Fill in the blanks with a, an, some or any.
1. Are there ______girls in your football team?
2. Do you have ______pictures?
3. Have ______nuts!
ps改颜色励志鸡汤语录4. Is there ______sugar in my coffee?
5. My brother has ______new jeans. 秋分日
6. Are there ______apples on the tree in your garden?
7. Have we got ______butter?
8. They've got ______baby giraffe in the zoo.
9. I'm going to the market to buy ______fruits.
10. There isn't ______tea in the pot.
党支部成立大会11. They can have ______bread and butter if they're hungry.
12. Are there ______eggs in the fridge?
13. There's ______policeman at the door.
14. Is there ______news about the plane crash?
15. There was ______accident on the bridge last night.
三鲜汤面16. There are ______good films on at the moment.
17.My aunt is living in ______very nice hou outside the city .
18.I can't brush my teeth becau there isn't ______toothpaste left.
19. Let me give you ______advice.
20. There aren't ______taxis here. You must walk down the street. 电瓶车牌子
21. The dog is thirsty . Give him ______water.
22. You need ______paper and ______pair of scissors.
23. Have you got ______antiptic cream ?
24. ______flowers arrived for you this morning.
25. I'm going to get ______money from the cash machine.