abstract: in order to reduce the cost of the duplex stainless steel, and improve its hot-working character and weldability to increa the relative competitive advantages,since 2000, it has become the important development trend of the study of duplex stainless steel material to develop the economical duplex stainless steel with low nickel, and no molybdenum or only a small amount of molybbepopular
绍兴教育网denum. in 2006, the outokupmu company takes the lead in developing the economical duplex stainless steel s32101, and obtains a remarkable success. the plate rolling, medium plate and bar products made of the material have been widely applied in storage tanks, bridges, coastal buildings, and nuclear power. so far,the s32101 economical duplex stainless steel have been included in the united states astm standards for no.s32101. this paper introduces the organization, performance and application of economical duplex stainless steel s32101, especially the mechanical properties, corrosion resistance and welding performance, and compaperd with the austenitic stainless steel 304 l.the results show that the cost of duplex stainless steel s32101 is less than that of austenitic stainless steel 304l, while with better mechanical properties and corrosion resistance. thus, the duplex stainless steel is a kind of economical alternative materials, and is expected to get a more widely ud.
keywords: economical duplex stainless steel; s32101; mechanical properties; corrosion resistance; weldability;
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0 序言
铁素体-奥氏体双相不锈钢(duplex stainless steel简称dss) 发明于20世纪30年代,但由于存在材料、焊接等问题,一直没有
risk的用法大规模应用。直到20世纪70年代,随着冶金技术进步和对氮元素对不锈钢重要作用的认识,开发了新型的第二代含氮双相不锈钢,材料的焊接性得到改善,才使双相不锈钢在国外大量应用,20世纪90年代开始国内也逐步大量使用[1]。进入2000年以后,双相不锈钢的发展呈现两种趋势。一方面进一步提高钢中合金元素含量以获得更高强度和更加优良的耐蚀性,如sandvik开发的2906和3207;另一方面转向开发低镍量且不含钼或仅含少量钼甚至无镍的经济型双相不锈钢,以降低双相不锈钢的成本和售价,并显著改善双相不锈钢的热加工性和焊接性,从而增加双相不锈钢与其他类型不锈钢的竞争优势。s32101(以下简称2101)属于经济型双相不锈钢中的典型钢种,低镍高氮,含少量的mo,具有高强度的同时还具有良好的耐蚀性,优异的综合性能使得它在许多领域呈现逐步替代304l的趋势,如储罐、桥梁、沿海建筑、核电等领域[2, 3]。目前在ap1000核电中已大量投入使用,代替了核电中其它类型的304l钢板。
1 成分与组织
表1给出了双相不锈钢2101的成分典型值。2101中cr含量21.5 %左右,可以保证合金具有优良的耐腐蚀性能;同时ni含量只有1.5 %左右,与常规304l中ni含量大于8 %相比,贵重
financial crisis
love money>theslam>popular的用法元素ni的含量显著降低,这将大幅度降低合金的原材料成本,尤其是避免镍价的剧烈波动对用户带来的影响。合金中添加了高达0.2 %的n,n的添加可以直接替代镍的奥氏体形成和稳定作用,保证合金在ni含量较低时保持适当的奥氏体比例。n的添加还将提高合金的强度和耐蚀性,但同时也增加了合金冶炼和轧制生产的难度。 表1双相不锈钢2101和奥氏体不锈钢304l化学成分(质量分数,%) 图1为2101的金相组织。其中岛状分布的明亮相为奥氏体相,而灰色的基体组织为铁素体相。白色的奥氏体相呈现方向性的拉长,这是由于热加工比如锻造和轧制造成的奥氏体呈现带状延长。采用定量金相法测定其中奥氏体含量为48 %,余下为铁素体相,呈现出典型的双相不锈钢组织,双相不锈钢组织特点是组织中铁素体组织与奥氏体组织的比例接近1:1。这也说明表1中的成分设计在降低材料成本的同时,组织上能够确保合金中奥氏体相的含量。 lavalava>郑州国际学校