Lean production and sustainable competitive
期刊名称: International Journal of Operations & Production Management
作者: Micchael A. Lewis
年份: 2000年
期号: 第8期
方块字关键词: Lean production; Competitive advantage; Ca studies宝宝中耳炎症状
摘要:Today, "lean" may no longer be fashionable but its core principles (flow, value, pull, minimizing waste etc.) have become the paradigm for may manufacturing (and rvice) operations. Given this pre-eminence, the paper eks to establish what impact it has had on the overall competitive positions of adopter firms. Combining normative and critical theory (from lean production and resource-bad view
of he firm literature) with empirical material drawn from three ca studies, the paper argues that lean production can underpin competitive advantage if the firm is able to appropriate the productivity savings it creates. Similarly, the ambiguity of lean production in practice means that the implementation process can create strategic resources to underpin sustainable competitive advantage. Problematically, however, the paper