
更新时间:2023-06-21 09:20:19 阅读: 评论:0

prodigy n. a person who has unusual and very noticeable abilities, usually at an early age 奇才;天才 child prodigy an unusually clever child 神童 bookworm n. a person devoted to reading 极爱读书者;书呆子 devotee n. a person strongly devoted to sth. or sb. 热爱…者;献身于…的人 adolescence n. 青春期 * compulsory a. required by law or a rule 义务的;强制的 compel vt. oblige or force (sb.) to do sth. 强迫;强求 passion n. a strong, deep, often uncontrollable feeling 热情;激情 gaze vi. look fixedly 注视;凝视 princess n. 1. 理想中的女友;心目中追求的女友 2. (oft, cap.) a female member of the royal family, usually the daughter of a king or queen or the wife of a prince 〔常大写〕公主;王妃 prince n. 1. 少女理想中的未婚者,白马王子 2. a male member of the royal family, especially the son of a king or queen 王子;亲王 3. (usu. sing.) (among, of) a very great, successful or powerful man of some stated kind 〔常单数〕(喻)大王;巨头;名家 sharpener n. 卷笔刀;卷笔器 campfire n. a wood fire made in the open air by campers 营火,?诨 quicken v. (cau to) speed up 加快 scheme v. make plans (for); plan in a deceitful way 计划;谋划 n. 1. a formal, official or business plan 计划;规划 2. a clever, dishonest plan 阴谋,诡计 volume n. 1. one of a t of books of the same kind (一套书的)一册;一卷 2. (of) 体积;容积 encyclop(a)edia n. a book or t of books dealing with a wide range of information prented in alphabetical order 百科全书 aardvark n. 土豚,非洲食蚁兽 asteroid n. 小行星;右眼下眼皮跳
海星 * henceforth ad. from this time onwards 自此以后 hence ad. 1. for this reason, therefore 因此,所以 2. from this time on 今后,从此 erudition n. learning acquired by reading and study 博学;学问 * cafeteria n. a lf-rvice restaurant 自助餐厅 anchovy n. 凤尾鱼 sigh n. the act or sound of sighing 叹息(声);叹气(声) reliefn. feeling of comfort at the end of anxiety, fear, or pain (焦虑等的)解除;宽慰 casually ad. in a relaxed way 随便地;漫不经心地 casual a. relaxed; not formal 随便的;漫不经心的;非正式的 * sturdy a. physically strong 强壮的 al n. 1. 海豹 2. 印记,印章 vt. 1. 盖章于 2. 封,密封 widen v. make or become wider 加宽;变宽 * brow v. casually look or arch, e.g. in a shop, in a library, at a book, etc., with no specific aim or object in mind 浏览 crossword n. (= crossword puzzle) 纵横字谜,纵横填字游戏 frown vi. contract the brows, as in displeasure or deep thought 皱眉头 * stump vt. put an unanswerable question to; puzzle 把…难住;使为难 * oriental a. of, from or concerning Asia 东方的 amah n. 阿妈(印度等一些东方国家的奶妈、女佣或保姆) glorious a. having or derving gl
炒虾仁的做法ory; very delightful and enjoyable 荣耀的;令人愉快的 joyous a. full of or causing joy 充满欢乐的;令人高兴的 romantic a. 1. (of sth.) beautiful in a way that strongly affects one's feelings 有浪漫色彩的 2. (of sb.) showing strong feelings of love 多情的;浪漫的 3. being unrealistic or unpractical 不切实际的 * relish vt. get pleasure out of; enjoy greatly 从…获得乐趣;很喜爱 confidence n. belief in on
e's own or another's ability 信心 mariner n. (obsolete) a sailor 〈废〉水手 marine a. 1. of ships and their goods and trade at a 航海的;海事的 2. of, near, living in, or obtained from the a 海洋的;海生的;海产的 n. 水兵 albatross n. 信天翁 wingspread n. the distance between the tips of a pair of fully spread wings 翼幅 shellfish n. 贝壳类动物 shell n. 1. the hard covering of a a creature, egg, fruit, ed, etc. 动物的壳(如贝壳、蛹壳等),蛋壳;果壳;荚 2. the outside frame of a building (房屋的)框架;骨架 appetite n. 1. one's desire to eat and one's feeling about how much to eat 食欲,胃口 2. (for) a strong desire 欲望;爱好 beam vi. shine brightly; smile warmly 照耀;(面)露喜色;满脸堆笑 n. 1. 微笑;喜色 2. 光束 perceive vt. notice; be conscious of 注意到;感觉;察觉 * revelation n. the act of revealing sth., usually of great significance 揭示;暴露 asthma n. 气喘,哮喘 bullfinch n. 红腹灰雀 invest vi. put money into sth. with the expectation of profit or other advantage 投资 investment n. 1. 投资;投资额 2. the spending of (time, energy, etc.) to make sth. successful (时间、精力等的)投入 * betray vt. be disloyal or unfaithful to 出卖,背叛 * drastic a. strong, violent or vere 激烈的;迅猛的 conquence n. (usu. pi.) the result or effect of an action or condition 〔常复数〕结果;后果 * incentive n. encouragement to greater activity; motivating factor; stimulus 鼓励;刺激 paprika n. 红灯笼辣椒 pterodactyl n. 翼手龙 Phras and Expressions out of focus not sharply defined 焦点没对准;模糊的 beyond one's wildest dreams (in a way that is) better than what one expected or hoped for 超过某人所期望的(地);出乎某人意料的(地) the apple of sb.'s eye a per
