aerial | adj. | of, from, happening in the air |
airborne | adj. | in the air or carried by air or wind |
alternative | n. | a choice between two things |
altruism | n. | principle of considering the well-being and happiness of others first 利他主义 |
altruistic | adj. | 利他的;利他主义的 |
aluminum | n. | a silver-white metal that is a simple substance light in weight |
amplitude | n. | the distance between the middle and top of a wave (such as a sound wave) 振幅 |
antenna | n. | an aerial 天线 |
antler | n. | automataa horn with branches which grows on the head of a male deer |
apparatus | n. | a t of instruments, machines, etc. that wok together for a particular purpo |
aquatic | adj. | living or happening in or on water |
badger | n. | 獾 |
bandwidth | n. | 带宽 |
barbarous | adj. | very crule; uncivilid |
binary | adj. | consisting of two things or parts;double e.g. Computers operate using binary numbers. |
birch | n. | 白桦 |
breakthrough | n. | the action of forcing a way through or making a discovery e.g. An important breakthrough in negotiations has been achieved. |
brood | n. | a family of young birds or other young creatures |
budget | n. | a plan of how to spend money |
bugle | n. | a musical wind instrument of copper or brass ud for military signals 军号,喇叭 |
bustard | n. | a large swift-running bird 鸨鸟 |
camcorder | n. | a combination of a small video camera and recording device 家庭手提摄像机 |
cardinal | adj. | most irnportant;main |
cascade | n. | a steep, high and usu. small waterfall |
cellular | adj. | having many holes 蜂窝式(如电话) |
coaxial | adj. | 共轴的,同轴的 |
cobalt | n. | a strong shiny silver-white magnetic metal 钴 |
congregation | n. | a group of people gathered together |
coot | n. | a type of water bird with dark grey feathers and a short beak |
coranto | n. | 报纸(现仅用于报纸名) |
demodulate | v. | 解调;检波 |
designate | v. | to point out or call by a special name |
sonedisgruntled | adj. | annoyed and disappointed |
disparagingly | adv. | 轻视地,贬低地 |
dismination | n. | spreading (news, ideas, etc.) widely |
dolphin | n. | a a animal like a porpoi 海豚 |
electromagnetic | adj. | 电磁的 |
elicit | v. | to get, draw out (facts, information, etc.) |
elk | n. | 麋鹿 |
emancipate | v. | to make free socially, politically, and in law |
emblem | n. | an object which is the sign of sth. e.g. A dove is often ud as an emblem of peace. |
etymological | adj. | 词源学的 |
exhilaration | n. | making cheerful and excited |
facsimile | n. | an exact copy, esp. of a document 摹写, 传真 |
falcon | n. | a bird that kills and eats other animals 隼 |
flint | 乔布斯简历n. | very hard fine-textured grey stone that makes small flashes of flame when struck with steel 燧石;火石 |
floppy | adj. | soft and easily bent |
flowchart | n. | (生产)流程图 |
forage | v. | to wander about looking for food and other supplies |
formulaic | adj. | containing or made up of fixed expressions or t forms of words 公式的, 刻板的 |
globalisation | n. | 全球化 |
gravity | n. | the natural force by which objects are attracted to each other | 坚强的英语
grou | n. | a bird with feathered feet, shot for sport and food 松鸡 |
hive | n. | a place like a box where bees live |
hold forth | to speak at length 大发议论 | |
honeycomb | n. | a container made of beeswax and consisting of 6-sided cells in which honey is stored |
horizontal | adj. | in the flat position, along or parallel to the ground |
ignite | v. | to (cau to) start to burn |
infiltrate | v. | fldsto (cau to) pass through or into by filtering; (of ideas) to pass into people's mind 过滤; (思想)渗入 |
ingenious | adj. | (of a person) clever and skillful (at making or inventing) |
innate | adj. | (of a quality) in one's nature possd from birth 天生的 |
instantaneous | adj. | happening at once |
insulate | v. | to protect from outside influence 隔离, 使孤立 |
intermittent | adj. | not continuous 间断的 |
internalisation | n. | 内在化 |
laureate | n. | a poet officially appointed to the Royal Houhold in GB,who writes poems on state occasions 桂冠诗人 |
linger | v. | to be slow to disappear |
litter | n. | a group of young animals born at the same time to one mother |
makeshift | n. | sth. ud at the time becau there is nothing better 代用品,权宜之计 |
mallard | n. | a type of wild duck 绿头鸭 |
martial | adj. | of or concerning war, sodiers, etc. 战争的,好战的 |
microchip | n. | 芯片 |
modem | n. | 调制解调器 |
modulation | n. | the action of modulating 调节,调制 |
multiparous | adj. | 一产多胎的 |
