口腔微生物Lesson 6 Percy Buttons
New words and expressions
★beggar n. 乞丐
beg v.乞求
I beg your pardon
beg for 乞求得到
ask for 请求得到ask sb. for sth. 向某人索要某物
★food n. 食物不可数
a lot of food
★pocket n. 衣服口袋
inner pocket 内口袋;jacket pocket 夹克的口袋;coat pocket 大衣口袋
pocket book 袖珍书;pocket dictionary 袖珍词典
pocket pick 车上的小偷
pocket money 小孩的零花钱
change 零钱杂戏
get exact change 准备好正确的零花钱
beer money 男人的零花钱
★call v. 拜访; 光顾
① vt.&vi. 叫;喊
I heard someone calling.
call out =shout 大声喊
各表一枝② vt. 呼唤;召唤
Lucy is sick. Plea call a doctor.
③ vi. 访问;拜访;车、船等停靠
Amy called at our hou yesterday.
The train calls at large stations only. 这列火车只停大站..
call on sb. 拜访某人
I will call on you. 我要去你家..
call at+地点=visit someplace 拜访某地
I will call at your home. 我要去你家..
④ vt.&vi. 打电话
call sb =call up sb. 给某人打电话
call back 回某人电话
Can you take a message for me =Can you tell him to call back
call in sb. 招集和邀请某人
For the project; the government called in a lot of experts.
1、Yesterday a beggar knocked at my door.
★knock v. 敲门
① vi. 敲门
I knocked; but no one answered.
knock at 敲门、窗等
knock at the door;knock at the window
② vt.&vi. 碰撞
You always knock things off the table. 你总是碰掉桌上的东西..
Jim was knocked over by a bus this morning. 今天上午吉姆被一辆公共汽车撞倒了..
She has knocked a cup over again. 她又碰倒了一个杯子..
③ vt. 把某人打成……状态
He knocked Tom out yesterday. 他昨天把汤姆打昏过去了..
④ 与off连用时有一些特殊含义;一般用于口语
vt. 价格上减去;除去;打折扣
They knocked five dollars off the price of the coat.
The shop assistant knocked 10% off the bill.He reduced the price by 10%.
vi. 下班;停止;中断工作等
When do you usually knock off 你一般什么时候下班
He knocked off for lunch at half past eleven. 他十一点半休息吃中午饭..
2、He asked me for a meal and a glass of beer.
ask sb. for sth =request for sth. 问某人要什么东西
for为了这个目的去请求某人; sb.更多的时候不出现; ask for sth.
The boy asked his parentsfor money again/once more.
3、In return for this; the beggar stood on his head and sang songs.
in return for this 作为对……的回报;作为交换this 在代词当中常常指代上文的一件事情
I'll buy a prent for him in return for hospitality. hospitality adj. 热情
in return 作为回报
You lent me this interesting book last month. In return for it; I’ll show you some picture books.
In return for your help; I invite you to spend the weekend with my family.
He doesn't want anything in return. 他不想得到任何回报
stood on his head 倒立
stand on one's hands 用手着地hand单数就是一只手; 双手复数
stand on one's knees 跪着; 膝盖
lie on one's back 仰面躺着
lie on one's side 侧躺
lie on one's stomach 趴着
堤的读音4、Later a neighbour told me about him.
Plea tell me about the accident.
tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人某事about关于; 通过其他事自己得出的结论
tell you about him
tell you about the word 解释这个单词的意思
tell sb. sth. 告诉某人某件事把事情直接告诉
tell you the news
tell you the word 直接告诉这个单词
5、Everybody knows him.外星人电脑
爱国诗朗诵everybody作为主语一定作单数看待; 属于不定代词
所有的不定代词作为主语一律为单数看待 : somebody;anybody;everything等
6、He calls at every hou in the street once a month and always asks for a meal and a glass of beer.
calls at 光顾;拜访
in the street英国/on the street美国
once a month 一个月一次; 单位表达方式
once adj. 表示每……一次表示频率时后面直接加表示时间的名词; 计量单位 “/” 每……
five kilometers an hour
He goes back to the South once a year.
Key structures
两个孩子A; The and Some
当表示不确定的某个人或物时;用不定冠词a/an单数; 可数名词;当表示不可数的名词时;则需要由不定冠词加量词组成词组..
A tiger is a dangerous animal.
Tigers are dangerous.
Salt is necessary for/to us all.