son or thing that is the main object of sb.'s love and attention 某人的掌上明珠;宝贝 sweep sb. off his/her feet make sb. feel suddenly and strongly attracted to you in a romantic way 使某人倾心 get sth. in manage to say sth. about a subject 设法说完 play into sb.'s hands do something which gives sb. an advantage 干对某人有利的事 file into enter in a single line 鱼贯进入 step up (infml) increa the size or speed of 〈口〉加快;增加 hang on sb.'s words listen very carefully to 倾听;注意地听 feed on eat habitually 以…为食物;靠…为生 go steady with date sb. regularly and exclusivel
y 仅与(同一异性)经常约会 invest in 1. buy (sth.) with the expectation of profit or some other kind of advantage 投资于 2. (infml) 〈口〉买 in time 1. eventually 经过一段时间后;最终 2. at or before the right or necessary time 及时 pore over study or give clo attention to 钻研;专心阅读 New Words feminist n. a person who believes that women should have the same rights and opportunities as men 女权主义者 * feminine a. of or having the qualities suitable for a woman 女性的;女子气的 charm n. a pleasing or attractive feature or quality 魅力 * costume n. clothes, esp. clothes from a particular place or during a particular historical period; clothes worn by actors during a film or play (一个地区、一个时期流行的)服装;戏装 extravagance n. the u of more (of sth.) than is necessary 挥霍,奢侈 * extravagant a. 1. wasteful of money; too costly 奢侈的;浪费的 2. (of ideas, behaviour, etc.) uncontrolled; beyond what is reasonable 过度的;越轨的 boo v. show disapproval or
contempt for sb./sth. by shouting "boo" (对…)发出“呸”的声音(表示嫌恶或强烈的不满) anachronism n. sth. outdated or obsolete; sth. from one historical period incorrectly associated with another 过时现象;时代错误 usage n. the way sth. is ud; the way words are ud in a language 用法;使用;(词的)惯用法 * random a. done, chon, etc. without conscious choice 胡乱的;任意的 * massacre n. the killing of a large number of people or animals 屠杀 combat n. a fight or fighting between two armies, etc. 战斗 aircraft n. (pl. unchanged) a plane or other vehicle that can fly in the air 航空器,飞机 wince vi. suddenly and briefly show pain in one's facial expression 脸部肌肉抽搐,皱眉蹙眼 entitle vt. 1. (to) give (sb.) a right (to have or do sth.) 给…权利;给…资格 2. give a title (to a book, etc.) 给(书等)题名 consideration n. 1. careful thought and attention 考虑 2. (for) thoughtful attention to the wishes and feelings of others 体贴;关心 faculty n. 1. any of the powers of the body or mind; a particular ability for doing sth. 才能;能力;天赋 2. all the teachers and workers of a university or college (高等院校的)全体教师及职工 fend v. (for) look after 照料 protection n. the action of protecting or the condition of being protected 保护,防护 protective a. 1. that protects sb. or sth. from harm 保护的,防护的 2. (towards) having or showing a strong desire to protect (对人)关切保护的 helpless a. unable to act without help; needing the help of others; unable to defend onelf 无助的;无依无靠的;不能自立的 immunity n. 1. protection or freedom (from sth.) 受保护;豁免(权) 2. ability to resist infection, dia, etc. 免疫力 threaten vt. 1. make a threat against (sb.) 威胁,恐吓 2. give a warning (of sth. bad) 预示 male
a. & n.男子(的);雄性(的) privilege n. a special right or advantage available only to a particular person or group of people 特权;优惠 given prep.考虑到 a. 1. 规定的;特定的 2. 假设的;已知的 * attach vt. (to) 1. consider that sb. has (a certain quality) 认为有;使与…相关联 2. fasten or join 系;贴;连接 womanhood n. women in general; the state of being a woman (总称)妇女;女子的身份或状态 * gender n. 1. (生理上的)性 2. (名词、代词等的)性 equality n. the state of being equal, esp. in status, rights, etc. 