Sociocultural Theory and Second Language
期刊名称: Annual Review of Applied Linguistics
作者: James,P.,Lantolf,Aneta,Pavlenko
年份: 1995年
摘要:Although the sociocultural theory (henceforth SCT) of mental activity, rooted in the work of L. S. Vygotsky and his colleagues, has certainly come to the fore in developmental and educational rearch (cf. Forman, et al. 1993, Lave and Wenger 1991, Moll 1990, Newman, et al. 1989), it is still very much the "new kid on the block" as far as SLA rearch is concerned. Recently, however, SCT has begun to enjoy incread attention among L2 rearchers, as is amply attested in the bibliography of this paper. This rearch has focud on three general areas: activity theory and the relevance of motives and goals for L2 learning; the role of private speech in L2 learning; and learning in the zone of proximal dev
狮子王音乐剧elopment. The areas rve as the organizing basis for the survey that follows. The overview begins, however, with a brief,