
更新时间:2023-06-21 05:58:02 阅读: 评论:0

. Spurgeon
Psalms 53:1 (PSALMS)
This volume completes one half of my labour upon this priceless book, and my humble prayer is that I may be spared to conclude the other portion. So uncertain is human life, and so often have men's best designs remained unfinished, that I will press on with all diligence, lest, perhaps, the lamp of life should go out ere the writer has en by its light the word FINIS at the conclusion of the last ver.
This volume has cost more labour than any other, becau upon the larger proportion of the
Psalms contained in it no great writers have expatiated at length. Some six or ven of them are specially notable, and have, therefore, been expounded and preached upon on all hands, but the rest remain almost untrodden ground in sacred literature, hence the gathering of extracts has required a wider range of reading and far more laborious rearch. Where one author writes upon a portion of Scripture, all write, while other passages remain almost untouched. This has driven me very much more to the Latin authors, and in them to a vein of exposition very little worked in the days. The neglect of the voluminous expositors is, however, not very censurable, for as a rule the authors are rather heavy than weighty. "Art is long and life is short", hence I found mylf unequal to the unaided accomplishment of my task, and I have had to call in the aid of my excellent friend Mr. Gracey, the accomplished classical tutor of "the Pastors' College", to assist me in the work of winnowing the enormous heaps of Latin comments. Huge folios, full of dreary word spinning, yield here and there a few goodly grains, and the, I trust, will be valuable enough to my readers to repay my coadjutor and mylf for our pains. For the lection of extracts I alone am responsible, for the accuracy of the translations w
e are jointly accountable. The reader will note that not without much expen of money, as well as toil, he has here furnished to his hand the pith of Venema, Le Blanc, Lorinus, Gerhohus, Musculus, Martin Geier, Mollerus, and Simon de Muis; with occasional notes from Vitringa, Jannius, Savonarola, Vatablus, Turrecremata, Marloratus, Palanterius, Theodoret, and others, as they were judged worthy of inrtion. I can truly say that I have never flinched from a difficulty, or spared exertion in order to make the work as complete as it lay in my power to render it, either by my own endeavours or the help of others. My faithful amanuensis, Mr. Keys, has been spared to me, and has been a continual visitor at the British Muum, Lambeth Palace, Dr. Williams' Muum, and Sion College; and many have been the courtesies which, despite differences of creed, I have received in his person from tho who are in authority in tho treasures of literature; for all which I would now record my hearty thanks.
9画的字No object has been before me but that of rving the church and glorifying God by doing this work right thoroughly. I cannot hope to be remunerated pecuniarily; if only the bare outlay be met I shall be well content, the rest is an offering to the best of Masters, who
word is meat and drink to tho who study it. The enjoyment of the work is more than sufficient reward, and the hope of helping my brethren in their biblical studies is very sweet to me.
The late increa of wages to printers, and the ri both in paper and binding, may compel an advance in the very low price charged for the volumes hitherto, but this shall not be made unless it becomes absolutely necessary to screen me from loss. As a larger sale will cure a return of my outlay, the matter is mainly in the hands of the public. Volume 1 being now in the third edition, and the cond edition of Volume 2 being upon the press, I am led to hope that the prent volume will also meet with a large and rapid sale; and if so, the old price may suffice to cover the outlay.
My venerable friend, Mr. George Rogers, has furnished me with many hints for the notes to village preachers, and it is hoped that this portion of the work has been so improved that it will not be the least uful part of it. Testimonies received lead to the belief that in the two former volumes numerous students have found help in that department.
There is no need to multiply words in this preface, but it is incumbent upon me to bless the Lord for help given, help daily and hourly sought while I have been occupied in this rvice; and it is also on my heart to ask a favourable mention of my volumes among their friends from tho who kindly appreciate them.
. Spurgeon.
Clapham, March, 1872.
Title. To the Chief Musician. If the leader of the choir is privileged to sing the jubilates of divine grace, he must not disdain to chant the miries of human depravity. This is the cond time he has had the same Psalm entrusted to him (e Psalm 14.), and he must, therefore, be the more careful in singing it. Upon Mahalath. Here the tune is chon for the musician, probably some mournfully solemn air; or perhaps a musical instrument is here indicated, and the master of the choir is requested to make it the prominent instrume
nt in the orchestra; at any rate, this is a direction not found in the former copy of the Psalm, and ems to call for greater care. The word "Mahalath"猪肋排的做法 appears to signify, in some forms of it, "dia, "and truly this Psalm is THE SONG OF MAN'S DISEASE-- the mortal, hereditary taint of sin. Maschil.渔家傲秋思教案 This is a cond additional note not found in Psalm 14, indicating that double attention is to be given to this most instructive song. A Psalm of David. It is not a copy of the fourteenth Psalm, emended and revid by a foreign hand; it is another edition by the same author, emphasid in certain parts, and rewritten for another purpo.
Subject. The evil nature of man is here brought before our view a cond time, in almost the same inspired words. All repetitions are not vain repetitions. We are slow to learn, and need line upon line. David after a long life, found men no better than they were in his youth. Holy Writ never repeats itlf needlessly, there is good cau for the cond copy of this Psalm; let us read it with more profound attention than before. If our age has advanced from fourteen to fifty-three, we shall find the doctrine of this Psalm more evident than in our youth.
The reader is requested to peru Psalm 14, "Treasury of David, "Vol.
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Ver. 1. The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. And this he does becau he is a fool. Being a fool he speaks according to his nature; being a great fool he meddles with a great subject, and comes to a wild conclusion. The atheist is, morally as well as mentally, a fool, a fool in the heart as well as in the head; a fool in morals as well as in philosophy. With the denial of God as a starting point, we may well conclude that the fool's progress is a rapid, riotous, raving, ruinous one. He who begins at impiety is ready for anything.
No God, being interpreted, means no law, no order, no restraint to lust, no limit to passion. Who but a fool would be of this mind? What a Bedlam, or rather what an Aceldama, would the world become if such lawless principles came to be universal! He who heartily entertains an irreligious spirit, and follows it out to its legitimate issues is a so
n of Belial, dangerous to the commonwealth, irrational, and despicable. Every natural man is, more or less a denier of God. Practical atheism is the religion of the race.
Corrupt are they. They are rotten. It is idle to compliment them as sincere doubters, and amiable thinkers--they are putrid. There is too much dainty dealing nowadays with atheism; it is not a harmless error, it is an offensive, putrid sin, and righteous men should look upon it in that light. All men being more or less atheistic in spirit, are also in that degree corrupt; their heart is foul, their moral nature is decayed.

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