Unit 5 Theme Parks全单元教案
(Teaching aims and demands)
类别 | 课程标准要求掌握的项目 |
话 题 | Entertainment: different types of theme parks; theme parks in different cultures. |
词 汇 | theme amu amument various variety shuttle charge admission profit souvenir athletic brand equipment sneaker minority fantasy ttler experiment advance advanced technique test cloth jungle creature volunteer translator |
come to life get clo to |
功 能 | 问路 (Asking the, way): How far is / are ...? It's about 10 minutes' walk. How can we get to ....? It's about 200 metres away. It's just behind the .... Over there is the .... Can / Could you tell / show ? Down, the path you can e .... Go down this path; and turn left / right at the first crossing. |
语 法 | 构词法 (Word formation): 1. 合成法 (Compounding): watermelon, kind-hearted, downtown, life-size, handsome, hardworking, ice cream 2. 派生法 (Derivation): 前缀:supermarket, disagree, enlarge, unfair, subway, mini-skirt 后缀:amument, ttler, imagination, admission, careful, clearly |
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笑 冰心
“热身”(Warming Up)与“读前”(Pre-reading)部分,先以图片呈现不同风格的主题公园,引起学生兴趣,然后提出问题,便于学生小组讨论。
(Comprehending)部分,通过释读题目(THEME PARKS-FUN AND MORE THAN FUN),明确建造主题公园的目的,帮助学生加深对本单元主题的理解。
“语言学习”(Learning about Language)部分,涉及阅读中的重点词汇,归纳、介绍了一些构词法知识,如合成法、派生法(前缀、后缀),对于学生有效的记忆词汇、了解英语词汇的构成会有一定的帮助。
“语言运用”(Using Language)部分,通过听、读和说、写的训练,介绍了深圳的中华民俗文化村、法国的“观测未来”(FUTUROSCOPE)科技主题公园,让学生在情景中运用语言,同时了解不同文化背景、不同类型的主题公园,拓宽视野。写作部分要求学生以义务导游的身份自选一个主题乐园,写一篇介绍短文;说的部分、要求学生以“问路”为题,进行角色扮演。这些为学生提供了更多使用本单元所学语言的情景和机会。
“小结”(Summing Up)部分要求学生就本单元的话题、词汇和结构三个方面进行归纳和总结。本单元语法部分的构词法对于英语词汇学习有着重要的意义。可以结合学生用书附录中有关构词法的语法材料,小结合成法、派生法和转义法。
“学习建议”(Learning Tip)部分提醒学生注意在公园等场所的英语标志或说明,抓住一切机会提高阅读能力,并比较汉语和英语的差别。
第一课时:Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading & Comprehension
第二课时:Learning about Language
第三课时:Using Language
Period 1 Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading & Comprehension
Step1. Before learning this unit, I will introduce some background information to the students. And show some pictures of the theme parks and other kinds of parks.
Here are some questions in page 33. Discuss the questions with your parter.
1. What is a park? What is a park for?
2. Do you know the differences between a theme park and an ordinary park?
Give the students veral minutes to discuss then ask 2-3 students to state their ideas.
Theme parks: provide entertainment,
a variety of things to e and do,
charge money for admission.
After knowing this, let’s come to the vocabularies.
手雷英文Step 2.Vocabularies
List some new words on the blackboard and give the explanation to students.
Step3.Pre-reading: What do you suppo a theme park is?
Reading: Theme Parks — Fun and More Than Fun
The title means that theme parks are fun to visit, but that they can also be educational and can offer uful information.
Let’s go to the theme parks in the world------Disneyland.
Introduce the Disneyland to the students: such as Ferris wheel; Free-fall rides; Merry-go-round; Roller-coaster rides.
Step4. Fast-reading: complete the table
Park Name | Theme | Example of Activities |
Disneyland | Fairy tale stories | Travel through space, visit a pirate ship, meet fairy tale characters, ride a swinging ship, go on a free-fall drop |
Dollywood | Culture of the southeastern USA | Listen to America country music, e traditional craftsmen and their work, try some traditional candy, ride on an old stream stream engine, e bald eagles, rid on Thunderhead and other rides |
promi Camelot | ancient English history and stories | Watch magic shows, e fighting with swords or on horback, visit farm ction, learn about farms in ancient England |
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Questions for fast reading:
What theme parks are mentioned in the text?
(Disneyland, Dollywood, Camelot )
Skimming: find out the main idea of each paragraph.
Answers: 围兜英文
Para. 1: Different kinds of theme parks.
Para. 2: Disneyland
Para. 3: Dollywood
Para. 4: England’s Camelot Park
Step5. Language points in the text
1. theme: a main subject or idea
e.g. The theme for tonight’s talk is education.
2. fun: enjoyment; pleasure (U)
have fun: enjoy onelf 尽情地玩
for fun: for pleasure 为了娱乐
a lot of / much / no fun 有趣/没趣
(be) in fun 在开玩笑
The little cat is full of fun.
It’s no fun spending the weekend doing nothing.
Other vocabularies such as more than, variety, wander, amu onelf, wherever, no wander, whatever ect.
Step4. Careful reading(according to the following questions):
look intoWhat do parks provide people with ?