Lesson 3 The big bull market大牛市 by Frederick Lewis Allen
事情到此还没完。所谓繁荣,并不仅仅指经济形势,也指人们的心理。大牛市并不仅仅只是商业循环中的顶峰,也是美国大众心理和感情变化的顶峰。无论是男是女,每一个美国人的人生态度都在某种程度上受到大牛市的影响。同样,如今希望破碎的过程如此突然而又残酷,每一个美国人也无法幸免。大牛市不复存在,繁荣的世道也渐行渐远,美国人很快就会发现,他们所面对的是一个变革的世界。这个世界需要新的调整,新的理念,新的思维习惯,以及新的价值体系。人们的心理环境在改变,美国人生活中不断变化的各种方式,正在转向新的道路。 战后十年划上了尾声。一个时代就此结束。
1. 1) For whom is the author writing? Economists, government officials, or tho who are interested in finance, business, or social history.
2) Where might he have changed his diction?
He might drop technical terms, such as body economic, liquidation, brokers' loans, rediscount, etc., and add some explanations to the inescapable technical terms.
1. What is he attempting to do in this lection?
Help people cope with the bad situation. Learn from the mistakes of the past, thereby live a better life in the future. Uncover the artificiality of The Big Bull Market. Cheer up the people in the Great Depression.
2. Identify the echoes.
The echoing words are: Dead, disappeared, lost, dropped, debt, and suicide
3. 1) How does P2 carry on the restatement?
In the cond paragraph, the writer carries on the restatement, using dead and dying.
2) Where does this simile appear?
And the simile as poisons reappears in the third ntence: … the poisons were there
4. 1) Where does the writer qualify his topic idea?
In the third ntence, the writer carefully qualifies his topic idea: Although … real encouragement.
2) What words repeat his qualification?
In the last ntence, he repeats it by saying “No matter … conferences …”
健腹轮怎么用3) Which repeat the main subject of economic disaster?
He restates disaster, using 'damage', 'depression.'
4) What signals writer return to the main point? 'Nevertheless'
5. 1) Top ntence and key words of P3
The cond ntence of Paragraph 3 is the topic ntence. 'A state of mind'
2) What terms repeat the meanings of key words?活动教学
'Mass thinking' and 'mass emotion' repeat the idea. It echoes in each ntence of the paragraph: attitude toward life, hope, new adjustments, new ideas, new habits of thought, new order of values, psychological climate.
6. 安定是什么药Compare the last paragraph with the opening ntence.
The last word of the opening ntence of this article is 'dead'. In the last paragraph, the author us the words 'clo' and 'end' to echo the word 'dead' in both n and rhythm. So the author's idea has come full circle.
7. 1) Of ven syllables, how many are stresd?
Of the ven words in the first ntence, four are stresd.
2) What is their effect?
The three successive stress are 'big bull market.' The effect is strong, shocking, rhythmical and emphatic, indicating a sharp contrast with the following word 'dead.'
3) What happens to the rhythm and emphasis?
夸夸其谈是什么意思If we substitute 'colossal' for 'big, the effect will be less strong, the rhythm spoiled, the emphasis weakened.
8. How important are the words to the meaning of the paragraph?
The writer arous a strong pensive feeling in the reader. On the other hand, the mirable phenomena are the cold facts, and by listing them together, the reader gets a concrete idea of the situation. So the topic idea of the paragraph is more forcibly expresd; therefore, the argument is more persuasive and convincing.
9. 1) Analyze the repetition of ideas and constructions in paragraph 1
In the first paragraph, the last word of each ntence restatement the same idea. The ntences are all in S + V + O pattern.
2) Where el is the pattern of that ntence repeated?
In Paragraph 3, the cond and the third ntence have the same structure: Prosperity – Big Bull Market; more than – more than; economic condition – business cycle; a state of mind – mass thinking and mass emotion.
10. Look up
bull market: the rising stock market amstress: a woman who job is wing
affluence: wealth impact: influence, strong effect 电力施工
医药行业分析liquidation: the ttlement of a debt commodity: goods, as article of trade
stimulus: something that caus activity proclaim: declare officially
climax: the highest point of a development