It was the best of times, it was the worst of times; it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness; it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity; it was the ason of light, it was the ason of darkness; it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair; we had everything before us, we had nothing before us; we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way.
天津旅游必去十大景点Excerpt from A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens励志短句霸气十字以内这是一个最好的时代,也是一个最坏的时代;这是明智的年代,这是愚昧的年代;这是信任的纪元,这是怀疑的纪元;这是光明的季节,这是黑暗的季节;这是希望的春日,这是失望的冬日;我们面前应有尽有,我们面前一无所有;我们都将直下地狱……
The chess-board is the world:the pieces are the phenomena of the univer; the rules of the game are what we call the laws of nature. The player on the other side is hidden from us. We know that his play is always fair, just and patient. But also we know, to our cost, that he never overlooks a mistake, or makes the smallest allowance for ignorance.
By Thomas Henry Huxley
精神胜利法Equality and Greatness
Between persons of equal income there is no social distinction except the distinction of merit. Money is nothing;character,conduct,and capacity are everything.Instead of all the workers being leveled down to low wage standards and all the rich leveled up to fashionbale income standards,everybody under a system of equal incomes would find his or her own natural level.There would be great people and ordinary people and little peolp
e,but the great would always be tho who had done great things,and never the idiot who mother had spoiled them and who father had left a hunred thousand a year;and the little would be persons of small minds and mean characters,and not poor persons who had never had a chance.That is why idiots are always in favour of inequality of income(their only chance of eminence),and the really great in favour of equality.
收入相当的人除了品性迥异以外没有社会差别。金钱不能说明什么;性格,行为,能力才代表一切。在收入平等制度下,每个人将会找到他或她正常的地位,而不是所有的工人被划到应拿低工资阶层,所有的富人被划到应得高收入的阶层。人有卓著伟人,平庸之辈和碌碌小人之别,然伟人总是那些有所建树之人,而非从小深受母亲溺爱,父亲每年留下一大笔钱之人;碌碌小人总是那些心胸狭窄,品德卑劣之人,而不是那些从未获取机会的穷人。愚蠢之众总是赞成收入不平等(他们职能凭借这种机会才能为人所知),而真正伟大之人则主张平等相待,原因就在于此。The doer of Deeds
It is not the critic who counts,not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles,th
e doer of deeds could have done them better.
The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arens,who face is marred by dust and sweat and blood;who stives valiantly;who errs,and comes short again and again;becau there is not effort without error and shortcoming;but who does actually strive to do the deeds;who knows the great enthusiasms,the great devotions;who spends himlf in a worthy cau,who at the best knows in the end the triumphs of high achievement and who at the worst,if he fails,at least fails whiledaring greatly,so that his place shall never be with tho cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.
他们夜败的荣耀。因而,这样的人永远不应与那些不知道胜利,也从未失败过的冷淡而胆怯的灵魂相提并论。American dream
To Americans, industriousness, thrift and ambition are possitive values. We encourage our children to be competitive, to get ahead, to make money, to acquire possassion. In games and in business alike, the aim is to win the game, the trorphy, the contract. We go in for laboursaving devices, gadgets, speed and shortcuts. We think every young couple should t up a home of their own. And we pity the couple who must share their home with their parent, let alone with other relatives. Actually, of cour, not all Americans hold all the values. And tho who do may hold other, and at times controdictary values that affect their ways of behaving. In the main, however,the collective expectation of our society is that the are desirable goals, and the individual, whatever his personal inclination, is under considerable pressure to conform.
对于我们美国人,勤劳、节俭和志气都是积极的价值观。我们鼓励孩子们进取、成功、赚钱、富有。在竞赛和商业活动中也是一样,我们追求的是赢取比赛、获得奖杯、拿到合同。我们致力于节省劳力的工具、速度和捷径。我们提倡所有的小两口都能靠自己的双手构建家园。我们为那些必须依靠父母或亲戚生活的夫妇感到遗憾!其实,并不是所有的美国人都拥有这样的价值观,甚至有些人或许会拥有相反的价值观,这样的价值观会影响他们的行为。不过,我们的社会的主流意识/期望还是这种积极的目标,不论个人的倾好如何,他的行为也是被规范在一定的范围之内的。 感谢 忙--心亡为忙 网友,指出错误
However mean your life is,meet it and live it ;do not shun it and call it hard names.It is not so bad as you are.It looks poorest when you are richest.The fault-finder will find faults in paradi.Love your life,poor as it is.You may perhaps have some pleasant,thrilling,glorious hourss,even in a poor-hou.The tting sun is reflected from the windows of the alms-hou as brightly as from the rich man's abode;the snow melts before its door as early in the spring.I do not e but a quiet mind may live as contentedly there,and have as cheering thoughts,as in a palace.The town's poor em to me often to live the most independent lives of any.May be they are simply great enough to receive wit
hout misgiving.Most think that they are above being supported by the town;but it often happens that they are not above supporting themlves by dishonest means.which should be more disreputable.Cultivate poverty like a garden herb,like sage.Do not trouble yourlf much to get new things,whether clothes or friends,Turn the old,return to them.Things do not change;we change.Sell your clothes and keep your thoughts.
