1、A Red, Red Ro Robert Burns
1)总分析it is a very popular poem for his beautiful words and sound, using many key poetic devices to describe his eternal and passionate love、 He describes his passion and emotion using a lot of imagery, symbolism, rhyme, and repetition which appeals to the ns including the heart 2)Theme : The speaker loves the young lady beyond measure through vivid similes and hyperbolic comparisons、Love:—express 露脸才是王道speaker's powerful, undying love-is lasting,real,awesomely awesome、 Nature: Rocks, as, sand, ros—many nature、Time: "A Red, Red Ro" has time on its side、
3)Structure: a)Stanza1: compare his sweet heart as a red ro and sweet music、b)Stanza2-3 : swear that he will love her for ever, and assure that he will never change his heart、c)Stanza4: assure his lover that he will leave for a short time but will come back no matter how far it is、
4)Form: Scottish Folklore, short lines, strong rhythm、 The first and third lines have 8 syllables and the cond and fourth lines have 6 syllable in the first two stanzas and 7 sylla
bles in the cond two stanzas、 Rhyming abab、 U simile to express the strong affection which can not be controlled、 And u repetition to intensify his emotion、
5)Meter:This one's a classic, so it's no wonder it us some of the most classic forms in all of poetry and music、 "A Red, Red Ro" is written partly in ballad meter (the first eight lines) and partly in common meter (the last eight lines)、 It alternates between iambic tetrameter in the odd-numbered lines and iambic trimeter in the even-numbered ones、 A line of iambic tetrameter consists of four (tetra-) iambs, a foot that contains an unstresd syllable followed by a stresd syllable、 Line 5 is a great example: As fair art thou, my bonn-ie lass、 Iambic trimeter, as you might have already guesd, is the same as iambic tetrameter, except there are three (tri-) iambs instead of four, as in line 2: That's new-ly sprung in June、 But line 10, It has ven syllables, when it should have six、 Let's assume the line's first foot is not an iamb but an anapest、 If we scan the line in the following way, we have a line of neat, flowing trimeter: And the rocks melt wi' the sun、
2、I Wondered Lonely as A Cloud William Wordsworth
1)Theme:N喝牛奶可以美白吗ature's beauty uplifts the human spirit、 Lines 15, 23, and 24 specifically refer to this theme;People sometimes fail to appreciate nature's wonders as they go about their daily routines、 Lines 17 and 18 suggest this theme;Nature thrives unattended、 The daffodils proliferate in splendor along the shore of the lake without the need for human attention、
2)Genre:Lyric poem
3)Rhyme Skill:ababcc, efefgg, hihikk, lmlmnn
4)Structure:Meter of the poem is in Iambic Tetrameter:each lines has four iambs(unaccented syllable/accented syllable)four stanzas, each including 6 lines:Summary, Stanza1:Wandering like a cloud, the speaker happens upon daffodils fluttering in a breeze on the shore of a lake, beneath trees、 Daffodils are plants in the lily family with yellow flowers and a crown shaped like a trumpet、 Click here to e imag
es of daffodils、Summary, Stanza 2自驾旅游The daffodils stretch all along the shore、 Becau there are so many of them, they remind the speaker of the Milky Way, the galaxy that scientists say contains about one trillion stars, including the sun、 The speaker humanizes the daffodils when he says they are engaging in a dance、 Summary, Stanza 3 In their gleeful fluttering and dancing, the daffodils outdo the rippling waves of the lake、 But the poet does not at this moment fully appreciate the happy sight before him、 In the last line of the stanza, Wordsworth us anastrophe, writing the show to me had brought instead of the show brought to me、 Anastrophe is an inversion of the normal word order、 Summary, Stanza 4 Not until the poet later mus about what he saw does he fully appreciate the cheerful sight of the dancing daffodils、 Wordsworth again us anastrophe, writing when on my couch I lie and my heart with pleasure fills、
3、Break,break,break Alfred Tennyson天津大学精仪学院
1)Themes: death, sadness, time, language and communication Break, Break, Break is an elegy by Alfred Lord Tennyson on the death of his friend Arthur Hallam、 The author imag
北京传统小吃ines to be standing near the cliff on the ashore and addressing to the a waves which are lashing the rocks repeatedly、 The poet finds an analogy and express it implicitly、
2)总体分析The poem is remarkable for the sound symbolism in it、 The refrain “Break, Break, Break” that consists of one word repeated thrice parallels the waves that repeatedly beat the cliffs、 Syntactically (structure of ntence) the line is a broken ntence、 Economically empathic, the idea is further reinforced by the nature of the very sound the word is made of、 The ntence of b-r-k makes a cracking sound; ‘b’ explodes; ‘r’ is harsh and ‘k’ stops before the pau of comma, ‘gray’, ‘stone’, ‘utter’, ‘crag’, ‘dead’ and even ‘tender’ (ironically) reiterate the same plosive, harsh and heavy sounds、They go together with the ideas of grief and the wish of breaking wherever they occur、 We can also draw a neat distinction of the features with the abnce of such sounds in the cond and third stanza, which draw a picture of carefree children’s life and the ships、A huge part of the effect of this poem is due to the rhythm of the words and the rhyme, and "quatrains in irregular iambic tetrameter" is just the fancy way of describing that rhythm、The poem is written in four stanzas of four lines each: the first fo
ur and the last six are about grief, and the third stanza falls short of giving happy life、 A quatrain is a four-line stanza、 This poem is broken into four stanzas, each with four lines、 It's awfully symmetrical、 Each quatrain can be broken down further according to its rhyme scheme: the rhyme is a regular ABCB – the cond and fourth lines always rhyme、
4、Becau I Could Not for Death Emily Dickinson
1)It is a lyric poem on the theme of death-reveals the author's calm acceptance of death、 The author appears to review the stages of her life: childhood (the recess scene), maturity (the ripe, hence, “gazing” grain), and the descent into death (the tting sun)–as she pass to the other side、2)Dickinson describes dying and immortality in the dominant metaphor of a carriage on a journey、In Stanza1,Death, accompanied by Immortality, stops to pick up the speaker in a carriage、 In stanzas2-4, they journey, leaving earthly life behind them (labor,children,setting sun)、 In stanza5,they pau before the grave (swelling of the ground), and stanza6 depicts the speaker centuries later,
speaking from eternity、山茶花怎么养3)Dickinson on the u of capital letters and dashes, highlight the image, to strengthen the poetic effect、makes the death personified、4)Dickinson break the rules of classical poetry, created the unique iambic quad tones and three sound iambic together, makes it more musical、 In addition to the fourth stanza, other ver of the first row and the third row is eight syllables four parts, the cond line and the fourth row is six syllable three parts、 Iambic apply make poetry rhythm strength obviously, has the beauty of music、