Professor L.G Alexander, who is well-known for almost every houhold in China, especially the learners of English, is a prolific author. I can remember that my first English textbook is written from him, the first volume of New Concept English. Thanks to his works, I励志的口号 began to get to Since that time, mac无法开机the name of the writer L.G Alexander has been deeply rooted in my heart. The speech here which he was given in Peking foreign studies university in 2005 was the last one before he died. So I think it’s memorable and inspiring one which you can learn so many uful things about English language learning.
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen:
First of all, it is my great pleasure to extend(向…至祝词) a warm welcome on behalf of the host institution Peking foreign studies university to all the teachers and students from other
colleges and universities in Beijing. As far as I can remember, it’s quite uncommon for such large number of students from various institutions in Beijing to be together. But today is a very special occasion. Becau you can e, from the band behind me, we are here to meet a very special man, a man of international eminence, a man who has been enjoying ever since the late 1970s, and ever growing popularity among the Chine readers, especially Chine learners of English. So, and his name is Louis Alexander. The name of Professor Alexander is known for almost every houhold in China. For the simple reason that he is the author of new concept English, the first 植物害虫>传统的英语circulated English textbook in China in the last twenty years. So it is not surprising that the receptionist at the Xianggelila hotel recognized his name immediately while he was filling up the registration form and took behind from the registration counter a new copy of new concept English asking for a signature. Professor Alexander is a prolific (fruitful,多产的) author, and his name is associated with dozens of books in the field of English language teaching, such as “let’s listen and learn” and the well-known English TV ries “follow me”. So it is very fortunate for us to have Professor Alexander today and I’m sure with his
experti in English language teaching his lecture will be most informative 弹冠振衣and inspiring as well.
英国朗文出版亚洲有限公司董事长William Shen先生致辞:
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen:
优秀作业Thank you professor He Qixin and Li Pengyi of foreign language teaching and rearch press president for inviting me here today. It gives me great pleasure to introduce Mr. Louis Alexander to you all who has been an author with Longman for more than 30 years. And the relationship between Longman and Mr. Alexander is not only very long, but also highly successful. Longman is one of the largest English language textbook publishers in the world, while Mr. Alexander is probably the most famous English language teaching author in the world. Now as I heard from Professor Mr. He Qixin in China the most well-known works done by Professor Alexander is two: “Follow Me”, and “New Concept English”, which I’m sure you’re all quite familiar with. When we arrived in Beijing 2 days ago, we were again reminded how successful New Concept English is. As we were check
ing in that hotel, and before even we managed to get all about keys, the girls behind the counter recognized Mr. Alexander’s name, and they all 九月十六produced their books and asked for the signature. Anyway, I hope you’ll enjoy Alexander’s talk today, and you’ll get this good opportunity to ask a lot of questions about English language today. Thank you.
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen:
Plea allow me on behalf of foreign language teaching and rearch press to extend my thanks to Professor L.G Alexander who has come near all the way(从伦敦远道而来) from London to Beijing. My special thanks to Mr. William Shen, the president of Longman Asia Limited and his colleagues. And I would also like to express my thanks to Professor He Qixin, vice president of Beijing Foreign Studies University and all the attendants. L.G. Alexander is a name, familiar to almost all English language teachers and the learners here in China. I’m quite sure that an overwhelming majority of tho who’re attending today’s lecture have in one we all know that benefit from the textbook he has compod f
or learners of English as a condary language. Regarding to English language teaching materials, I would like to underline here that my press is one of the few major publishing hous in this area in the country. We have published many ries English language teaching materials, ranging from tho for children, for middle school students, for college students and for adult learners. In the pasd few years, taking up the challenge of the competition in the publishing market, our international activities are increasingly significant. We have established the clo ties with world famous publishers like Longman Asia limited. Our long-term international cooperations have been very fruitful. And today is an important occasion symbolizing another significant cooperation with our international partner. We are joining to make planning for textbook projects involving Longman Asia Limited and Foreign Language teaching and rearch press with Professor L.G. Alexander. This cooperation I’m quite sure will not only benefits the press involved, but also the English language teachers and learners here in China. I’m afraid we have to wait for some time for the new books to be out. But I know you can’t wait to here Professor L.G. Alexander to speak to us. So, with great pleasure I’ll give the chair to him. Thank you.