nectar | n. | the sweet liquid collected by bees from flowers |
nightingale | n. | a type of bird known for the beautiful song heard at night |
nimbleness | n. | quick and light movement |
nip | v. | to cut off |
nipple | n. | the part of a woman's breast through which a baby can suck milk |
nomination | n. | the action or result of suggesting or naming officially for election to a position,office, etc.提名,任命 |
ointment | n. | a medicinal paste made from oil or fat and ud on the skin (to heal injury) 膏药 |
override | v. | to prevail over (sb.'s opinion,decision,claim, etc.) e.g.This problem overrides all other matters. |
panel | n. | a small group of people chon to give advice or publicly discuss their opinions as entertainment 公开讨论的专门小组 |
papyrus | n. | a tall grass-like plant that grows in or near water 纸莎草 |
parchment | n. | a writing material ud in ancient time,made from the skin of a sheep or goat 羊皮纸 |
partridge | n. | a sort of birds of the same family as the pheasant |
patch | n. | a small differently coloured part of a surface |
patent | n. | 专利,专利权,专利证,专利品 |
perch | n. | a branch, rod, etc. where a bird rests |
perverance | n. | continual steady effort made to fulfil some aim 耐性,坚忍不拔 |
pheasant | n. | any of various large long-tailed birds hunted for food 野鸡 |
phosphor | n. | 磷光体 |
pivot | v. | to turn round on or as if on a pivot (于旋轴上)旋转 |
plaque | n. | a flat metal or stone plate with writing on it, fixed to a wall in memory of a person or event 匾牌,饰板 |
Pleistocene | adj. | 更新式的 |
plumage | n. | bird's feathers |
pollen | n. | fine yellow powder on the male part of a flower 花粉 |
pollock | n. | 绿鳕,青鳕 |
porpoi | n. | a type of large fish-like a animal 海豚,小鲸 |
predator | n. | a wild animal living by killing and eating other animal 肉食动物 |
prestigious | adj.翻译培训 | having or bringing prestige 有声誉的,受尊敬的 |
primate | n. | a member of the most highly developed group of breast-feeding animal 灵长类动物 |
quail | n. | a kind of small birds 鹌鹑 |
rationalism | n. | the quality or practice of being a rationalist 唯理论 |
regurgitate | v. | to pour out again from the mouth (food already swallowed) 反刍 |
replica | n. | an exact copy |
resonant | adj. | (of a sound)deep, full, clear and continuing 共鸣的 |
retrieval | n. | the act of regaining or bringing back |
retrieve | v. | to regain; to find and bring back |
roe | n. | a small kind of European and Asian deer 雄马鹿 |
maphore | n. | a system of nding massages, using two flags held in each hand in various positions 旗语 |
tback | n. | sth. that happens which delays or prevents a process from advancing |
shatter | v. | to break suddenly into small pieces |
shellac | n. | 虫胶清漆 |
shimmer | v. | to shine with a soft trembling light |
sideband | n. | 边频带 |
simultaneously | adv. | happening or done at the same moment |
snipe | n. | a bird which frequents marshes with a long bill 鹬 |
spectrum | n. | a range of various kinds of waves 频谱 |
spontaneity | n. | the quality of being spontaneous |
spontaneous | adj. | produced from natural feelings 自发的,本能的 |
spruce | n. | 云杉树 |
stereotype | n. | a fixed pattern which is believed to reprent a type of person or event |
stimuli | n. | sth. that stimulates 刺激物,促进因素 |
stork | n. | 鹳 |
tabular | adj. | arranged or displayed in tables 表格式的 |
tattoo | n. | continuous tapping 连续敲打声 |
tedious | adj. | long and tiring; uninteresting |
transaction | n. | (社会交往中的)相互作用 |
transcend | v. | to go beyond; to be better than 超越;胜过 |
transmission | n. | the act of transmitting or of being transmitted |
trendy | adj. | very fashionable; very influenced by the latest fashion 时髦的,随潮流的 |
vandal | n. | a person who intentionally damages or destroys uful things belonging to others 破坏他人财物者 |
varnish | n.wcg是什么 | a smooth or shiny appearance 光泽,装饰 |
velvet | n. | a type of fine cloly-woven cloth 天鹅绒,丝绒 |
vermin | n. | any small kind of animal that destroys crops 害虫,害兽,害人虫 |
vervet | n. | 黑长尾猴 |
vibration | n. | slight continuous shaky movement |
vulture | n. | a type of ugly tropical bird which feeds on dead animals 兀鹰 |
waggle | v. | brushteeth swansonto move frequently from side to side |
warren | n. | an area in which small animals are kept or live 猎苑 |
woodcock | n. | a type of brown woodland bird 丘鹬 |
woodpecker | n. | a type of bird with a long beak, which can make holes in the wood of trees and pull out incts 啄木鸟 |
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