One has the leisure of July for perceiving all the differences of the green of leaves. It is no longer a difference in degrees of maturity, for all the trees have darkened to their final tone, and stand in their differences of character and not of mere date. Almost all the green is grave, not sad and not dull. It has a darkened and a daily color, in majestic but not obvious harmony with dark grey skies,and might look, to inconstant eyes, as prosaic after spring as eleven o'clock looks after the dawn.
Gravity is the world—not solemnity as towards evening,nor menace as at night. The daylight trees of July are signs of common beauty, common freshness,and a mystery familiar and abiding as night and day. In childhood we all have a more exalted n of dawn and summer sunri than we ever fully retain or quite recover; and also a far higher nsibility for April and April evenings—a heartache for them, which in riper years is gradually and irretrievably consoled.
But, on the other hand,childhood has so quickly learned to find daily things tedious,
and familiar things importunate,that it has no great delight in the mere middle of the day,and feels weariness of the summer that has cead to change visibly.
借物喻理The poetry of mere day and of late summer becomes perce
Art and Life
My parents owned six books between them. Two of tho were Bibles and the third was a concordance to the Old and New Testaments. The fourth was The Hou At Pooh Corner. The fifth,The Chatterbox Annual 1923 and the sixth, Malory’s Morte d’Artliur.
I found it necessary to smuggle books in and of the hou and I cannot claim too much for the provision of an outside toilet when there is no room of one’s own. It was on the toil
et that I first read Freud and D. H. Lawrence, and perhaps that was the best place, after all. We kept a rubber torch hung on the cistern, and I had to divide my money from a Saturday job, between buying books and buying batteries. My mother knew exactly how long her Ever Readys would last if ud only to illuminate the hap that parated the toilet paper from its .
Once I had tucked the book back down my knickers to get it indoors again, I find somewhere to hide it, and anyone with a single bed, standard size, and paperbacks, standard size, will discover that venty ven can be accommodated per layer under the mattress. But as my collection grew, I began to worry that my mother might notice that her daughter’s bed was rising visibly. One day she did. She burned everything.
I had been brought up to memorize very long Bible passages, and when I left home and was supporting mylf so that I could continue my education, I fought off loneliness and fear by reciting. In the funeral parlor I whispered Donne to the embalming fluids and Marv
ell to the corps. Later, I found that Tennyson’ s ‘Lady of Shalott’ had a soothing, becau rhythmic, effect on the mentally disturbed. Among the disturbed I numbered mylf at that time.
The healing power of art is not a rhetorical fantasy. Fighting to keep language, language became my sanity and my strength. It still is, and I know of no pain that art cannot assuage. For some, music, for some, pictures, for me, primarily, poetry, whether found in poems or in pro, cuts through noi and hurt, opens the wound to clean it, and then gradually teaches it to heal itlf. Wounds need to be taught to heal themlves.
The psyche and the spirit do not share the instinct of damaged body. Healing is automatically triggered nor is danger usually avoided. Since we put ourlves in the way of hurt it ems logical to put ourlves in the way of healing. Art has more work to do than ever before but it can do that work. In a lf-destructive society like our own, it is unsurprising that art as a healing force is despid. 鹤唳华亭评价
For mylf, when I returned to my to my borrowed room night after night, and there were my books, I felt relief and exuberance, not hardship and exhaustion. I intended to avoid the fate of Jude the Obscure, although a reading of that book was a uful warning. What I wanted did not belong to me by right and whilst it could not be refud tome in quite same way, we still have subtle punishments for anyone who insists on what they are and what they want. Walled inside the little space marked out for by family and class, it was the limitless world of imagination that it possible for me to scale the sheer face of other people’s assumptions. Inside books there is perfect space and it is that space which allows the reader to escape from the problems of gravity.
By Jeanette Winterson