羊毛在天才的手中变成了袈裟。 A cut of sheep's hair touched with the genius of man becomes raiment for a king.
柏树在天才的手中变成了殿堂。 A Cyprus tree touched with the genius of man becomes a shrine.心甘情愿的意思
粘土在天才的手中变成了堡垒。 A field of clay touched with the genius of man becomes a castle.
桑叶在天才的手中变成了丝绸。 A mulberry leaf touched with the genius of man becomes silk.
一切的一切毫无意义--除非我们付诸行动。 All are of no value unless they are followed by action.
这团火燃得更旺,向世界宣布我的出类拔萃。 Although I am of the animal kingdom, animal rewards alone will not satisfy me. Within me burns a flame, which has been pasd from generations uncounted and its heat is a constant irritation to my spirit to become better than I am, and I will. I will fan this flame of dissatisfaction and proclaim my uniqueness to the world.
再前进一步,如果没有用,就再向前一步。事实上,每次进步一点点并不太难。 Always will I take another step. If that is of no avail I will take another, and yet another. In truth, one step at a time is not too difficult.
当我受别人的冒犯时,当我遇到不如意的事情时,我只会流泪诅咒,却怎么笑得出来?有一句至理名言,我要反复练习,直到它深入我的骨髓,出口成言,让我永远保持良好的心境。这句话,传自远古时代,它们将陪我度过难关,使我的生活保持平衡。这句至理名言就是:这一切都会过去。 And how can I laugh when confronted with man or deed which offends me so as to bring forth my tears or my curs? Four words I will train mylf to say until they become a habit so strong that immediately they will appear in my
mind whenever good humor threatens to depart from me. The words, pasd down from the ancients, will carry me through every adversity and maintain my life in balance. The four words are: This too shall pass.
这不是轻而易举的事情,要怎样才能做到呢,靠这些羊皮卷就能做到。因为每~卷里都写着一个原则,可以摒除—项坏习惯,换取一个好习惯,使人进步,走向成功。这也是自然法则之一,只有一种习惯才能抑制另一种习惯。所以,为了走好我选择的道路,我必须养成的第一个习惯 And how will I accomplish this difficult feat? Through the scrolls, it will be done, for each scroll contains a principle which will drive a bad habit from my life and replace it with one which will bring me clor to success. For it is another of nature's laws that only a habit can subdue another habit. So, in order for the written words to perform their chon task, I must discipline mylf with the first of my new habits which is as follows:
硕果。在制定目标的时候,不妨参考过去最好的成绩,使其发扬光大。这必须成为我未来生活的目标。永远不要当心目标过高。取法乎上,得其中也,取法中也,得其下也。 And how will I accomplish this? First I will t goals for the day, the week, the month, the year, and my life. Just as the rain must fall before the wheat will crack its shell and sprout, so must I have objectives before my life will crystallize. Intting my goals I will consider my best performance of the past and multiply it a hundredfold. This will be the standard by which I will live in the future. Never will I be of concern that my goals are too high for is it not better to aim my spear at the moon and strike only an eagle than to arm my spear at the eagle and strike only a rock?
监控方案我该怎样行动呢?我要爱每个人的言谈举止,因为人人都有值得钦佩的性格,虽然有时不易察觉。我要用爱摧毁困住人们心灵的高墙,那充满怀疑与仇恨的用墙。我要铺一座通向人们心灵的桥梁。 And how will I act? I will love all manners of men for each has qualities to be admired even though they be hidden. With love I will tear down the wall fo suspicion and hate which they have built round their hearts and in its place will I build bridges so that my love may enter their souls.
我该怎样面对遇到的每一个人呢?只有一种办法,我要在心里默默地为他祝福。这无言的爱会闪现在我的眼神里,流露在我的眉宇间,让我嘴角挂上微笑,在我的声音里响起共鸣。在这无奈的爱意里,他的心扉问我敞开入他不再拒绝我推销的货物。 And how will I confront each whom I meet? In only one way. In silence and to mylf I will address him and say I Love You. Though spoken in silence the words will shine in my eyes, unwrinkle my brow, bring a smile to my lips, and echo in my voice; and hisheart will be opened. And who is there who will say nay to my goods when his heart feels my love?
我该怎样做呢?从今往后,我对一切都要满收爱心,这样才能获得新生。我爱太阳,它温暖我的身体;我爱雨水。它洗净我的灵魂;我爱光明,它为我指引道路;我也爱黑夜,它让我看到星辰、我迎接快乐,它使我心胸开阔;我忍受悲伤,它升华我的灵魂;我接受报酬。因为我为此付出汗水;我不怕困难,因为它们给我挑战。 And how will I do this? Henceforth will I look on all things with love and I will be born again. I will love the sun for it warms my bones; yet I will love the rain for it cleans my spirit. I will love the light for it shows me the way; yet I will love the darkness for it shows me the stars. I will welcome happiness for it enlarges my heart; yet I will endure sadness for it opens my soul. I will ac
knowledge rewards for they are my due; yet I will welcome obstacles for they are my challenge.
我怎样才能控制情绪,让每天充满幸福和欢乐?我要学会这个千古秘诀:弱者任思绪控制行为,强者让行控制思绪。每天醒来当我被悲伤、自怜、失败的情绪包围时,我就这样与之对抗: And how will I master my emotions so that every day is a happy day, and a productive one? I will learn this cret of the ages: Weak is he who permits his thoughts to control his actions; strong is he who forces his actions to control his thoughts. Each day, when I awaken, I will follow this plan of battle before I am captured by the forces of sadness, lf-pity and failure-
赚取成仓的金币。 And how will I master the emotions so that each day will be productive? For unless my mood is right the day will be a failure. Trees and plants depend on the weather to flourish but I make my own weather, yea I transport it with me. If I bring rain and gloom and darkness and pessimism to my customers then they will react with rain and gloom and darkness and pessimism and they will purcha naught. If I bring joy and enthusiasm and brightness and laughter to my customers they will react with joy and enthusiasm and brightness and laughter and my weather will produce a harvest of sales and a granary of gold for me.