanish has not the least interest for them.(作定语,没有in)他们刘西班牙语毫不感兴趣。
(此句亦可改写为:They do not take the least interest in Spanish)
You shouldn't relax your vigilance(in)the least.你们不能丝毫放松警惕。
另一方面,not least义为“尤其是,特别是”:
That film caud public revulsion,not least among the education circles.
短语least of all的涵义是“最不”。例:That's the thing I like least of all.(这是我最不喜欢的东西)。
at the end of,by the end of
一般说来,at the end of用于表示具体事物或场所的场合,它也可以用来表示比喻意。例:
The school is situated at the end of the street.该校位于这条街的尽头。
We'll have an exam in English at the end of January.一月底我们要参加英语考试。
They were at the end of their patience.他们忍无可忍。
He is at the end of his wits.他智穷才尽,束手无策。
By the end of用于表示时间的场合,往往含有“不迟于”的意味。值得注意的是,at the end of亦可用于表示时间的场合(见上面第二个例句),但其义和by the end of有所不同。试对比下面两例:
at the end of January
by the end of January一月底之前(指一月份结束前的几天)
We are to complete the task by the end of the year.年底之前我们必须完成此项任务。
设备管理思路及方案Their communication is at an end.他们的交往到此为止。
短语in the end的涵义是“终于”、“最后”,其义相当于at last。例:
I'm sure everything will turn out satisfactory in the end.我确信,最后一切都会令人满意的。
In the end things will mend.船到桥头自会直。
(二)await的宾语大都是抽象名词,如:decision,reply,arrival,announcement,return等;wait for的宾语一般是人或事物。
The judge awaits the coroner's inquest before giving a verdict.法官在作裁决前等待验尸官的调查。
I have been waiting for her for an hour at the bus stop.我在公共车站等候她已一小时了。
We shall await hearing further from them.
We shall wait to hear further from them.我们在静候他们进一步的消息。
(四)await多用于书面语;wait 多用于口语。如:
This plan awaits the approval of the board of directors.这项计划有待董事局批准。
I have been waiting here for a long time.我已在这里等了好久了。
(五)wait 除作动词外,还可用作名词。例:
I had a long wait for the train.我等火车等了好久。
They pursue a policy of wait and e.他们采取等待和观望的政策。
习惯决定如上所述,wait在特定情况下也可以用作及物动词,例如:to wait your turn;to wait one's opportunity。
We await (or wait for)your reply.
We wait for(不能用await)you to reply.
I shall wait to bring her home.(不能用await)
I await (or wait for)your ruling on the matter with some impatience.
当await的主语是没有生命的事物而宾语是人时,await表示be in store或lie in wait for之意。如:
重塑自信On arriving at the guest hou,he found a telegram awaiting him.
Little did he realize what a surpri awaited him at home.
A hearty welcome will await you.
请注意,Time and tide wait(s)for no man(岁月不待人)的wait既可以加s,亦可不加s。
The Olympic winner received a gold medal as an award.
He won the cond award of $2,000.
We will offer a reward of ten thousand dollars for information about the ca.
We don't expect substantial rewards.我们并不期望得到优厚的报酬。
He was awarded the first prize for Outstanding Industrial Design.他获杰出工业设计一等奖。
We judge awarded him twenty thousand dollars as damages.法官判给他二万元作为赔偿费。
You should reward them according to their derts.你应该对他们论功行赏。
Is that how you reward me for my help?你就是这样来报答我给你的帮助吗?
I would feel amply rewarded if my book—A Study of English Twins—could be of some help to the readers.
be ashamed for,be ashamed of
To be ashamed for 的意思是“为…(一般指外在的人或事物,如他人)而感到羞耻”;to be ashamed of的意思是“由于…(一般指内在的人或事物,如自己)而感到羞耻”。例:
I'm ashamed for you.我为你感到羞耻。
I'm ashamed of you.我以你为耻。
I felt ashamed for the callousness of the government in tackling land speculation.
Are you ashamed of doing such a thing?你做这样的事感到羞耻吗?
He is considerate of other people's feelings.他能体谅别人的感情。
He is considerate to old people.他对老年人很体贴。
I'm anxious for a change.我渴望改变一下环境。
I'm anxious about his health.我为他的健康而担忧。
She did it of herlf.她自愿去做此事。
She did it by herlf.她独立去做此事。
They are suffering for their country.他们正在为国受苦。
They are suffering from the war.他们由于战争而在受难。
be going to,will
Be going to在表示“将要”的意味时,很容易和will混淆不清。
A:The detergent has been ud up.洗洁精已用光了。
B:I'm going to get some today.C:I'll get some today.
乍然看来,乙和丙的答话的意思是一样的,都是:“今天我要去买些”,其实不然。乙用am going to get回答甲,其言外之意是:“在甲讲洗洁精用完这句话之前,他早已心中有数,并且早就有去买洗洁精的打算”。丙用will get来回答,表示:“事前并不知道洗洁精已用完,原先也没有打算去买,