平等 deference n. respect 尊敬,敬重 urgent a. requiring immediate attention or action 紧迫的,紧要的 * complement vt. add new or contrasting features which show the best qualities of (sth.) or which improve (it) 补充,补足 * constraint n. limitation or restriction 约束,限制 * constrain vt. 1. force (sb.) to act in a particular way 强迫 2. prevent (sth.) from developing freely 限制,束缚 restructure vt. arrange (a system or organisation) in a new way to make it work more effectively 重建;改组;调整 evolutionary a. of or resulting from evolution; developing gradually 进化论的;演变的 instinct n. behavior or knowledge that one has without being taught 本能 perpetuate a. make (sth.) continue for a long time; carry (sth.) on 使永久;保持 * perpetual a. lasting forever or for a long time 永久性的;长期的 indispensable a. esntial 必不可少的 repopulate vt. 重新构成…的人口;重新居住于 biologically ad. 从生物学的角度 logic n. a way of reasoning 推理(法) depress vt. 1. sadden and discourage 使抑郁,使沮丧 2. cau to sink to a lower level of position 使不景气,使萧条 reductionism n. the practice of showing prejudice becau of the tendency to reduce
父与子动画片>朦胧的意思women to a lower status 视妇女低人一等的歧视性做法 reduction n. making or becoming smaller; the amount taken off in making sth. smaller 减少(量);削减(数) version n. 1. one person's account of an event, as compared with that of another person 描述,说法 2. 版本;改写本 geneticist n. 遗传学家 egg-layer n. 生育机器 * courtesy n. 1. polite behavior; good manners 谦恭有礼;有礼的举止 2. a polite or kind action or expression 好意;恩惠 survival n. continuing to live or exist, often in spite of difficulty or danger 生存;幸存 strategy n. a plan, often for business or military aims 策略,计谋 strategic a. 战略(上)的;战略上重要的 parental a. 父母(似)的 maternal a. of or like a mother 母亲(般)的 breast n. 乳房;胸部;胸膛 * cradle n. a small bed for a baby, usu. shaped like an open box, that rocks from side to side 摇篮 v. 轻轻地抱,拥抱 kiddie-centrism n. the notion that children are most important 小孩中心论 crui n. a a voyage for pleasure 海上航游 vt. sail or move at a constant s
天行健君子以自强不息什么意思peed that is unhurried and comfortable 航游;巡航;缓慢巡行 scenario n. a written outline of a film, play, etc. 电影剧本;剧本提纲 * sheer a. 1. pure; nothing other than (often ud in descriptions of sth. surprising, outrageous, inexplicable, etc.) 完全的,十足的 2. (of fabric) very thin, light and almost transparent (织物)极簿的;透明的 3. very steep 陡峭的;垂直的 stalemate n. a stage of a dispute, contest, etc. at which further progress is impossible for both sides 僵局;僵持阶段 Phras
and Expressions priority ating (the practice of) certain people being given a place to sit before other people 优先安排座位 at/from a distance from a place that is not very clo; a long time after sth. happened 隔开一段距离(或时间);从远处 object to oppo; be against 反对,不赞成 at random without conscious choice 胡乱地,随便地,任意地 gun down shoot, causing to fall to the ground dead or wounded 枪杀;开枪打伤 be entitled to be given the right to have or do (sth.) 有权,有资格 fend for onelf look after onelf 照料自己 attach sth. to sth. connect sth. to/with sth. el; associate sth. with sth. el; fasten sth. to sth. el 使相关联;使连接在一起 hand out distribute 分发,散发 go down sink (船等)下沉 New Words misfortune n. bad luck 不幸;灾祸 clear-eyed a. 视力好的;目光炯炯的 awe-inspiring a. 令人敬畏;令人惊叹的 dim vt. make less bright or unable to e clearly 使…暗淡;使…看不清 a. (of a light) not bright; not easy to e 昏暗的;模糊的 * angel n. 天使 * preside vi. have authority or control; direct 负责;主持 inadequate a. not good enough in quality, ability, size, etc. 不够格的;不能胜任的;不充分的 confront vt. stand or meet face to face; bring face to face 面对;遭遇 mood n. state of mind or feelings 心境,心情;情绪 sincerely ad. 真诚地;忠实地 sincere a. free from falness; true and honest 忠实的;真诚的 arou vt. cau to become active; excite 唤醒;激发 rou vt. 1. cau to become active; excite (=arou) 唤醒;激发 2. wake (sb.) up 唤醒,使醒来 mere a. nothing more than 只不过的,仅仅的 * assimilate vt. take in and make a part of onelf; absorb 使同化;吸收 disposal n. the act of getting rid of sth.; the power
or right to u sth. freely 处理;支配 dispo vt. 1. put in place; t in readiness 布置;配置 2. cau to have a tendency (to do sth.) 使有倾向;使愿意 majestic a. showing power and greatness; dignified and impressive 雄伟的,威严的 * majesty n. 1. greatness; a show of power as of a king or queen 雄伟;庄重;君王尊严 2. [M-] 陛下(对帝王、王后等的尊称) * chorus n. 1. a song sung by many singers together 合唱曲 2. a group of singers singing together 合唱队 lection n. the act of lecting; sb. or sth. that is lected

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