Total Physical Respon (TPR)简介
TPR“全身反应法”是上世纪60年代(那个语言学“火红的年代”)由美国心理学教授James Asher提出的。他分析研究母语实现的过程,倡导把“语言”和“行为”联系在一起,通过左右脑的共同协调训练建立语言思维,达到掌握外语的目的。具体实现方式是:通过语言学习者听到一个外语指令,用身体动作对它做出对相应的反应,从而使听者逐渐自然建立语言能力。最典型的例子就是当听到“Stand Up”就从坐位上站起来,听到“Touch your no”就去摸自己的鼻子。应用更多的手势和简单实物教具,TPR完全可以展示动词的不同时态以及复杂的句子形式。
1. 主张学习者通过“可理解输入”先建立听力能力,不强迫学生开口说;
如何学习唱歌2. 降低学生紧张情绪;
3. 左右脑协调使用,共同实现语言能力(左脑负责接受指令,右脑负责做动作);
4. 模仿真实的语言环境;
5. 不教语法知识,也不急于学读写;
TPR一般需要由有经验的教师辅导学生完成,特别是零基础者。但有一些基础的同学可以在学友之间甚至自己(先把指令录下)完成。本人认为有一点基础的同学也要自己尝试一下TPR。通过TPR的经历,可以很好地帮助建立英文思维。所以同学们不要认为:我懂Stand up的意思,不用做了。知道你懂了,但可能它只是一个记忆中的知识或中文的解释,它还不是你思维的一部分。直到重复过几遍,最后能迅速对指令不假思索地作出反应后,才逐渐实现融入自己的思维。大家可以想象这对咱们今后听复杂句子的“反应速度”会有多么重大影响。
502 Words that Can Be Learned with Total Physical Respon (TPR), By Domain.
Note: The following is a first list of just some of the words that can easily be learned using TPR. It is exemplary, not comprehensive, and can be ud as a start to make of list of 1,000 or even 2,000 words.A few the words are culture/county specific but you can replace them with things from where you are.
——Completed by Buke Qian
General Body Movements
1. stand up 2. sit down 3. walk 4. stop 5. turn left 6. turn right 7. turn around 8. walk backwards 9. jump 10. hop-单足跳,齐足跳,跳跃 11. bend over 12. squat-蹲,跪下 13. walk 3 steps, 5 steps, etc. 14. face ___ (face me; face the wall, face the door, etc.) 15. lift up your right leg (left leg, right arm, etc.) 16. lower your leg (left leg, right arm, etc.) 17. shake my hand 18. kiss me (on the cheek!) 19. make a fist 20. clap your hands 21. snap your fingers 22. wave
facial things
23. smile 24. cough 25. laugh 26. cry 27. sneeze 28. open your mouth 29. clo your mouth 30. stick out your tongue 31. put your tongue back in 32. wink 33. blink 34. wiggle your no
General verbs you can u with objects
35. where is 36. touch 37. show me 38. pick up 39. put down 40. put it back (return) 41. drop 42. move 43. give me (give him) 44. take it back 45. throw 46. catch 47. turn over (flip) 48. put the _____ on (under etc.) the ______ 49. push 50. pull 51. lift-举起,抬起
kitchen table stuff
52. cup 53. plate 54. bowl 55. knife 56. fork 57. spoon 58. napkin / tissue 59. dish
60. big round rving tray-上菜等用的大托盘
61. tray you'd rve tea or coffee on 62. table 63. chair
kitchen stuff
64. pan 65. oven-烤箱,烤炉 66. stove-烤炉 67. sink-水池,水槽
68. faucet-水龙头 69. counter 70. cupboard 71. refrigerator
basic foods
72. flour-面粉 73. sugar 74. bread 75. tea leaves 76. coffee grounds
77. rice 78. nuts 79. yogurt 80. candy, etc.
81. water 82. milk 83. juice 84. soda 85. yogurt (drinking) 86. coffee 87. tea
88. apple 89. banana(banana peel) 90. orange 91. plum-梅子,李子 92. grapes 93. fig-无花果 94. dates-椰枣 95. raisons 96. lemon 97. pomegranate-石榴 98. watermelon 99. tomato
100. cucumber 101. zucchini-小胡瓜,夏南瓜 102. onion 103. carrot 104. eggplant-茄子 105. small eggplant 106. potato
107. garlic-大蒜 108. parsley-欧芹 109. lettuce-莴笋
110. grape leaves 111. celery-芹菜 112. mint-薄荷
113. cabbage, etc.
numbers (by using pens, for example)
114. one——123. ten 124. eleven, etc.
words having to do with a door
125. door 126. key 127. doorknob-门把手 128. hinge-铰链,合叶 129. peephole-窥视孔,猫眼 130. doorbell 131. open the door
132. clo the door 133. lock the door 134. unlock the door
135. look through the peephole 136. ring the doorbell
137. knock on the door
words having to do with money
138. coin 139. bill 140. 1 qirsh coin-1约旦硬币 141. 5 qirsh coin 142. 10 qirsh coin 143. 25 qirsh coin 144. 50 qirsh coin 145. 可爱男生动漫头像1 dinar coin-一第纳尔硬币 146. 1 dinar bill 147. 5 dinar bill 148. 10 dinar bill
149. 20 dinar bill 150. pay me 35 qirsh, etc. 151. put 1 dinar in your pocket, etc. 152. give me change for this 1 dinar bill
words having to do with a castte recorder/radio/etc.放假时间
153. castte recorder-录音带,磁带 154. button 155. microphone –麦克风156. speaker 157. headphones-耳机,听筒 158. volume control 159. DC adapter jack郭子恒 160. DC adapter 161. handle 162. front 163. back 164. side 165. battery cover-电池容量 166. battery 167. play button 168. record button 169. rewind button-倒卷键