Hassan's face brightened."Good,"he said. He lifted our kite, red with yellow borders, and, just beneath where the central and cross spars met, marked with Saifo's unmistakable signature. He licked his finger and held it up,
tested the wind, then ran in its direction—on tho rare occasions we flew kites in the summer, he'd kick up dust to e which way the wind blew it. The spool rolled in my hands until Hassan stopped, about fifty feet away.He held the kite high overhis head, like an Olympic athlete showing his gold medal. I jerked the string twice, our usual signal, and Hassan tosd the kite.
Caught between Baba and the mullahs at school, I still hadn't made up my mind about God.But when a Koran ayat I had learned in my diniyat class ro to my lips, I muttered it. I took a deep breath, exhaled, and pulled on the
string. Within a minute, my kite was rocketing to the sky. It made a sound like a paper bird fl
apping its wings. Hassan clapped his hands, whistled, and ran back to me. I handed him the spool, holding on to the string, and he spun it quickly to roll the loo string back on.
At least two dozen kites already hung in the sky, like paper sharks roaming for prey. Within an hour, the number doubled, and red, blue, and yellow kites glided and spun in the sky. A cold breeze wafted through my hair. The wind was perfect for kite flying, blowing just hard enough to give some lift,
make the sweeps easier. Next to me, Hassan held the spool, his hands
already bloodied by the string.
Soon, the cutting started and the first of the defeated kites whirled out of control. They fell from the sky like shooting stars with brilliant, rippling tails, showering the neighborhoods below with prizes for the kite runners. I could hear the runners now, hollering as they ran the streets. Someone shouted reports of a fight breaking out two streets down.
I kept stealing glances at Baba sitting with RahimKhan on the roof, wonderedwhat he wa
s thinking.Was he cheering for me? Or did a part of
him Enjoy watching me fail? That was the thing about kite flying: Your mind drifted with the kite.
They were coming down all over the place now,The kites, and I was still flying. I was still flying. My eyes kept wandering over to Baba, bundled up in his wool sweater.Was he surprid I had lasted as long as I had? You don't keep your eyes to the sky, you won't last much longer.I snapped my gaze back to the sky. A red kite was closing in on me--I'd caught it just in time. I tangled a bit with it, ended up besting him when he became impatient and tried to cut me from below. (478 words)
1. In the first two paragraphs , how did they fly kites ? (设计意图:前面两段出现了大量的放风筝的动作描写,很生动很形象,设计这个题目能让学生去找去品味那些丰富的动作细节描写,感受语言的美)
2.Why did the author keep glancing at Baba? (挖掘作者动作背后的含义,他的动作是他的心理活动的体现,也是他性格的体现。让学生根据表层的文字的阅读学会剖析人物性格,养成批判性思维能力)
1.They flew kites very well.
Hassan: licked his finger ; held it up, tested the wind, ran in its direction held the kite high over his head., tosd the kite.spun it quickly to roll the loo string
I: jerked the string twice, our usual signal, and Hassan tosd k a deep breath, exhaled, and pulled on lapped his hands, whistled, . ran back to me ; handed him the spool, holding on to
2.He wondered whether his father was satisfied with his performance. He was not a confident boy, but he was eager for his father’s acceptance.
1.We hopped the fence that surrounded the barracks, 保安负荷skipped over a little creek, and broke into the open dirt field where old, 财务成本abandoned tanks collected dust. (动作)A group of soldiers huddled in the shade of one of tho tanks, smoking cigarettes and playing cards.
2. I was walking behind him, humming, trying to imitate his walk. I watched him swing his scraggy leg in a sweeping arc, watched his whole body tilt impossibly to the right every time he planted that foot.
3.At parties, when all six-foot-five of him thundered into the room, attention shifted to him like sunflowers turning to the sun.
4. I cried all the way back home. I remember how Baba's hands clenched around the steering wheel. Clenched and unclenched. Mostly, I will never forget Baba's valiant(勇敢的) efforts to conceal the disgusted look on his face as he drove in silence.
5. I presd my ear to the clod door.
宝贝英文怎么写的6.He ro to his feet and 一只贝walked爱露出 a few paces to his left.
7 Becau Hassan stood with his arms wide open, smiling, d表示什么waiting航天小知识 for the kite.
8.He licked his finger and held it up, tested the wind, then ran in its direction-on tho rare occasions we flew kites in the summer, he'd kick up dust to e which way the wind blew it. (神态、动作细节描写)